\chapter{Errors} If you get an error like this ``stackoverflow offending command: pathforall Stack: [ /coords -mark- .....]'', this means that the path you are using for the page is very curved and not particularly flat. PostScript is having trouble keeping track of all the points! You should double or triple the setflat value. If you get an error undefined in $\backslash$end, you ended a $\backslash$begin\{postscript\} command with something else that was not $\backslash$end\{postscript\}. A lot of problems come from having your margins too wide! Make sure that you margins are small enough so that your text will fit around the pictures. If you get an error ``false false false false false false false stack overflow'' then you're using $\backslash$pscmd on a routine that doesn't handle the incoming boolean. Just add a PostScript {\tt pop} to the beginning of the PostScript routine you call with $\backslash$pscmd.