% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992 \def\title{GB\_\thinspace PLANE} @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES! \prerequisite{GB\_\thinspace MILES} @* Introduction. This GraphBase module contains the |plane| subroutine, which constructs undirected planar graphs from vertices located randomly in a rectangle, as well as the |plane_miles| routine, which constructs planar graphs based on the mileage and coordinate data in \.{miles.dat}. Both of these routines make use of a general-purpose |delaunay| subroutine, which computes the Delaunay triangulation of a given set of points. @(gb_plane.h@>= extern Graph *plane(); extern Graph *plane_miles(); extern Graph *delaunay(); @ The subroutine call `|plane(n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed)|' constructs a planar graph whose vertices have integer coordinates uniformly distributed in the rectangle $$\{\,(x,y)\;\mid\;0\le x<|x_range|, \;0\le y<|y_range|\,\}\,.$$ The values of |x_range| and |y_range| must be at most $2^{14}=16384$; the latter value is the default, which is substituted if |x_range| or |y_range| is given as zero. If |extend==0|, the graph will have |n| vertices; otherwise it will have |n+1| vertices, where the |(n+1)|st is assigned the coordinates $(-1,-1)$ and may be regarded as a point at~$\infty$. Some of the |n|~finite vertices might have identical coordinates, particularly if the point density |n/(x_range*y_range)| is not very small. The subroutine works by first constructing the Delaunay triangulation of the points, then discarding each edge of the resulting graph with probability |prob/65536|. Thus, for example, if |prob| is zero the full Delaunay triangulation will be returned; if |prob==32768|, about half of the Delaunay edges will remain. Each finite edge is assigned a length equal to the Euclidean distance between points, multiplied by $2^{10}$ and rounded to the nearest integer. If |extend!=0|, the Delaunay triangulation will also contain edges between $\infty$ and all points of the convex hull; such edges, if not discarded, are assigned length $2^{28}$, otherwise known as |INFTY|. If |extend!=0| and |prob==0|, the graph will have $n+1$ vertices and $3(n-1)$ edges; this is the maximum number of edges that a planar graph on $n+1$ vertices can have. In such a case the average degree of a vertex will be $6(n-1)/(n+1)$, slightly less than~6; hence, if |prob==32768|, the average degree of a vertex will usually be near~3. As with all other GraphBase routines that rely on random numbers, different values of |seed| will produce different graphs, in a machine-independent fashion that is reproducible on many different computers. Any |seed| value between 0 and $2^{31}-1$ is permissible. @d INFTY 0x10000000 /* ``infinite'' length */ @(gb_plane.h@>= #define INFTY @t\quad@> 0x10000000 @ If the |plane| routine encounters a problem, it returns |NULL| (\.{NULL}), after putting a code number into the external variable |panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure. Otherwise |plane| returns a pointer to the newly created graph, which will be represented with the data structures explained in |gb_graph|. (The external variable |@!panic_code| is itself defined in |gb_graph|.) @d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_alloc_trouble=0;@+return NULL;@+} @# @f Graph int /* |gb_graph| defines the |Graph| type and a few others */ @f Vertex int @f Arc int @f Area int @ Here is the overall shape of the \Cee\ file \.{gb\_plane.c}\kern.2em: @p #include "gb_flip.h" /* we will use the |gb_flip| routines for random numbers */ #include "gb_graph.h" /* we will use the |gb_graph| data structures */ #include "gb_miles.h" /* and we might use |gb_miles| for mileage data */ #include "gb_io.h" /* and |gb_miles| uses |gb_io|, which has |str_buf| */ @# @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @ @= Graph *plane(n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed) unsigned n; /* number of vertices desired */ unsigned x_range,y_range; /* upper bounds on rectangular coordinates */ unsigned extend; /* should a point at infinity be included? */ unsigned long prob; /* probability of rejecting a Delaunay edge */ long seed; /* random number seed */ {@+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |plane| */ register Vertex *v; /* the current vertex of interest */ register int k; /* the canonical all-purpose index */ gb_init_rand(seed); if (x_range>16384 || y_range>16384) panic(bad_specs); /* range too large */ if (n<2) panic(very_bad_specs); /* don't make |n| so small, you fool */ if (x_range==0) x_range=16384; /* default */ if (y_range==0) y_range=16384; /* default */ @; @; if (gb_alloc_trouble) { gb_recycle(new_graph); panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */ } if (extend) new_graph->n++; /* make the ``infinite'' vertex legitimate */ return new_graph; } @ The coordinates are placed into utility fields |x_coord| and |y_coord|. A random ID number is also stored in utility field~|z_coord|; this number is used by the |delaunay| subroutine to break ties when points are equal or collinear or cocircular. No two vertices have the same ID number. (The header file \.