\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{lucidabr} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[contnav]{pdfslide} \usepackage{pause} \pagestyle{title} \begin{document} \orgname{Indian \TeX{} Users Group} \orgurl{\protect\color{white}http://www.river-valley.com/tug/} \title{\scalebox{1}[1.3]{Presentations with pdf\TeX}} \author{\scalebox{1}[1.3]{C.~V.~Radhakrishnan}} \address{River Valley Technologies\\ {\realfootnotesize(Development Division of Focal Image (India) Pvt. Ltd.)}\\ Software Technology Park, Trivandrum, India\\ email: {\tt cvr@river-valley.com}} \notes{This is for public consumption and for release to Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network} \overlay{d12.jpg} \maketitle \pagedissolve{Wipe /D 3 /Dm /V /M /O} \overlay{metablue.pdf} \sffamily\large \color{section0} \section{Objectives} \begin{itemize} \item to devise a method for easier technical presentation.\pause \item to help the mix of mathematical formulae with text and graphics which the present day \textsc{wysiwyg} tools fail to\linebreak accomplish.\pause \item to exploit the platform independence of \TeX{} so that presentation documents become portable.\pause \item to offer the freedom and possibilities of using various backgrounds and other embellishments that a user can imagine to have in his presentation. \end{itemize} \headskip=48pt \section{Methodology} \pagedissolve{Glitter /D 3 /Di /V /M /O} \overlay{metalgray.pdf} \color{section2} \begin{enumerate} \item Make a \LaTeX{} document in the usual way.\pause \item In the preamble load the slide package with the command\\ \color{red}\verb+ \usepackage{pdfslide}+\color{section2} This shall be loaded as the last package. You must have \textcolor{red}{hyperref.sty} version 6.60 or above installed in your system.\pause \item Run pdf\LaTeX{} over your document and you get the pdf output which you can view with Acrobat Reader. \end{enumerate} \section{Backgrounds} \overlay{bg.jpg} \pagedissolve{Wipe /D 1 /Di /H /M /O} \color{white} \begin{itemize} \item You can create your own background graphics with your preferred packages and include them using the command\\ \color{yellow} \verb+\overlay{+\textless\emph{filename}\textgreater\verb+}+% \color{white}.\pause \item pdf\TeX{} supports three graphic file formats \emph{viz.}, \textcolor{yellow}{\tt pdf, jpeg, png}. If you have \textcolor{yellow}{\tt eps} files you can distill them with Acrobat Distiller or use Ghostscript to convert them to pdf format.\pause \item You can change backgrounds for each page, there is no limit. \end{itemize} \section{Page Transition} \pagedissolve{Wipe /D 1 /Di /H /M /O} \overlay{bg.jpg} \color{white} \begin{itemize} \item You can exploit the page transition facilities in the Acrobat. Specify your choice by using the command\\ \color{yellow} \verb+\pagedissolve{+\textless\emph{option}\textgreater\verb+}+% \color{white}\pause \item A list of page dissolve options and keys are given in the user manual of \textcolor{yellow}{\tt pdfslide.sty}. \end{itemize} \headskip30pt \section{Some Math Equations} \pagedissolve{Wipe /D 1 /Di /H /M /O} \overlay{mpgraph.pdf} \color{section1} \begin{align} \begin{split} |I_l| &=\left|\int_\Omega gRu\,\Omega\right|\\ \pause &\le C_3\left[\int_\Omega \left(\int_{a}^x g(xi,t)\, d\xi\right)^2d \Omega\right]^{1/2}\\ \pause &\quad\times\left[\int_\Omega \left\{u^2_x+\frac{1}{k} \left(\int_{a}^x cu_t \, d\xi \right)^2\right\} c \Omega\right]^{1/2} \\ \pause &\le C_4\left|\left| f\left|\widetilde{S}^{-1,0}_{a,-} W_2(\Omega,\Gamma_1) \right|\right| \left||u|\overset{\circ}\to W_2^{\widetilde{A}} \Omega;\Gamma_r,T)\right|\right|. \end{split} \end{align} \headskip0pt \section{Extra facilities} \pagedissolve{Wipe /D 1 /Di /H /M /O} \overlay{metalgray.pdf} \color{black}\rmfamily \realnormalsize \subsection{Fonts} All the font attributes have been redefined to make them larger than the usual size. However, if you want to revert to the original size, you will have to add the word \verb+real+ before the font size command, i.e., for \verb+\normalsize+, use \verb+\realnormalsize+; for \verb+\large+ it is \verb+\reallarge+ and so forth. \subsection{Headings} \verb+\section{...