%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% h-plain-e.dmp ; Spanish email-portable %%% plain format dumper file. %%% J-L Varona and L. Siebenmann, 5-92 %%% Based on HyAcc-CM %%% of D. Flipo and L. Siebenmann %%% and patterns of Manuel Vazquez %%% %%% COMPILATION: %%% Locate outside the "TeX inputs" folder %%% to avoid destruction of English hyphen.tex %%% Compile with virtex or initex %%% to produce format h-plain.fmt %%% \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode9=10\relax% tab is space \immediate\openout10=hyphen.tex \def\temp{\immediate\write10} \temp{\lccode`\noexpand\'=`\noexpand\'} %%% Brief 7-bit Spanish pattern file %% by Manuel Vazquez, Universidad de Zaragoza \temp{% \patterns {% 1b 2bd 2bm 2bs 2by % 1c 2cc 2cn 2ct % 1d 2d1h 2dm 2dq 2dv 2dy % 1f ..1g 2gd 2gn % l1h % 1j % 1k % 1la 1le 1li 1lo 1lu 1l2l b2l c2l f2l g2l p2l % }} \temp{% \patterns {% 1m 2mb 2mp 2mn % 1na 1ne 1ni 1no 1nu % 1p 2pt 2ps 2pc % 1q % 1ra 1re 1ri 1ro 1ru b2r c2r d2r f2r g2r p2r t2r % 1sa 1se 1si 1so 1su % 1t 2tl % 1v % 1x 2xp 2xt % 1y % 1z 2zb 2zm % }} \immediate\closeout10 \input plain.tex %% standard Plain \input HyAcc-CM \dump