{gb\_miles.h} defines |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and |index_no| to be |x.i|, |y.i|, and |z.i| respectively.) @d z_coord z.i @= if (extend) extra_n++; /* allocate one more vertex than usual */ new_graph=gb_new_graph(n); if (new_graph==NULL) panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */ sprintf(new_graph->id,"plane(%u,%u,%u,%u,%lu,%ld)", n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed); strcpy(new_graph->format,"ZZZIIIZZZZZZZZ"); for (k=0,v=new_graph->vertices; kx_coord=gb_unif_rand(x_range); v->y_coord=gb_unif_rand(y_range); v->z_coord=((long)(gb_next_rand()/n))*n+k; sprintf(str_buf,"%d",k);@+v->name=gb_save_string(str_buf); } if (extend) { v->name=gb_save_string("INF"); v->x_coord=v->y_coord=v->z_coord=-1; extra_n--; } @ @(gb_plane.h@>= #define x_coord @t\quad@> x.i #define y_coord @t\quad@> y.i #define z_coord @t\quad@> z.i @* Delaunay triangulation. The Delaunay triangulation of a set of vertices in the plane consists of all line segments $uv$ such that there exists a circle passing through $u$ and~$v$ containing no other vertices. Equivalently, $uv$ is a Delaunay edge if and only if the Voronoi regions for $u$ and $v$ are adjacent; the Voronoi region of a vertex~$u$ is the polygon with the property that all points inside it are closer to $u$ than to any other vertex. In this sense we can say that Delaunay edges connect vertices with their ``neighbors.'' The definitions in the previous paragraph assume that no two vertices are equal, that no three vertices lie on a straight line, and that no four vertices lie on a circle. If those nondegeneracy conditions aren't satisfied, we can perturb the points very slightly so that the assumptions do in fact hold. Another way to characterize the Delaunay triangulation is to consider what happens when we map a given set of points onto the unit sphere via stereographic projection: Point $(x,y)$ is mapped to $$(2x/(r^2+1),2y/(r^2+1),(r^2-1)/(r^2+1)\,,$$ where $r^2=x^2+y^2$. If we now extend the configuration by adding $(0,0,1)$, which is the limiting point on the sphere when $r$ approaches infinity, the Delaunay edges of the original points turn out to be edges of the polytope defined by the mapped points. This polytope, which is the 3-dimensional convex hull of $n+1$ points on the sphere, also has edges from $(0,0,1)$ to the mapped points that correspond to the 2-dimensional convex hull of the original points. Under our assumption of nondegeneracy, the faces of this polytope are all triangles; hence its edges are said to form a triangulation. A self-contained presentation of all the relevant theory, together with an exposition and proof of correctness of the algorithm below, can be found in the author's monograph {\sl Axioms and Hulls}, Lecture Notes in Computer Science {\bf606} (Springer-Verlag, 1992). @^Axioms and Hulls@> @ The |delaunay| procedure, which finds the Delaunay triangulation of a given set of vertices, is the key ingredient in \\{gb\_plane}'s algorithms for generating planar graphs. The given vertices should appear in a GraphBase graph~|g| whose edges, if any, are ignored by |delaunay|. The coordinates of each vertex appear in utility fields |x_coord| and~|y_coord|, which must be nonnegative and less than $2^{14}=16384$. The utility fields~|z_coord| must contain unique ID numbers, distinct for every vertex, so that the algorithm can break ties in cases of degeneracy. (Note: These assumptions about the input data are the responsibility of the calling procedure; |delaunay| does not double-check them. If they are violated, catastrophic failure is possible.) Instead of returning the Delaunay triangulation as a graph, |delaunay| communicates its answer implicitly by performing the procedure call |f(u,v)| on every pair of vertices |u| and~|v| joined by a Delaunay edge. Here |f|~is a procedure supplied as a parameter; |u| and~|v| are either pointers to vertices or |NULL| (i.e., \.