\documentclass{turabian} % This material is subject to the LATEX Project Public License. % This template is no longer required to utilize the Turabian LaTeX class. It is provided as a guide for demonstrating the class's capabilities. For the latest version of this template and the Turabian class, visit the templates gallery at Overleaf.com. \usepackage{draftwatermark} % Remove this line to eliminate "DRAFT" watermark. \begin{document} % ---------- TITLE PAGE ----------- \centering{ LIBERTY UNIVERSITY\\* \vspace{30mm} [PAPER TITLE]\\* \vspace{30mm} A PAPER SUBMITTED TO\\* \vspace{6mm} [PROFESSOR NAME] OF LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY\\* \vspace{6mm} IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS\\* \vspace{6mm} [COURSE NAME AND SEMESTER ID]\\* \vspace{30mm} LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY\\* \vspace{30mm} BY\\* \vspace{6mm} [AUTHOR NAME]\\* \vfill [AUTHOR LOCATION]\\* \vspace{6mm} [DATE]\\* } \pagestyle{empty} \pagebreak % ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------- \papercontents First Section\dotfill 3\\* \vfill \pagebreak % --------- PAPER CONTENT --------- \content \section{First Section} \vspace{-4mm} \lipsum[1-2] This is an example\footnote{\lipsum[1]} of Hebrew\footnote{\lipsum[1]} in the document. \cjRL{bd'} \pagebreak % --------- BIBLIOGRAPHY --------- \bibliography \bibline{Last Name, First Name \emph{Book Title} Publisher City and State: Publisher, Year. Bibliography entries will automatically indent second line to comply with 8th edition Turabian format.}\bigskip \medskip \bibline{Last Name, First Name \emph{Book Title} Publisher City and State: Publisher, Year. Bibliography entries will automatically indent second line to comply with 8th edition Turabian format.}\bigskip \end{document}