% This is a demonstration file distributed with the % Lecturer package (see lecturer-doc.pdf). % % You can recompile the file with a basic TeX implementation, % using pdfTeX or LuaTeX with the plain format. % % The reusable part ends somewhere around line 150. % % Author: Paul Isambert. % Date: July 2010. \input lecturer %\showgrid{1cm} \setparameter job: fullscreen = true font = \mainfont \setparameter slide: width height = 12cm top = 0cm bottom = 3cm left = 5cm right = 1.6cm topskip = 0pt background = black % For the lines between squares. foreground = white vpos = center hpos = ff \setarea{area1 area2 matharea} width = 3cm \setarea{area1 area2} height = 4.3cm background = white \setarea{area2} vshift = 4.7cm \setarea{matharea footnotearea} height = 2.6cm vshift* = 0pt topskip = .1cm baselineskip = .333cm vpos = center \setarea{matharea} background = blue foreground = white hpos = rr % Below the slide's text. \setarea{mainarea} hshift = 3.4cm hshift* = 0pt height = 9cm background = red \setarea{footnotearea} hshift = 3.4cm hshift* = 1.8cm left right = .3cm background = white font = \footnotefont hpos = ff \setarea{area6 area7} width = 1.4cm hshift* = 0pt height = 1.1cm \setarea{area6} vshift = 9.4cm background = white \setarea{area7} vshift* = 0pt background = yellow \setparameter step: vskip = \baselineskip \setstep\emptystep vskip = 0pt % Used for the maths. \def\mathstep#1 #2 #3{\emptystep[on=#1,off=#2]\position{matharea}[0pt,0pt]{$#3$}\ignorespaces} \def\Mathstep#1 #2{\emptystep[off=#1,visible=true]\position{matharea}[0pt,0pt]{$#2$}\ignorespaces} % The footnote. Since the same name is given % to each footnote step, there must be at most % one per slide. Otherwise, a name should be given % manually (or automatically with a number in the name, % and a counter to increment it on every footnote call). \def\footnote#1{% \showorhide{toggle=footnote}{\super{\usecolor{blue}{*}}} \emptystep[footnote,on=] \position{footnotearea}{\quitvmode\llap{* }#1}% } % On the last equation. \newsymbol\cross[1.7em]{% pen 0.1, move 0 -.5, .5 .9, stroke, move 0 .9, .5 -.5, stroke, } % Font for text. \font\mainfont=cmss10 \font\supmainfont=cmss10 at 7.5pt % Simple superscript (I'm not very good with % math font family... I'm no mathematician after all). \def\super#1{\raise.3em\hbox{\supmainfont#1}} \font\footnotefont=cmss8 at 7pt \mainfont \frenchspacing % Font for maths. \font\mathfont=cmss12 at 16pt \font\scriptmathfont=cmss12 at 10pt \font\scriptscriptmathfont=cmss12 at 8pt \textfont0=\mathfont \scriptfont0=\scriptmathfont \scriptscriptfont0=\scriptscriptmathfont \font\mathfont=cmss12 at 16pt \font\scriptmathfont=cmss12 at 12pt \font\scriptscriptmathfont=cmss12 at 8pt \textfont1=\mathfont \scriptfont1=\scriptmathfont \scriptscriptfont1=\scriptscriptmathfont \font\Tensy=cmsy10 at 18pt \font\scriptTensy=cmsy10 at 10pt \font\scriptscriptTensy=cmsy10 at 8pt \textfont2=\Tensy \scriptfont2=\scriptTensy \scriptscriptfont2=\scriptscriptTensy \font\Tenex=cmex10 at 18pt \font\scriptTenex=cmex10 at 12pt \font\scriptscriptTenex=cmex10 at 8pt \textfont3=\Tenex \scriptfont3=\scriptTenex \scriptscriptfont3=\scriptscriptTenex % \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % UNCOMMENT THE PREVIOUS LINE TO USE THIS FILE AS A TEMPLATE, % % OR REMOVE EVERYTHING BELOW. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \slide[A simple assumption] \mathstep A B {{a\over b}=\sqrt2} \mathstep B C {({a\over b})^2=2} \mathstep C D {{a^2\over b^2}=2} \mathstep D {} {a^2=2b^2} \step Some say the square root of 2 isn't rational. \step Suppose it were. \step[A] Then we could write it as this, where a and b are integers without a common factor.% \footnote{% Suppose c/d is a rational number. If c and d have no common factor, then a=b and b=d. If they have a common factor, divide both by their greatest common divisor. The result is a/b, with no common factor.} \step[B] But then we can also write this. \step[C] And this. \step[D] And finally this. \step Which means that a\super2 is even. \endslide \slide[Its consequences] \Mathstep A {a^2=2b^2} \mathstep A B {(2k)^2=2b^2} \mathstep B C {4k^2=2b^2} \mathstep C D {2k^2=b^2} \step[visible=true] So what? \step So a is even. Because only even numbers produce even squares.% \footnote{% An even number, by definition, is expressible in the form 2k, where k is any integer. On the other hand, an odd number is expressible by 2k+1. Thus the square of an odd number is (2k+1)\super2, i.e. 4k\super2+4k+1, i.e. 2x2(k\super2+k)+1, which is of the form 2k+1, with 2(k\super2+k) as k. Hence, an odd number produces an odd square, and thus if a square is even its root is even too.} \step[A] Being even means being expressible in the form 2k, where k is any integer. \step[B] And (2k)\super2 square gives 4k\super2. \step[C] Let's simplify. \step Thus b\super2 is even. \step And b is too. \endslide \slide[The problem] \Mathstep A {{a\over b}=\sqrt2} \mathstep A {} {\rlap\cross{a\over b}=\sqrt2} \step[visible=true] And but so we said a and b have no common factor. \step If both are even they do have a common factor: 2. \step Which is absurd. \step Thus, our basic assumption is false. \step[A] There are no such a and b. \step The square root of 2 is irrational. \endslide \bye