{NULL}), where |NULL| denotes the vertex ``$\infty$.'' As remarked above, edges run between $\infty$ and all vertices on the convex hull of the given points. The graph of all edges, including the infinite edges, is planar. For example, if the vertex at infinity is being ignored, the user can declare $$\vcenter{\halign{#\hfil\cr |void ins_finite(u,v)|\cr \qquad|Vertex *u,*v;|\cr |{@+if (u&&v)@+gb_new_edge(u,v,1);@+}|\cr}}$$ Then the procedure call |delaunay(g,ins_finite)| will add all the finite Delaunay edges to the current graph~|g|, giving them all length~1. If |delaunay| is unable to allocate enough storage to do its work, it will set |gb_alloc_trouble| nonzero and there will be no edges in the triangulation. @= void delaunay(g,f) Graph *g; /* vertices in the plane */ void (*f)(); /* procedure that absorbs the triangulated edges */ {@+@;@# @; @; gb_free(working_storage); } @ The procedure passed to |delaunay| will communicate with |plane| via global variables called |gprob| and |inf_vertex|. @= static unsigned gprob; /* copy of the |prob| parameter */ static Vertex *inf_vertex; /* pointer to the vertex $\infty$, or |NULL| */ @ @= gprob=prob; if (extend) inf_vertex=new_graph->vertices+n; else inf_vertex=NULL; delaunay(new_graph,new_euclid_edge); @ @= void new_euclid_edge(u,v) Vertex *u,*v; {@+register long dx,dy; if ((gb_next_rand()>>15)>=gprob) { if (u) { if (v) { dx=u->x_coord-v->x_coord; dy=u->y_coord-v->y_coord; gb_new_edge(u,v,int_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)); } else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(u,inf_vertex,INFTY); } else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(inf_vertex,v,INFTY); } } @* Arithmetic. Before we lunge into the world of geometric algorithms, let's build up some confidence by polishing off some subroutines that will be needed to ensure correct results. We assume that |long| integers are less than $2^{31}$. First is a routine to calculate $s=\lfloor2^{10}\sqrt x+{1\over2}\rfloor$, the nearest integer to $2^{10}$ times the square root of a given nonnegative integer~|x|. If |x>0|, this is the unique integer such that $2^{20}x-s\le s^2<2^{20}x+s$. The following routine appears to work by magic, but the mystery goes away when one considers the invariant relations $$ m=\lfloor 2^{2k-21}\rfloor,\qquad 0= long int_sqrt(x) long x; {@+register long y, m, q=2; int k; if (x<=0) return 0; for (k=25,m=0x20000000;x>=2) ; /* find the range */ if (x>=m+m) y=1; else y=0; do @@; while (k); return q>>1; } @ @= { if (x&m) y+=y+1; else y+=y; m>>=1; if (x&m) y+=y-q+1; else y+=y-q; q+=q; if (y>q) y-=q,q+=2; else if (y<=0) q-=2,y+=q; m>>=1; k--; } @ We are going to need multiple-precision arithmetic in order to calculate certain geometric predicates properly, but it turns out that we do not need to implement a general-purpose set of subroutines for bignums. It suffices to have a single special-purpose routine called |sign_test(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3)|, which computes a single-precision integer having the same sign as the dot product $$\hbox{|x1*y1+x2*y2+x3*y3|}$$ when we have $-2^{29}<|x1|,|x2|,|x3|<2^{29}$ and $0\le|y1|,|y2|,|y3|<2^{29}$. @= long sign_test(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) long x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3; {@+int s1,s2,s3; /* signs of individual terms */ long a,b,c; /* components of a redundant representation of the dot product */ register long t; /* temporary register for swapping */ @; @; @; @; } @ @= if (x1==0 || y1==0) s1=0; else { if (x1>0) s1=1; else x1=-x1,s1=-1; } if (x2==0 || y2==0) s2=0; else { if (x2>0) s2=1; else x2=-x2,s2=-1; } if (x3==0 || y3==0) s3=0; else { if (x3>0) s3=1; else x3=-x3,s3=-1; } @ The answer is obvious unless one of the terms is positive and one of the terms is negative. @= if ((s1>=0 && s2>=0 && s3>=0) || (s1<=0 && s2<=0 && s3<=0)) return (s1+s2+s3); if (s3==0 || s3==s1) { t=s3;@+s3=s2;@+s2=t; t=x3;@+x3=x2;@+x2=t; t=y3;@+y3=y2;@+y2=t; } else if (s3==s2) { t=s3;@+s3=s1;@+s1=t; t=x3;@+x3=x1;@+x1=t; t=y3;@+y3=y1;@+y1=t; } @ We make use of a redundant representation $2^{28}a+2^{14}b+c$, which can be computed by brute force. (Everything is understood to be multiplied by |-s3|.) @= {@+register int lx,rx,ly,ry; lx=x1/0x4000;@+rx=x1%0x4000; /* split off the least significant 14 bits */ ly=y1/0x4000;@+ry=y1%0x4000; a=lx*ly;@+b=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c=rx*ry; lx=x2/0x4000;@+rx=x2%0x4000; ly=y2/0x4000;@+ry=y2%0x4000; a+=lx*ly;@+b+=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c+=rx*ry; lx=x3/0x4000;@+rx=x3%0x4000; ly=y3/0x4000;@+ry=y3%0x4000; a-=lx*ly;@+b-=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c-=rx*ry; } @ Here we use the fact that $\vert c\vert<2^{29}$. @= if (a==0) goto ez; if (a<0) a=-a,b=-b,c=-c,s3=-s3; while (c<0) { a--;@+c+=0x10000000; if (a==0) goto ez; } if (b>=0) return -s3; /* the answer is clear when |a>0 && b>=0 && c>=0| */ b=-b; a-=b/0x4000; if (a>0) return -s3; if (a<=-2) return s3; return -s3*((a*0x4000-b%0x4000)*0x4000+c); ez:@+ if (b>=0x8000) return -s3; if (b<=-0x8000) return s3; return -s3*(b*0x4000+c); @*Determinants. The |delaunay| routine bases all of its decisions on two geometric predicates, which depend on whether certain determinants are positive or negative. The first predicate, |ccw(u,v,w)|, is true if and only if the three points $(u,v,w)$ have a counterclockwise orientation. This means that if we draw the unique circle through those points, and if we travel along that circle in the counterclockwise direction starting at~|u|, we will encounter |v| before~|w|. It turns out that that |ccw(u,v,w)| holds if and only if the determinant $$\left\vert\matrix{x_u&y_u&1\cr x_v&y_v&1\cr x_w&y_w&1\cr} \right\vert=\left\vert\matrix{x_u-x_w&y_u-y_w\cr x_v-x_w&y_v-y_w\cr} \right\vert$$ is positive. The evaluation must be exact; if the answer is zero a special tie-breaking rule must be used, because the three points were collinear. The tie-breaking rule is tricky (and necessarily so, according to the theory in {\sl Axioms and Hulls\/}). Integer evaluation of that determinant will not cause |long| integer overflow, because we have assumed that all |x| and |y| coordinates lie between 0 and~$2^{14}-1$, inclusive. In fact, we could go up to $2^{15}-1$ without risking overflow; but the limitation to 14 bits will be helpful when we consider a more complicated determinant below. @= int ccw(u,v,w) Vertex *u,*v,*w; {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */ register long det=(u->x_coord-wx)*(v->y_coord-wy) -(u->y_coord-wy)*(v->x_coord-wx); Vertex *t; if (det==0) { det=1; if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) { t=u;@+u=v;@+v=t;@+det=-det; } if (v->z_coord>w->z_coord) { t=v;@+v=w;@+w=t;@+det=-det; } if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) { t=u;@+u=v;@+v=t;@+det=-det; } if (u->x_coord>v->x_coord || (u->x_coord==v->x_coord &&@| (u->y_coord>v->y_coord || (u->y_coord==v->y_coord &&@| (w->x_coord>u->x_coord || (w->x_coord==u->x_coord && w->y_coord>=u->y_coord)))))) det=-det; } return (det>0); } @ The other geometric predicate, |incircle(t,u,v,w)|, is true if and only if point t lies outside the circle passing through |u|, |v|, and~|w|, when |ccw(u,v,w)| holds. This predicate makes us work harder, because it is equivalent to the sign of a $4\times4$ determinant that requires twice as much precision: $$\left\vert\matrix{x_t&y_t&x_t^2+y_t^2&1\cr x_u&y_u&x_u^2+y_u^2&1\cr x_v&y_v&x_v^2+y_v^2&1\cr x_w&y_w&x_w^2+y_w^2&1\cr}\right\vert= \left\vert\matrix{x_t-x_w&y_t-y_w&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2\cr x_u-x_w&y_u-y_w&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2\cr x_v-x_w&y_v-y_w&(x_v-x_w)^2+(y_v-y_w)^2\cr} \right\vert\,.$$ This sign can, however, be deduced by the |sign_test| subroutine we had the foresight to provide earlier. @= int incircle(t,u,v,w) Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */ long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */ long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */ long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */ register long det=sign_test(tx*uy-ty*ux,ux*vy-uy*vx,vx*ty-vy*tx,@| vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy); Vertex *s; if (det==0) { @; @; } return (det>0); } @ @= det=1; if (t->z_coord>u->z_coord) { s=t;@+t=u;@+u=s;@+det=-det; } if (v->z_coord>w->z_coord) { s=v;@+v=w;@+w=s;@+det=-det; } if (t->z_coord>v->z_coord) { s=t;@+t=v;@+v=s;@+det=-det; } if (u->z_coord>w->z_coord) { s=u;@+u=w;@+w=s;@+det=-det; } if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) { s=u;@+u=v;@+v=s;@+det=-det; } @ By slightly perturbing the points, we can always make them nondegenerate, although the details are complicated. A sequence of 12 steps, involving up to four auxiliary functions $$\openup3\jot \eqalign{f(t,u,v,w)&=\left\vert \matrix{x_t-x_v&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2\cr