%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % volta.tex % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\mtxversion{0.63} \def\mtxdate{<7 January 2018>} \input mtx \input musixtex \input pmx \setmaxslurs{24}\setmaxinstruments{24}% \smallmusicsize% \nopagenumbers \tracingstats=2\relax \hsize=539pt \vsize740pt \def\nbinstruments{1} \setstaffs11 \setclef10 \setname1{ } \generalsignature{ 0}% \generalmeter{\meterfrac{4}{4}}% \parindent 0pt \elemskip1pt\afterruleskip1.000pt\beforeruleskip0pt\relax \stafftopmarg0pt\staffbotmarg5\Interligne\interstaff{10}\relax \nostartrule \readmod{volta} \mtxStaffBottom{6}% \mtxSetSize{1}{\mtxNormalSize}% \startmuflex\startpiece\addspace\afterruleskip% \mtxSetLyrics{11}{Now to learn this vol-ta thing, lead up to the first end-ing.}% \mtxAssignLyrics{1}{11}% \mtxLyricsAdjust{1}{4}% \znotes\zcharnote{16}{\titles{2.0}{}{0}{}{0}{}{0}}\en% % Bar count 1 \advance\barno-1\leftrepeat \pnotes{2.83}\qu c\qu c\qu g\qu g\en% % Bar count 2 \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu{'a}\qu a\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu g\en% % Bar count 3 \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu f\qu f\qu e\qu e\en% % Bar count 4 \Setvolta1% \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu d\qu d\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu c\en% \mtxSetLyrics{11}{next end-ing.}% % Bar count 5 \setrightrepeat \endvoltabox \Setvolta2% \alaligne \pnotes{2.83}\qu d\qu d\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu c\en% \mtxSetLyrics{11}{Try to write a }% \mtxSetLyrics{12}{Try to learn more}% \mtxAssignLyrics{1}{11,12}% % Bar count 6 \setleftrepeat \endvolta \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu g\qu g\qu f\qu f\en% \mtxSetLyrics{11}{sim-ple TeX P-M-X. }% \mtxAssignLyrics{1}{11}% % Bar count 7 \Setvolta1% \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu e\qu e\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu d\en% % Bar count 8 \setrightrepeat \endvoltabox \Setvolta2% \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu e\qu e\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu d\en% \mtxSetLyrics{11}{Now it's time to end the test, so I wish you all the best! }% % Bar count 9 \endvolta \alaligne \pnotes{2.83}\qu c\qu c\qu g\qu g\en% % Bar count 10 \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu{'a}\qu a\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu g\en% % Bar count 11 \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu f\qu f\qu e\qu e\en% % Bar count 12 \xbar \pnotes{2.83}\qu d\qu d\en% \pnotes{4.00}\hu c\en% \Endpiece \vfill\eject\endmuflex \bye