%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CUT HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \anti -- Definition. % Produce a superscripted antiparticle: #1 with an overbar and a super- % script #2. Looks better than \overline{{#1}^{#2}} (bar does not extend over % superscript) or {\overline {#1}}^{#2} (superscript does not stick up above % bar; in fact, superscript is at same height as for the charge conjugate, % {#1}^{#2}). If you want subscripts too, you'll have to modify % this definition to take a third argument. Math mode is assumed. % Macro by Rich Holmes (rich@suhep.bitnet), 1/88 % \def\anti#1#2{\vbox{\ialign{##\crcr \hrulefill$\smash{\phantom{\scriptstyle#2}}$\crcr % the right length bar \noalign{\kern-1pt\nointerlineskip\vskip 0.25ex} % the right spacing $\hfil{#1}^{#2}\hfil$\crcr}}} % the right text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CUT HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\Kzerobar{\anti{K}{0}} \def\Dstarbar{\anti{D}{*}} % et cetera %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CUT HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%