x_u-x_v&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2\cr} \right\vert\,,\cr g(t,u,v,w)&=\left\vert \matrix{y_t-y_v&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2\cr y_u-y_v&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2\cr} \right\vert\,,\cr h(t,u,v,w)&=(x_u-x_t)(y_v-y_w)\,,\cr j(t,u,v,w)&=(x_u-x_v)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_t-x_v)^2-(y_t-y_w)^2\,,\cr} $$ does the trick, as explained in {\sl Axioms and Hulls}. @= {@+int dd; if ((dd=ff(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=gg(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=ff(u,t,w,v))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=gg(u,t,w,v))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=ff(v,w,t,u))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=gg(v,w,t,u))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=hh(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=jj(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=hh(v,t,u,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@| ((dd=jj(v,t,u,w))<0 || (dd==0 && jj(t,w,u,v)<0)))))))))))))))))))) det=-det; } @ @= long ff(t,u,v,w) Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */ long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */ long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */ long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */ return sign_test(ux-tx,vx-ux,tx-vx,vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy); } long gg(t,u,v,w) Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */ long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */ long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */ long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */ return sign_test(uy-ty,vy-uy,ty-vy,vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy); } long hh(t,u,v,w) Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; { return (u->x_coord-t->x_coord)*(v->y_coord-w->y_coord); } long jj(t,u,v,w) Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; {@+register long vx=v->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; return (u->x_coord-vx)*(u->x_coord-vx)+(u->y_coord-wy)*(u->y_coord-wy)@| -(t->x_coord-vx)*(t->x_coord-vx)-(t->y_coord-wy)*(t->y_coord-wy); } @* Delaunay data structures. Now we are have the primitive predicates we need, and we can get on with the geometric aspects of |delaunay|. As mentioned above, each vertex is represented by two coordinates and an ID number, stored in the utility fields |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and~|z_coord|. Each edge of the current triangulation is represented by two arcs pointing in opposite directions; the two arcs are called mates. Each arc conceptually has a triangle on its left and a mate on its right. An \&{arc} record differs from an |Arc|; it has three fields: \smallskip |vert| is the vertex this arc leads to, or |NULL| if that vertex is $\infty$; \smallskip |next| is the next arc having the same triangle at the left; \smallskip |inst| is the branch node that points to the triangle at the left, as explained below. \smallskip\noindent If |p| points to an arc, then |p->next->next->next==p|, because a triangle is bounded by three arcs. We also have |p->next->inst==p->inst|, for all arcs~|p|. @= typedef struct a_struct { Vertex *vert; /* |v|, if this arc goes from |u| to |v| */ struct a_struct *next; /* the arc from |v| that shares a triangle with this one */ struct n_struct *inst; /* instruction to change when the triangle is modified */ } arc; @ Storage is allocated in such a way that, if |p| and |q| point respectively to an arc and its mate, then |p+q=&arc_block[0]+&arc_block[m-1]|, where |m| is the total number of arc records allocated in the |arc_block| array. This convention saves us one pointer field in each arc. When setting |q| to the mate of |p| we need to do the calculation cautiously, using an auxiliary register, because the constant |&arc_block[0]+&arc_block[m-1]| might be too large to evaluate without integer overflow on some systems. @d mate(a,b) { /* given |a|, set |b| to its mate */ reg=max_arc-(unsigned long)a; b=(arc*)(reg+min_arc); } @= register unsigned long reg; /* used while computing mates */ unsigned long min_arc,max_arc; /* |&arc_block[0]|, |&arc_block[m-1]| */ arc *next_arc; /* the first arc record that hasn't yet been used */ @ @= next_arc=gb_alloc_type(6*g->n-6,@[arc@],working_storage); if (next_arc==NULL) return; /* |gb_alloc_trouble| is nonzero */ min_arc=(unsigned