%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++% % This is file 'skeyval-view-pokayoke1.tex', version 1.3, 2013/02/22. % % % % This package and accompanying files may be distributed and/or % % modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, % % either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest % % version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % % % The LPPL maintenance status of this software is 'author-maintained'. % % % % This software is provided 'as it is', without warranty of any kind, % % either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the % % implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular % % purpose. % % % % The following files constitute the skeyval bundle and must be % % distributed as a whole: % % % % README, skeyval.sty, skeyval-core.tex, skeyval-for.tex, % % skeyval-view.sty, skeyval-ltxpatch.sty, skeyval-ltxcmds.tex, % % skeyval-pstkey.sty, skeyval-pstkey.tex, skeyval-testclass.cls, % % skeyval-testpkg.sty, skeyval-pokayoke1, skeyval-pokayoke2, % % skeyval-view-pokayoke1. % % % % Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Ahmed Musa (amusa22@gmail.com). % %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++% \documentclass{skeyval-testclass} \usepackage[tabulate,xcolor-options=dvipsnames]{skeyval-view} \usetikzlibrary[topaths] \makeatletter \setupviewkeys{length of default=30} \skvdefinekeys[KV]{fam1}[vhp@]{% .initialize keys after define, .ord/{keya,keya2}/default-a, .cmd/keyb, .zcmd/key c/\def\cmdc##1{##1}/ \edef\y{\detokenize\expandafter{\vhp@keyc}}\def\x##1{#1*key c*##1}, % No default for keyd: .choice/keyd/.na /{ center.do=\def\x##1{#1*##1}, left.do={\def\ans{#1}}, right } /\def\z##1{#1*##1} /\@warning{Invalid value for keyd}, .bool/show shadow/true, .zbool/show center/true/\edef\cmd{\ifvhp@showcenter Yes\else No\fi}, .ord/keye, .cmd/keyf, .tog/keyg/true } \def\vald{left} \skvaddslots[KV]{fam1}{stylekeya,stylekeyb}{keya=vala,keyb=valb} {key c=valc,keyd=.expanded{\vald}}[defaults-a&b]{\def\y##1{#1*##1}} % Define some keys: \directkeys*{ .prefix=KV, .family=fam2, .holder prefix=hp@, .initialize keys after define, .define keys={% .ord/keya, .ord/galaxy/Messier 51a/\def\constellation{Canes Venatici}, .choice/planet/Earth/{Earth.do=\def\x##1{#1*##1},Mars,Jupiter}, .bool/space travel/true, .cmd/astronaut/Yuri Gagarin/ \edef\x{\ifx\hp@astronaut\@empty Neil Armstrong\else\hp@astronaut\fi}, .ord/space observatory/Hubble Space Telescope/ \def\father{Lyman Spitzer~(1914--1997)}, }, } \makeatother \begin{document} \title{The \texttt{\textcolor{blue}{skeyval-view}} Package\\[.25ex] Version 1.1a\\[1ex] \textsf{Test document}} \author{Ahmed Musa} \maketitle \skvviewkeys{% .show={ family=fam1, color=blue }, .show={ families={fam1,fam2}, only those with default=true, write to file=\jobname.skvv, show labels=true, show wlabels=true, }, .show={ family=fam1, only those with default=[none], show labels=true, color=cyan, }, .show={ families={fam1,fam2}, only those without default=true, color=purple, }, .show={ family=fam2, columns={prefix,family,key type,default}, color=teal }, .show={ only those in family=fam2, columns={family,type,default} }, .show={ only those in families={fam1,fam2}, columns={prefix,family,type,default}, color=magenta } } \newpage \skvtestcnt0\relax \skvrecurse \advance\skvtestcnt1\relax \vskip\baselineskip\noindent \textcolor{blue!\the\numexpr10*\skvtestcnt!red!% \the\numexpr100/\skvtestcnt}{% The play was a great success, but the audience was a disaster. \endgraf{\small Oscar Wilde, 1854--1900} }% \while \ifnum\skvtestcnt<8\relax \fi % Credit: Quintin Jean-Noël \newcount\mycount \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5,transform shape] \newforeach \nr in {1,...,8}{ \mycount=\numexpr(\nr-1)*45\relax \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.25cm] (N-\nr) at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) {}; } \newforeach \nr in {9,...,16}{ \mycount=\numexpr(\nr-1)*45+22\relax \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.25cm] (N-\nr) at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) {}; } \newforeach \nr in {1,...,15}{ \mycount=\numexpr\nr+1\relax \newforeach \nra in {\the\mycount,...,16}{ \path (N-\nr) edge[->,bend right=3] (N-\nra) edge[<-,bend left=3] (N-\nra); } } \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \bigskip Find more information about the \textcolor{red}{\texttt{show shadow}} option on page~\pageref{KV/fam1/show shadow}. \end{document} % End of file skeyval-view-pokayoke1.tex