\documentstyle[verbatim,exercise]{report} \newcommand{\fivetimes}[1]{#1 #1 #1 #1 #1} \numberexercises{chapter} \exercisehead{\bf$\bullet$\,EXERCISE }{:} \begin{document} \chapter{First Chapter} \fivetimes{\fivetimes{Some text.}} \begin{exercise} \fivetimes{This is the first exercise in Chapter~1.} \answer Answer to the first exercise in Chapter~1. \end{exercise} \begin{exercise} \label{x12} \fivetimes{This is the second exercise in Chapter~1.} \fivetimes{This is the second exercise in Chapter~1.} \answer Answer to the second exercise in Chapter~1. \end{exercise} \begin{exercise} \fivetimes{This is the third exercise in Chapter~1.} \end{exercise} \chapter{Second Chapter} \fivetimes{\fivetimes{Some more text.}} \begin{exercise} \fivetimes{This is the first exercise in Chapter~2.} (See also exercise~\ref{x12}). \answer Answer to the first exercise in Chapter~2. \end{exercise} \begin{exercise} \fivetimes{This is the second exercise in Chapter~2.} \answer Answer to the second exercise in Chapter~2. \end{exercise} \end{document}