}+ may be used for first level heading for the slides. If you need more skip before the heading so as to make the whole matter vertically centered, you can change the dimension with the command, \verb+\headskip={<+new dimension\verb+>}+. This command shall be placed before the section heading and shall be reset at the end of the current slide, if you do not want the current skip further. \subsection{Post-processing} The postprocessor \emph{viz.}, \verb+PPower4+ can be applied to the pdf generated with this package, so that incremental additions to the pages are possible. \verb+PPower4+ is available at \href{ftp://ftp.dante.de/support/PPower4}{\textsc{ctan}}. You may need Java Virtual Machine running in your system to work with \verb+PPower4+. \subsection{Page Transition} Following portion from the well known book, \emph{Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF} by Thomas Merz will largely help to know the options for \verb+\pagedissolve+ function. \definecolor{gray9}{rgb}{1,.894,.769} \subsubsection{Keys for page transitions} \sffamily\itshape \setlength\arrayrulewidth{0pt} \def\dash{\noalign{\vskip1.5pt}\hline\noalign{\vskip1.5pt}} $$\begin{tabular}{@{}p{1in}p{5in}@{}} \rowcolor{section1}Key & Explanation\\\dash \rowcolor{gray9} /Split & Two lines sweep across the screen to reveal the new page similar to opening a curtain.\\\dash \rowcolor{buttondisable} /Blinds & Similar to /Split, but with several lines resembling ``venetian blinds''\\\dash \rowcolor{gray9} /Box & A box enlarges from the center of the old page to reveal the new one.\\\dash \rowcolor{buttondisable} /Wipe & A single line ``wipes'' across the old page to reveal the new one.\\\dash \rowcolor{gray9} /Dissolve & The old page ``dissolves'' to reveal the new one.\\\dash \rowcolor{buttondisable} /Glitter& Similar to /Dissolve, except the effect sweeps from one edge to another.\\\dash \rowcolor{gray9} /R (Replace) & The old page is simply replaced with the new one without any special effect. This is the default. \end{tabular}$$ \rmfamily\normalfont For some of the transitions additional parameters may be specified. The following code results in a split effect with the lines moving horizontally (/H) from the inner parts of the page to the outer parts (/O). The duration of the effect is two seconds (/D): \begin{verbatim} /S /Split /D 2 /Dm /H /M /O \end{verbatim} Given below are all supported parameters for page dissolve, along with the kind of transition on which the parameters may be applied. \subsubsection{Additional parameters for page transitions} \sffamily\itshape $$\begin{tabular}{@{}p{1in}p{5in}@{}} \rowcolor{section1}Key & Explanation\\ \dash \rowcolor{gray9} /D & Duration of the transition effect in seconds (applies to all effects)\\ \dash \rowcolor{buttondisable} /Di\hfill\break (Direction) & Direction of the movement (multiples of 90$^\circ$ only). Values increase in a counterclockwise fashion, 0$^\circ$ points to the right (for /Wipe and /Glitter).\\\dash \rowcolor{gray9} /Dm\hfill\break (Dimension) & Possible values are /H or /V for a horizontal or vertical effect, respectively (for /Split and /Blinds).\\\dash \rowcolor{buttondisable} /M \hfill\break (Motion) & Specifies whether the effect is performed from the center out or the edges in. Possible values are /I for in and /O for out (for /Split and /Box). \end{tabular}$$ \rmfamily\normalfont \subsection{Navigation buttons} There are two options available \emph{viz}., \verb+contnav+ and \verb+ams+. For the first option to work smoothly, you need to have the \verb+contnav+ fonts installed in your \TeX{} system to have the navigation buttons in the side panel. This font is part of the Con\TeX{}t macro package. Navigation buttons from top to bottom correspond to first page, previous page, next page, last page, go back, go forward and close file respectively. The button below the pine tree indicate the current slide number and clicking at it will open you the Acrobat window to go to a particular slide. \TeX{}Live4 has \verb+contnav+ fonts installed, but will have to add the following line to the \verb+hoekwater.map+ \begin{verbatim} contnav ContextNavigation