long)next_arc; max_arc=(unsigned long)(next_arc+(6*g->n-7)); @ @= a=(arc *)min_arc; b=(arc *)max_arc; for (; avert,b->vert); @ The last and probably most crucial component of the data structure is the collection of {\it branch nodes}, which will be linked together into a binary tree. Given a new vertex |w|, we will ascertain what triangle it belongs to by starting at the root of this tree and executing a sequence of instructions, each of which has the form `if |w| lies to the right of the straight line from |u| to~|v| then go to $\alpha$ else go to~$\beta$', where $\alpha$ and~$\beta$ are nodes that continue the search. This process continues until we reach a terminal node, which says `congratulations, you're done, |w|~is in triangle such-and-such'. The terminal node points to one of the three arcs bounding that triangle. If a vertex of the triangle is~$\infty$, the terminal node points to the arc whose |vert| pointer is~|NULL|. @= typedef struct n_struct { Vertex *u; /* first vertex, or |NULL| if this is a terminal node */ Vertex *v; /* second vertex, or pointer to the triangle corresponding to a terminal node */ struct n_struct *l; /* go here if |w| lies to the left of $uv$ */ struct n_struct *r; /* go here if |w| lies to the right of $uv$ */ } node; @ The search tree just described is actually a dag (a directed acyclic graph), because it has overlapping subtrees. As the algorithm proceeds, the dag gets bigger and bigger, since the number of triangles keeps growing. Instructions are never deleted; we just extend the dag by substituting new branches for nodes that once were terminal. The expected number of nodes in this dag is $O(n)$ when there are $n$~vertices, if we input the vertices in random order. But it can be as high as order~$n^2$ in the worst case. So our program will allocate blocks of nodes dynamically instead of assuming a maximum size. @d nodes_per_block 127 /* on most computers we want it $\equiv 15$ (mod 16) */ @d new_node(x) if (next_node==max_node) { x=gb_alloc_type(nodes_per_block,@[node@],working_storage); if (x==NULL) { gb_free(working_storage); /* release |delaunay|'s auxiliary memory */ return; /* |gb_alloc_trouble| is nonzero */ } next_node=x+1; max_node=x+nodes_per_block; } else x=next_node++; @# @d terminal_node(x,p) {@+new_node(x); /* allocate a new node */ x->v=(Vertex*)(p); /* make it point to a given arc from the triangle */ } /* note that |x->u==NULL|, representing a terminal node */ @= node *next_node; /* the first yet-unused node slot in the current block of nodes */ node *max_node; /* address of nonexistent node following the current block of nodes */ node root_node; /* start here to locate a vertex in its triangle */ Area working_storage; /* where |delaunay| builds its triangulation */ @ The algorithm begins with a trivial triangulation that contains only the first two vertices, together with two ``triangles'' extending to infinity at their left and right. @= next_node=max_node=NULL; init_area(working_storage); @; u=g->vertices; v=u+1; @; @ We'll need a bunch of local variables to do elementary operations on data structures. @= Vertex *p, *q, *r, *s, *t, *tp, *tpp, *u,*v,*w; arc *a,*aa,*b,*c,*d, *e; node *x,*y,*yp,*ypp; @ @= root_node.u=u; root_node.v=v; a=next_arc; terminal_node(x,a+1); root_node.l=x; a->vert=v;@+a->next=a+1;@+a->inst=x; (a+1)->next=a+2;@+(a+1)->inst=x; /* |(a+1)->vert=NULL|, representing $\infty$ */ (a+2)->vert=u;@+(a+2)->next=a;@+(a+2)->inst=x; mate(a,b); terminal_node(x,b-2); root_node.r=x; b->vert=u;@+b->next=b-2;@+b->inst=x; (b-2)->next=b-1;@+(b-2)->inst=x; /* |(b-2)->vert=NULL|, representing $\infty$ */ (b-1)->vert=v;@+(b-1)->next=b;@+(b-1)->inst=x; next_arc+=3; @*Delaunay updating. The main loop of the algorithm updates the data structure incrementally by adding one new vertex at a time. The new vertex will always be connected by an edge (i.e., by two arcs) to each of the vertices of the triangle that previously enclosed it. It may also deserve to be connected to other nearby vertices. @= if (g->n<2) return; /* no edges unless there are at least 2 vertices */ @; for (p=g->vertices+2;pvertices+g->n;p++) { @; @; @; } @ We have set up the branch nodes so that they solve the triangle location problem. @= x=&root_node; do { if (ccw(x->u,x->v,p)) x = x->l; else x = x->r; } while (x->u); a = (arc*) x->v; /* terminal node points to the arc we want */ @ Subdividing a triangle is an easy exercise in data structure manipulation, except that we must do something special when one of the