\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[textwidth=6.5in,textheight=8.5in]{geometry} \usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} \PassOptionsToPackage{urlcolor=black,colorlinks}{hyperref} \RequirePackage{hyperref} \usepackage{xcolor} \newcommand{\myurl}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{\textcolor{black}{\url{#1}}}}} \newcommand{\mtxVersion}{0.63} \begin{document} \title{Installation of the CTAN M-Tx Distribution} \author{Bob Tennent\\ \small\url{rdt@cs.queensu.ca}} \date{\today} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \section{Introduction} We assume that you have already installed MusiXTeX and PMX. Before trying to install M-Tx from CTAN, check whether your TeX distribution provides packages for M-Tx; this will be easier than doing it yourself. But if your TeX distribution doesn't have M-Tx (or doesn't have the most recent version), this distribution of M-Tx is very easy to install, though you may need to read the material on installation of (La)TeX files in the TeX FAQ\footnote{% \myurl{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html}}, particularly the pages on which tree to use\footnote{% \myurl{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=what-TDS}} and installing files\footnote{% \myurl{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=inst-wlcf}}. \section{Installing \texttt{m-tx.tds.zip}} In this distribution of M-Tx, many of the files to be installed (including macros and documentation are in \myurl{http://mirror.ctan.org/install/m-tx.tds.zip}. The file \verb|mt-x.tds.zip| is a zipped TEXMF hierarchy; simply download it and unzip in the root folder/directory of whichever TEXMF tree you decide is most appropriate, likely a ``local'' or ``personal'' one. This should work with any TDS\footnote{% \myurl{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=tds}} compliant TeX distribution, including MikTeX, TeXlive and teTeX, but you must use an unzipping program that converts text files to the text-file format of your platform, such as \verb\unzip -a ...\ on Linux. After unzipping the archive, update the filename database as necessary, for example, by executing \verb\texhash ~/texmf\ or clicking the button labelled ``Refresh FNDB" in the MikTeX settings program. Documentation for M-Tx is installed under \verb\doc/generic/m-tx\ in the TEXMF tree. \section{Installing \texttt{prepmx}} The next step in the installation is to install the one essential file that can't be installed in a TEXMF tree: the \texttt{prepmx} preprocessor. \subsection{Pre-Compiled Executables} On Windows systems, one can install \texttt{prepmx.exe} in the \texttt{Windows32} or \texttt{Windows64} sub-directory; these are pre-compiled executables and should be copied to any folder on the PATH of executables. This might entail creating a suitable folder and adding that folder to the PATH as follows: right click on the ``My Computer'' desktop icon, left click on \begin{center} Properties$\rightarrow$Advanced$\rightarrow$Environment Variables \end{center} in the ``System Variables'' section, scroll down to ``path'', select it, click edit, and append the full path name you have selected for the new folder. Also install the batch script \verb|m-tx.bat| in a folder on the PATH. On the MAC OS-X platform, one can install the \texttt{prepmx} binary that is in the \texttt{OSX} sub-directory. Ensure that the file has the execute permission set: \begin{list}{}{}\item \verb\chmod +x prepmx\ \end{list} \subsection{Compilation from Source} On any platform with basic GNU tools (\texttt{tar}, \texttt{gunzip}, \texttt{make}) and \texttt{gcc} or \texttt{fpc}, you should be able to build the \texttt{prepmx} executable as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Unpack the \texttt{mtx-\mtxVersion.tar.gz} archive: \begin{list}{}{} \item \texttt{tar zxvf mtx-\mtxVersion.tar.gz} \end{list} and move to the resulting \texttt{mtx-\mtxVersion} directory. \item Configure: \begin{list}{}{} \item \verb\./configure --prefix=$HOME\ \end{list} or just \begin{list}{}{} \item\verb\./configure \ \end{list} if you have super-user privileges. \item Build: \begin{list}{}{} \item \verb\make\ \end{list} If this fails, you might want to install \texttt{fpc} (the Free Pascal Compiler\footnote{% \myurl{http://www.freepascal.org/}}) and try \begin{list}{}{} \item \verb\make -f Makefile.orig\ \end{list} \item Install: \begin{list}{}{} \item \verb\make install\ \end{list} This step should be executed as root if you need super-user privileges. \end{enumerate} You should now have an executable \verb\prepmx\ in your PATH. \section{Usage} To process an M-Tx source file, use the \verb|musixtex| script which is included in the \verb|musixtex| package. If applied to a file with \verb|.mtx| extension, it will by default execute \verb|prepmx| followed by \verb|pmxab|, followed by \verb|etex|, \verb|musixflx|, and \verb|etex| again, followed by conversion to PDF using \verb|dvips| and \verb|ps2pdf|. There are many options to vary the default behaviour. \section{Discussion} Other pre-processor packages, additional documentation, additional add-on packages, and many examples of M-Tx and MusiXTeX typesetting may be found at the Werner Icking Music Archive\footnote{% \myurl{http://icking-music-archive.org}}. Support for users of MusiXTeX and related software may be obtained via the MusiXTeX mail list\footnote{% \myurl{http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/tex-music}}. M-Tx may be freely copied, duplicated and used in conformance to the MIT License (see included file \verb\LICENSE\). \end{document}