\documentclass{book} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{booktabs} % Load the Markdown package and set its options. \usepackage[ contentBlocks, debugExtensions, definitionLists, fancy_lists, fencedCode, hashEnumerators, inlineNotes, jekyllData, lineBlocks, notes, pipeTables, rawAttribute, smartEllipses, strikeThrough, subscripts, superscripts, tableCaptions, taskLists, texMathDollars, texMathDoubleBackslash, texMathSingleBackslash, ]{markdown} % Set the document metadata using a YAML metadata block. \begin{markdown}[hybrid] --- title: An Example *Markdown* Document author: Vít Starý Novotný date: \today --- \end{markdown} \begin{document} % Typeset the document `example.md` by letting the Markdown package handle % the conversion internally. \markdownInput{./example.md} % Typeset the document `example.tex` that we prepared separately using the % Lua command-line interface of the Markdown package and that contains a % plain TeX representation of the document `example.md`. \catcode`\%=12\relax \catcode`\#=12\relax \InputIfFileExists{./example.tex}{}{} \catcode`\%=14\relax \catcode`\#=6\relax % Besides inputting external files, Markdown text can we written directly % into a LaTeX document. Markdown text and LaTeX code can be freely combined. \begin{markdown} This is a paragraph of *Markdown text* with inline `\LaTeX`{=tex} code. ``` {=tex} This is a paragraph of \LaTeX{} code with inline \markinline{*Markdown text*}. ``` \end{markdown} % Besides YAML, LaTeX, and Markdown, you can also type HTML in your documents. \begin{markdown} Here is some HTML code mixed *with Markdown*. In `\TeX`{=tex}, the HTML code will be silently ignored, whereas in `\TeX`{=tex}4ht, the HTML code will be passed through to the output:
Emil Tobias Linus
16 14 10
\end{markdown} \end{document}