%name: sugconf-template.tex \documentclass{sugconf}%loads packages: graphicx, hyperref, inputenc \sugconfbanner{banner-sgf-2021.png} \sugconfpapernumber{Paper 999-2021, draft of \today}% \title{Musings on The Analytical Engine} %%note double backslash \\ means 'newline' \author{Ada Lovelace \\ Charles Babbage}%multiple authors: A. Berry \\ C. Derby \begin{document}\maketitle \hypersetup{pdftitle ={What is the name of this paper?}% ,pdfauthor ={R.J. Fehd and LaTeX Krewe}% separate multiple authors by 'and' ,pdfsubject ={sugconf tightlist}% ,pdfkeywords={description enumerate itemize}% }%end pdfinfo notes: open .pdf, D shows this information \section{Abstract}% \SASregistered software %provided by sugconf.cls %\tableofcontents%use to rough-draft toc, disable for final \section{Introduction}% \section{first main topic}% \subsection{figures, tables}% \texttt{\%let mvar = value;} \texttt{\%put echo \&=mvar;} \begin{verbatim} %let mvar = value; %put echo &=mvar; \end{verbatim} \section{Conclusion}% this is the paragraph of the conclusion. \vspace{-1\baselineskip}%move up one line \begin{thebibliography}{9}%or 99 if cites ge 10, \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{references}%optional, for toc review %useage: \cite{example} or \nameref{example} \bibitem[example]{example}\strut %\vspace{0pt} \begin{verbatim} \bibitem[label]{cite-key} author, (year), "title". In: \textit{conference name}. \textsc{url:} \url{...}. \end{verbatim} \bibitem[text of label]{cite-key}%note: \nameref{cite-key} returns [text of label] author, (year), "title". In: \textit{conference}. \par\textsc{url:} \url{www.lexjansen.com}. \end{thebibliography} \subsection{Acknowledgements}% \subsection{contact info}% Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}[h]{rl} name: & Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace\\ phone: &\href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOUNkVsx1-s}{634-5789} \\ %(optional) enterprise:& Charles Babbage's computer, the Analytical Engine\\ % (optional) e-mail: &\url{mailto:alovelace@babbageinstitute.edu}\\ linkedin: &\url{https://www.linkedin.com/feed/}\\ web: &\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace}\\ %(optional) \end{tabular} \end{center} \vfill \SASisRegisteredTrademark %sugconf.cls \vfill \OtherTrademarks %sugconf.cls \end{document}