@InProceedings{RudolphGrabowskiGraubmann96, author = {E. Rudolph and P.Graubmann and J. Grabowski}, title = {Tutorial on Message Sequence Charts {(MSC'96})}, booktitle = {FORTE}, year = 1996 } @Booklet{z120, title = {{ITU-TS} {R}ecommendation {Z.120}: {M}essage {S}equence {C}hart {(MSC)}}, author = {ITU-TS}, address = {Geneva}, year = 1997 } @Book{GSM97, AUTHOR = {Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach}, TITLE = {{T}he {\LaTeX} {G}raphics {C}ompanion}, PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = 1997 } @Book{Lam94, author = {L. Lamport}, title = {{\LaTeX}---A Document Preparation System---User's Guide and Reference Manual}, publisher = {Adsison-Wesley}, year = 1994, edition = {2nd}, note = {Updated for {\LaTeXe}} } @Manual{BM02, title = {A {\LaTeX{}} macro package for Message Sequence Charts---Reference Manual---Describing {\mscpack} version~{\mscversion}}, author = {V. Bos and T. van Deursen and S. Mauw}, year = {2010}, month = {December}, note = {Included in MSC macro package distribution} } @Manual{BM02a, title = {A {\LaTeX{}} macro package for Message Sequence Charts---User Manual---Describing {\mscpack} version~{\mscversion}}, author = {V. Bos and T. van Deursen and S. Mauw}, year = {2010}, month = {January}, note = {Included in MSC macro package distribution} } @Manual{BM02b, title = {A {\LaTeX{}} macro package for Message Sequence Charts---Maintenance document---Describing {\mscpack} version~{\mscversion}}, author = {V. Bos and T. van Deursen and S. Mauw}, year = {2010}, month = {January}, note = {Included in MSC macro package distribution} } @article{mertz2007graphics, title={Graphics with TikZ}, author={Mertz, Andrew and Slough, William}, journal={The PracTEX Journal}, volume={1}, year={2007} } @manual{tantau2022pgf, author = {Till Tantau}, title = {The TikZ and PGF Packages}, subtitle = {Manual for version 3.1.9a}, url = {https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/releases/download/3.1.9a/pgfmanual-3.1.9a.pdf}, date = {2022-05-13}, }