% An illustration of comment.sty by Victor Eijkhout. % This file belongs to comment.sty version 3.0 or later, % it is both plain TeX and LaTeX compatible. \def\plainname{plain} \ifx\fmtname\plainname \input comment.sty \else \documentstyle[comment]{article} \begin{document} \fi \includecomment{thisone} \excludecomment{notthisone} This sentence \comment has \endcomment no verb. Check for\notthisone superfluous \endnotthisone spaces, and \thisone inclusion \endthisone of proper texts. % a test of the special comments \newcount\comlines \specialcomment{countedcomment} {\comlines=-1\relax %note that the rest of the first line is also comment \def\ThisComment##1{\global\advance\comlines1\relax}} {\endgraf **Comment: \number\comlines\ line(s) removed**\endgraf} This is a line of text \countedcomment Oneline \endcountedcomment another line of text \countedcomment One line Two line Three line \endcountedcomment last line of text \edef\byebye{ \if\fmtname\plainname \noexpand\csname bye\noexpand\endcsname \else \noexpand\end{document} \fi} \byebye