\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{pdbf} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \dbSQLText{CREATE TABLE test(a int, b int, [attribute with space] int); INSERT INTO test VALUES(1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO test VALUES(2, 2, 4); INSERT INTO test VALUES(3, 3, 8); INSERT INTO test VALUES(4, 4, 16);} %\dbSQLFile{somedb.sql} %\dbSQLJDBC{jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres}{postgres}{test}{testtable}% %\dbCSVFile{result.csv}{test} \begin{document} \noindent \sql{SELECT * FROM test;}\\[3pt] The table ``test'' contains \dataText{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test;} tuples.\\[3pt] The following points are linked to the chart on the left side below: \dataText[linkTo=testname, linkSelector=2, linkLabel=Value at 2]{SELECT * FROM test WHERE a=2;}, \dataText[linkTo=testname, linkSelector=3, linkLabel=Value at 3]{SELECT * FROM test WHERE a=3;}.\\[3pt] \chart[width=0.45\textwidth, height=0.3\textwidth, logscale=true, chartType=line, name=testname]{SELECT a, b, [attribute with space] FROM test;} \chart[width=0.45\textwidth, height=0.3\textwidth, chartType=bar]{SELECT a, b, [attribute with space] FROM test;}\\[3pt] {\fontfamily{phv} \tiny \selectfont \noindent Change the font before this line to Helvetica and fontsize to tiny.\\[3pt] \chart[width=0.6\textwidth, height=0.25\textwidth, chartType=compareToBest]{SELECT b FROM test;}\\[3pt] \multiplotChart[width=0.6\textwidth, height=0.5\textwidth, xCount=2, yCount=2, yValues={["b", "b*2"]}, xValues={["a <= 2", "a > 2"]}, topArr={["a smaller or equal 2", "a greater 2"]}, yFirst]{SELECT a,? FROM test WHERE ?;}\\[3pt] \pivotTable[width=0.10\textwidth, height=0.15\textwidth, rows={["a"]}, aggregationattribute=b]{SELECT * FROM test;} \dataTable[verticalLines=i, horizontalLinesHeader=b hh, horizontalLinesBody=i]{SELECT * FROM test;}\\[3pt] } \end{document}