% Encoding definition of fonts by Storm Type Foundry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Jun 2001 Petr Olsak % Feb 2004 % See stormtex.html and ofsdoc.tex manuals for more details. \ifx \characterdef \undefined \input ofs \fi \protectreading ofs-6s.tex % This is part of OFS package \ifx \characterdef \undefined \input ofs \fi \fontmessage {\ofsmessageheader Characters + accents of fonts by Storm Type Foundry defined.} %% Extra encoding, characters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \characterdef \onesuperior 6s 1 \characterdef \twosuperior 6s 2 \characterdef \threesuperior 6s 3 \characterdef \textleq 6s 4 \characterdef \textneq 6s 5 \characterdef \textgeq 6s 6 \characterdef \textpm 6s 7 \characterdef \onequarter 6s 8 \characterdef \onehalf 6s 9 \characterdef \threequarters 6s 10 \characterdef \fraction 6s 11 \characterdef \degree 6s 12 \characterdef \brokenbar 6s 13 \characterdef \fullbar 6s 124 \characterdef \textsum 6s 16 \characterdef \textOmega 6s 17 \characterdef \textminus 6s 0 \characterdef \textmu 6s 19 \characterdef \textDelta 6s 20 \characterdef \textneg 6s 21 \characterdef \textinfty 6s 22 \characterdef \textradical 6s 23 \characterdef \textbackslash 6s 92 \characterdef \textbraceleft 6s 123 \characterdef \textbraceright 6s 125 \characterdef \textless 6s 60 \characterdef \textgreater 6s 62 \characterdef \texttimes 6s 14 \characterdef \textdiv 6s 15 \characterdef \quotedbl 6s 34 \characterdef \asciicircum 6s 94 \characterdef \underscore 6s 95 \characterdef \asciitilde 6s 126 \characterdef \periodcentered 6s 127 \characterdef \ordfeminine 6s 24 \characterdef \ordmasculine 6s 25 \characterdef \vargrave 6s 26 \characterdef \varacute 6s 27 \characterdef \varcaron 6s 28 \characterdef \varcircumflex 6s 29 \characterdef \varbreve 6s 30 \characterdef \varring 6s 31 \characterdef \varmacron 6s 35 \characterdef \vardotaccent 6s 36 \characterdef \varhungarumlaut 6s 37 \characterdef \varogonek 6s 38 \characterdef \varcedilla 6s 39 \characterdef \vartilde 6s 40 \characterdef \vardieresis 6s 41 \characterdef \commaaccent 6s 42 \characterdef \euro 6s 136 \let\Euro=\euro \characterdef \franc 6s 137 \characterdef \cent 6s 168 \characterdef \yen 6s 169 \characterdef \varv 6s 18 % This character has a bad internal % Type1 name: pi, sometimes it looks % as pi, sometimes as varv :-( \characterdef \ligct 6s 128 \characterdef \ligst 6s 129 \characterdef \ligft 6s 130 \characterdef \longst 6s 131 \characterdef \longs 6s 132 \characterdef \florin 6s 134 \characterdef \dag 6s 160 \characterdef \ddag 6s 161 \characterdef \textbullet 6s 162 \characterdef \paragraph 6s 163 \characterdef \ellipsis 6s 164 \characterdef \trademark 6s 165 \let\copyright=\relax \characterdef \copyright * {\ofscopyright} \characterdef \copyright 6s 166 \characterdef \registered 6s 167 \characterdef \currency 6s 168 % Does not work in Storm fonts \characterdef \varzero 6s 48 \characterdef \varone 6s 49 \characterdef \vartwo 6s 50 \characterdef \varthree 6s 51 \characterdef \varfour 6s 52 \characterdef \varfive 6s 53 \characterdef \varsix 6s 54 \characterdef \varseven 6s 55 \characterdef \vareight 6s 56 \characterdef \varnine 6s 57 \characterdef \Eth 6s 144 \characterdef \eth 6s 176 \characterdef \Thorn 6s 145 \characterdef \thorn 6s 177 \characterdef \IJ 6s 156 \characterdef \ij 6s 188 \characterdef \O 6s 216 \characterdef \o 6s 248 %%% Extra encoding, accented letters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \accentdef \~ A 6s 195 \accentdef \= A 6s 196 \accentdef \r A 6s 197 \accentdef \~ a 6s 227 \accentdef \= a 6s 228 \accentdef \r a 6s 229 \accentdef \^ C 6s 198 \accentdef \. C 6s 199 \accentdef \^ c 6s 230 \accentdef \. c 6s 231 \accentdef \= d 6s 135 \accentdef \` E 6s 200 \accentdef \u E 6s 201 \accentdef \^ E 6s 202 \accentdef \= E 6s 203 \accentdef \. E 6s 193 \accentdef \` e 6s 232 \accentdef \u e 6s 233 \accentdef \^ e 6s 234 \accentdef \= e 6s 235 \accentdef \. e 6s 225 \accentdef \u G 6s 154 \accentdef \^ G 6s 218 \accentdef \. G 6s 219 \accentdef \c G 6s 220 \accentdef \u g 6s 186 \accentdef \^ g 6s 250 \accentdef \. g 6s 251 \accentdef \c g 6s 252 \accentdef \' g 6s 185 \accentdef \^ H 6s 222 \accentdef \= H 6s 223 \accentdef \^ h 6s 254 \accentdef \= h 6s 255 \accentdef \. I 6s 157 \accentdef \` I 6s 204 \accentdef \~ I 6s 205 \accentdef \= I 6s 206 \accentdef \" I 6s 207 \accentdef \k I 6s 208 \accentdef \. i 6s `\i \accentdef \` i 6s 236 \accentdef \~ i 6s 237 \accentdef \= i 6s 238 \accentdef \" i 6s 239 \accentdef \k i 6s 240 \accentdef \^ J 6s 155 \accentdef \^ j 6s 187 \accentdef \c K 6s 215 \accentdef \c k 6s 247 \accentdef \c L 6s 158 \accentdef \. L 6s 159 \accentdef \c l 6s 190 \accentdef \. l 6s 191 \accentdef \~ N 6s 209 \accentdef \c N 6s 214 \accentdef \m n 6s 184 \accentdef \~ n 6s 241 \accentdef \c n 6s 246 \accentdef \` O 6s 210 \accentdef \= O 6s 211 \accentdef \u O 6s 212 \accentdef \~ O 6s 213 \accentdef \` o 6s 242 \accentdef \= o 6s 243 \accentdef \u o 6s 244 \accentdef \~ o 6s 245 \accentdef \c R 6s 147 \accentdef \c r 6s 179 \accentdef \m S 6s 221 \accentdef \^ S 6s 148 \accentdef \m s 6s 253 \accentdef \^ s 6s 180 \accentdef \= T 6s 140 \accentdef \m T 6s 141 \accentdef \= t 6s 172 \accentdef \m t 6s 173 \accentdef \= U 6s 142 \accentdef \u U 6s 143 \accentdef \^ U 6s 149 \accentdef \k U 6s 150 \accentdef \~ U 6s 151 \accentdef \` U 6s 217 \accentdef \= u 6s 174 \accentdef \u u 6s 175 \accentdef \^ u 6s 181 \accentdef \k u 6s 182 \accentdef \~ u 6s 183 \accentdef \` u 6s 249 \accentdef \^ W 6s 192 \accentdef \^ w 6s 224 \accentdef \^ Y 6s 194 \accentdef \" Y 6s 146 \accentdef \^ y 6s 226 \accentdef \" y 6s 178 %%% Extra characters from StormL2Encoding (no present in 8z standard) \modifydef 8z:storm; {% \characterdef \degree 8z 176 \characterdef \euro 8z 134 \characterdef \trademark 8z 136 \characterdef \copyright 8z 137 \characterdef \registered 8z 138 \characterdef \flq 8z 142 \characterdef \frq 8z 143 \characterdef \clq 8z 154 \characterdef \crq 8z 155 \characterdef \ligct 8z 145 \characterdef \ligst 8z 146 \characterdef \ligft 8z 147 \characterdef \longst 8z 148 \characterdef \longs 8z 149 \characterdef \varv 8z 144 \characterdef \florin 8z 151 } %%% Differences between StormT1Encoding and standard T1 encoding %%%%% \modifydef 8t:storm;{% \characterdel \promile 8t {\%\char 24 } \characterdef \promile 8t 24 % the "perzero" is missing in Storm fonts \characterdel \textpertenthousand 8t {\%\char 24\char 24 } \characterdel \dotlessj 8t 26 \characterdef \varv 8t 26 % dotlessj is missing in Storm fonts } \modifydef 6s:noligs; {% \characterdel \ligct 6s 128 \characterdel \ligst 6s 129 \characterdel \ligft 6s 130 } \modifydef 6s:vardigits;{% \characterdef \vardigits * {\setextrafont} } %%% The \CAP? macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % variant accents for capital letters \def\CAP#1{\csname CAP\string#1\endcsname} \def\CAPdef #1 {\expandafter\def\csname CAP\string#1\endcsname} \def\CAPv {\aboveCAP \varcaron \v} \def\CAPu {\aboveCAP \varbreve \u} \def\CAPr {\aboveCAP \varring \r} \def\CAPH {\aboveCAP \varhungarumlaut \H} \CAPdef ` {\aboveCAP \vargrave \`} \CAPdef ' {\aboveCAP \varacute \'} \CAPdef = {\aboveCAP \varmacron \=} \CAPdef ^ {\aboveCAP \varcircumflex \^} \CAPdef . {\aboveCAP \vardotaccent \.} \CAPdef " {\aboveCAP \vardieresis \"} \CAPdef ~ {\aboveCAP \vartilde \~} \def\aboveCAP #1#2{% \ifx\expandaction\noexpand \noexpand\aboveCAP \noexpand#1\noexpand#2% \else \csname fragilecommand!\endcsname \setbox2=\hbox{X}\dimen4=\ht2 \setbox0=\hbox{#1}\dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 by-.2ex \ifdim\dimen4>\dimen0 \def\tmpa{#2}% \else \def\tmpa{\accentabove {#1}{-\dimen4}}% \fi \expandafter \tmpa \fi } %%% \stmath sets some math characters from extra encoding %%%%%% % use in this order: \setfonts [Family/] \stmath \setmath[//] \def\stmath{\ifx\extraenc\stextraenc \def\mathfonts{\defaultmathfonts \csname st\mathversion math\endcsname}% \def\mathchars{\defaultmathchars \stmathchars \let\mathchars=\relax}% \else \displaymessage{\ofsmessageheader WARNING. No extra enc 6s defined. \noexpand\stmath ignored.}% \fi } \def\stextraenc{6s} \def\stnormalmath{% \newmathfam \Xrmfam \loadmathfam \Xrmfam [Xtenrm/]% } \def\stboldmath{% \newmathfam \Xrmfam \loadmathfam \Xrmfam [Xtenbf/]% } \def\stmathchars{% \mathcode`\- "2\hex\Xrmfam 00 \mathcode`\< "3\hex\Xrmfam 3C \mathcode`\> "3\hex\Xrmfam 3E % \edef\lbrace{\delimiter"4\hex\Xrmfam 7B308 }\let\{=\lbrace \edef\vert {\delimiter"2\hex\Xrmfam 7C30C }\let\|=\vert \edef\rbrace{\delimiter"5\hex\Xrmfam 7D309 }\let\}=\rbrace % \mathchardef \leq "3\hex\Xrmfam 04 \let\le=\leq \mathchardef \neq "3\hex\Xrmfam 05 \let\ne=\neq \mathchardef \geq "3\hex\Xrmfam 06 \let\ge=\geq \mathchardef \neg "3\hex\Xrmfam 15 \let\lnot=\neg \mathchardef \pm "2\hex\Xrmfam 07 \mathchardef \times "2\hex\Xrmfam 0E \mathchardef \div "2\hex\Xrmfam 0F \mathchardef \infty "2\hex\Xrmfam 16 % \safemathchardef \onesuperior "\hex\Xrmfam 01 \safemathchardef \twosuperior "\hex\Xrmfam 02 \safemathchardef \threesuperior "\hex\Xrmfam 03 \safemathchardef \onequarter "\hex\Xrmfam 08 \safemathchardef \onehalf "\hex\Xrmfam 09 \safemathchardef \threequarters "\hex\Xrmfam 0A \safemathchardef \fraction "\hex\Xrmfam 0B \mathchardef \dagger "2\hex\Xrmfam A0 \mathchardef \ddagger "2\hex\Xrmfam A1 \safemathchardef \dag "\hex\Xrmfam A0 \safemathchardef \ddag "\hex\Xrmfam A1 \let\bullet=\textbullet \safemathchardef \bullet "2\hex\Xrmfam A2 } %%% eof \endinput %%% the following macros will be included in LANG style files %%% Macros for quotes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\singleuv#1{\clq#1\crq} \def\doubleuv#1{\clqq#1\crqq} \def\singlefuv#1{\frq#1\flq} \def\doublefuv#1{\frqq#1\flqq} \let\uv=\doubleuv \let\fuv=\doublefuv