%%% Testing: textblock in horizontal mode % % In textpos up to 1.9.1, a textblock in horizontal mode, with the % [absolute] option, worked, in the sense of not failing, but produced % ugly spacing, because in generating a `\par` it messed up % inter-paragraph spacing. This had the result that the text either % side of the textblock appeared as separate paragraphs with no space % between them. The appearance in [relative] mode was OK, but with % the `\par` visible. This isn't a _bug_, since the documentation % didn't say anything other than that a `\par` is inserted at this % point, but it's not pretty. \documentclass{article} \parindent=0pt \baselineskip=12pt \usepackage[absolute]{textpos} \usepackage{color} \definecolor{Blue}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,1.0} \definecolor{Red}{rgb}{1.0,0.5,0.5} \textblockcolour{Blue} % Make the textblock contents, and size, stand out \def\content#1{\noindent \textcolor{Red}{\hbox to 1em{% \vrule height 9pt depth 3pt width 2pt %12 pt total \hss \vrule width 2pt }\relax #1}} \begin{document} \TPoptions{absolute=false} Line 1. Line 1a. % no descenders on this line % The sentence space between these should be the same as between these % and 1bis \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) \content{Relative, hmode} \end{textblock} Line \smash{1bis, preceded by sentence space}. % \smash, to ensure line has zero depth Line 2 should be the usual baseline from 1. \vskip 1cm Line 3. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) \content{Relative, vmode} \end{textblock} Line 4. Line 5 should be separated from line 4 by the same baseline as 4 from~3. Line 6. Line 6a. \begin{textblock*}{10cm}(0mm,0mm) \content{Relative, hmode, star.} \end{textblock*} Line \smash{6bis, preceded by sentence space.} Line 7. With second sentence. \begin{textblock*}{10cm}(0mm,0mm) \content{Relative, vmode, star.} \end{textblock*} Line 8 should be separated from 7 by the usual baseline. \newpage \TPoptions{absolute=true} Line 9. Line 9a. \begin{textblock}{5}(0,0) \content{Absolute 1} \end{textblock} Line 9bis, preceded by sentence space. % the smash doesn't matter in absolute mode Line 10. \begin{textblock*}{5cm}(0mm,10mm) \content{Absolute 2} \end{textblock*} Line 11 should be separated from 10 by the usual baseline. \end{document}