vertices is infinite. Let's look carefully at what needs to be done. Suppose the triangle containing |p| has the vertices |q|, |r|, and |s| in counterclockwise order. Let |x| be the terminal node that points to the triangle~$\Delta qrs$. We want to change |x| so that we will be able to locate a future point of $\Delta qrs$ within either $\Delta pqr$, $\Delta prs$, or $\Delta psq$. If |q|, |r|, and |s| are finite, we will change |x| and add five new nodes as follows: $$\vbox{\halign{\hfil#:\enspace&#\hfil\cr $x$&if left of $rp$, go to $x''$, else go to $x'$;\cr $x'$&if left of $sp$, go to $y$, else go to $y'$;\cr $x''$&if left of $qp$, go to $y'$, else go to $y''$;\cr $y$&you're in $\Delta prs$;\cr $y'$&you're in $\Delta psq$;\cr $y''$&you're in $\Delta pqr$.\cr}}$$ But if, say, $q=\infty$, such instructions make no sense, because there are lines in all directions that run from $\infty$ to any point. In such a case we use ``wedges'' instead of triangles, as explained below. At the beginning of the following code, we have |x==a->inst|. @= b=a->next;@+c=b->next; q=a->vert;@+r=b->vert;@+s=c->vert; @; if (q==NULL) @ else {@+register node *xp; x->u=r;@+x->v=p; new_node(xp); xp->u=q;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=yp;@+xp->r=ypp; /* instruction $x''$ above */ x->l=xp; new_node(xp); xp->u=s;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=y;@+xp->r=yp; /* instruction $x'$ above */ x->r=xp; } @ The only subtle point here is that |q=a->vert| might be |NULL|. A terminal node must point to the proper arc of an infinite triangle. @= terminal_node(yp,a);@+terminal_node(ypp,next_arc);@+terminal_node(y,c); c->inst=y;@+a->inst=yp;@+b->inst=ypp; mate(next_arc,e); a->next=e;@+b->next=e-1;@+c->next=e-2; next_arc->vert=q;@+next_arc->next=b;@+next_arc->inst=ypp; (next_arc+1)->vert=r;@+(next_arc+1)->next=c;@+(next_arc+1)->inst=y; (next_arc+2)->vert=s;@+(next_arc+2)->next=a;@+(next_arc+2)->inst=yp; e->vert=(e-1)->vert=(e-2)->vert=p; e->next=next_arc+2;@+(e-1)->next=next_arc;@+(e-2)->next=next_arc+1; e->inst=yp;@+(e-1)->inst=ypp;@+(e-2)->inst=y; next_arc += 3; @ Outside of the current convex hull, we have ``wedges'' instead of triangles; these are exterior angles such that a point lies outside the edge $rs$ of the convex hull, but not outside the next edge on the other side of point |r|. When a new point lies in such a wedge, we have to see if it also lies outside the edges $st$, $tu$, etc., in the clockwise direction, in which case the convex hull loses points $s$, $t$, etc., and we must update the new wedges accordingly. This was the hardest part of the program to prove correct; a complete proof can be found in {\sl Axioms and Hulls}. @= {@+register node *xp; arc *aa; x->u=r;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=ypp; new_node(xp); xp->u=s;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=y;@+xp->r=yp; x->r=xp; mate(a,aa);@+d=aa->next;@+t=d->vert; while (t!=r && (ccw(p,s,t))) {@+register node *xpp; terminal_node(xpp,d); xp->r=d->inst; xp=d->inst; xp->u=t;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=xpp;@+xp->r=yp; flip(a,aa,d,s,NULL,t,p,xpp,yp); a=aa->next;@+mate(a,aa);@+d=aa->next; s=t;@+t=d->vert; yp->v=(Vertex*)a; } terminal_node(xp,d->next); x=d->inst;@+x->u=s;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=yp; d->inst=xp;@+d->next->inst=xp;@+d->next->next->inst=xp; r=s; /* this value of |r| shortens the exploration step that follows */ } @ The updating process finishes by walking around the triangles that surround |p|, making sure that none of them are adjacent to triangles containing |p| in their circumcircle. (Such triangles are no longer in the Delaunay triangulation, by definition.) @= while(1) { mate(c,d);@+e=d->next; t=d->vert;@+tp=c->vert;@+tpp=e->vert; if (tpp && incircle(tpp,tp,t,p)) { /* triangle $tt''t'$ no longer Delaunay */ register node *xp, *xpp; terminal_node(xp,e); terminal_node(xpp,d); x=c->inst;@+x->u=tpp;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=xpp; x=d->inst;@+x->u=tpp;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=xpp; flip(c,d,e,t,tp,tpp,p,xp,xpp); c=e; } else if (tp==r) break; else { mate(c->next,aa); c=aa->next; } } @ Here |d| is the mate of |c|, |e=d->next|, |t=d->vert|, |tp=c->vert|, and |tpp=e->vert|. The triangles $\Delta tt'p$ and $\Delta t'tt''$ to the left and right of arc~|c| are being replaced in the current triangulation by $\Delta ptt''$ and $\Delta t''t'p$, corresponding to terminal nodes |xp| and |xpp|. @= flip(c,d,e,t,tp,tpp,p,xp,xpp) arc *c,*d,*e; Vertex *t,*tp,*tpp,*p; node *xp,*xpp; {@+register arc *ep=e->next, *cp=c->next, *cpp=cp->next; e->next=c;@+c->next=cpp;@+cpp->next=e; e->inst=c->inst=cpp->inst=xp; c->vert=p; d->next=ep;@+ep->next=cp;@+cp->next=d; d->inst=ep->inst=cp->inst=xpp; d->vert=tpp; } @*Use of mileage data. The |delaunay| routine is now complete, and the only missing piece of code is the promised routine that generates planar graphs based on data from the real world. The subroutine call |plane_miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight, extend,prob,seed)| will construct a planar graph with min$(128,n)$ vertices, where the vertices are exactly the same as the cities produced by the subroutine call |miles(n,north_weight,west_weight, pop_weight,0,0,seed)|. (As explained in module |gb_miles|, the weight parameters |north_weight|, |west_weight|, and |pop_weight| are used to rank the cities by location and/or population.) The edges of the new graph are obtained by first constructing the Delaunay triangulation of those cities, based on a simple projection onto the plane using their latitude and longitude, then discarding each Delaunay edge with probability |prob/65536|. The length of each surviving edge is the same as the mileage between cities that would appear in the complete graph produced by |miles|. If |extend!=0|, an additional vertex representing $\infty$ is also included. The Delaunay triangulation includes edges of length |INFTY| connecting this vertex with all cities on the convex hull; these edges, like the others, are subject to being discarded with probability |prob/65536|. (See the description of |plane| for further comments about the use of |prob| to control the sparseness of the graph.) The weight parameters must satisfy $$ \vert|north_weight|\vert\le100{,}000,\quad \vert|west_weight|\vert\le100{,}000,\quad \vert|pop_weight|\vert\le100.$$ Vertices of the graph will appear in order of decreasing weight. The |seed| parameter defines the pseudo-random numbers used wherever a ``random'' choice between equal-weight vertices needs to be made, or when deciding whether to discard a Delaunay edge. @= Graph *plane_miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,extend,prob,seed) unsigned n; /* number of vertices desired */ int north_weight; /* coefficient of latitude in the weight function */ int west_weight; /* coefficent of longitude in the weight function */ int pop_weight; /* coefficient of population in the weight function */ unsigned extend; /* should a point at infinity be included? */ unsigned prob; /* probability of rejecting a Delaunay edge */ long seed; /* random number seed */ {@+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |plane_miles| */ @; @; if (gb_alloc_trouble) { gb_recycle(new_graph); panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */ } gb_free(new_graph->aux_data); /* recycle special memory used by |miles| */ if (extend) new_graph->n++; /* make the ``infinite'' vertex legitimate */ return new_graph; } @ By setting the |max_distance| parameter to~1, we cause |miles| to produce a graph having the desired vertices but no edges. The vertices of this graph will have appropriate coordinate fields |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and~|z_coord|. @= if (extend) extra_n++; /* allocate one more vertex than usual */ if (n==0 || n>MAX_N) n=MAX_N; /* compute true number of vertices */ new_graph=miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,1,0,seed); if (new_graph==NULL) return; /* |panic_code| has been set by |miles| */ sprintf(new_graph->id,"plane_miles(%u,%d,%d,%d,%u,%u,%ld)", n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,extend,prob,seed); if (extend) extra_n--; /* restore |extra_n| to its previous value */ @ @= gprob=prob; if (extend) { inf_vertex=new_graph->vertices+new_graph->n; inf_vertex->name=gb_save_string("INF"); inf_vertex->x_coord=inf_vertex->y_coord=inf_vertex->z_coord= -1; } else inf_vertex=NULL; delaunay(new_graph,new_mile_edge); @ The mileages will all have been negated by |miles|, so we make them positive again. @= void new_mile_edge(u,v) Vertex *u,*v; {@+register long dx,dy; if ((gb_next_rand()>>15)>=gprob) { if (u) { if (v) { gb_new_edge(u,v,-miles_distance(u,v)); } else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(u,inf_vertex,INFTY); } else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(inf_vertex,v,INFTY); } } @* Index. As usual, we close with an index that shows where the identifiers of \\{gb\_plane} are defined and used.