P C W R I T e X PC-WRITE-to-TeX conversion Print to disk from a .DOC file to a .TEX file in order to generate TeX code. MAIN DIFFERENCES (others OK, box chars do tables, math and accents work fine) Alt A  Inoperative  Alt O  Narrower  Alt V  Typewriter type Alt F  Inoperative  Alt P  Small caps  Alt W  Underline  Alt J  skip 1em vert  Alt Q  New page  Alt X Omit indent Alt K  Starts a new line  Alt R  Math mode  Alt Y  Center line  Alt M  skip 1em horiz  Alt T Undefined Alt Z  Literal TeX command  Alt N  itemise para  Alt U  Slanted type  (255) ÿ Math "times" (x) (245) õ Copyright sign (169) © RETURN symbol (221) Ývertical rule (223) ß horizontal rule (176) ° start footnote (Shf Ctl F1) and (177) ± end footnote (Shf Ctl F2) (178) ² start verbatim (Shf Alt F1) and (219) Û end verbatim (Shf Alt F2) (222) Þ start right-aligned line (Shf F5) (177) ± end right-align (Shf F6) Dot Guide lines won't work except for .s: for setting line spacing.