#! /bin/csh # Script to grind nice program listings using TeX. # # written Feb, 1985 by Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (adapted # from the 4.2bsd "vgrind" script). # # Since TeX output handling is site dependent, you'll have to edit this # file to get output to your local typesetting device(s). Our site uses # the flags "-v" (versatec output), "-q" (qms output) and "-k" (keep dvi file) # to route output. Put something appropriate to your site at the "PUT OUTPUT # HANDLING..." comment at the end of this script. If you've already dealt # with this in your local tex command, just change the -v/q/k (or whatever) # cases in the first "switch" to set variable "texoptions" appropriately. # set b=/usr/local/lib/tfontedpr set tex=/usr/local/bin/tex set options= set texoptions= set files= set head="" set format="" set output="ver" top: if ($#argv > 0) then switch ($1:q) case -d: if ($#argv < 2) then echo "tgrind: $1:q option must have argument" goto done else set options = ($options $1:q $2) shift shift goto top endif case -f: set format="Y" shift goto top case -h: if ($#argv < 2) then echo "tgrind: $1:q option must have argument" goto done else set head="$2" shift shift goto top endif case -v: set output="ver" shift goto top case -q: set output="qms" shift goto top case -k: set output="" shift goto top case -*: set options = "$options $1:q" shift goto top default: set files = "$files $1:q" shift goto top endsw endif if ("$format" == "Y") then if ("$head" != "") then $b $options -h "$head" $files else $b $options $files endif goto done endif if ("$head" != "") then $b $options -h "$head" $files >/tmp/$$.tex else $b $options $files >/tmp/$$.tex endif cd /tmp $tex $texoptions $$.tex # PUT OUTPUT HANDLING COMMANDS HERE. /usr/local/bin/iptex $$ rm -f $$.tex $$.dvi $$.log done: