% This is postpictex.tex % Version 1.1 9/10/87. % See section 10 of the PiCTeX manual. % Version 1.1b 2021-06-08 extended LaTeX support for picture environment % LaTeX Project (with Michael Wichura's permission for the update) % add \put and \multiput to the list of commands restored for LaTeX. % To use the PiCTeX macros under LaTeX, you first need to \input the % file prepictex.tex, then the main corpus of PiCTeX macros (pictex.tex), % and finally this file. Do not \input the file latexpicobjs.tex. \catcode`@=11 \catcode`!=11 % Save meanings of PiCTeX keywords that duplicate LaTeX keywords \let\!pictexendpicture=\endpicture \let\!pictexframe=\frame \let\!pictexlinethickness=\linethickness \let\!pictexmultiput=\multiput \let\!pictexput=\put % Redefine the PiCTeX \beginpicture macro \def\beginpicture{% \setbox\!picbox=\hbox\bgroup% \let\endpicture=\!pictexendpicture \let\frame=\!pictexframe \let\linethickness=\!pictexlinethickness \let\multiput=\!pictexmultiput \let\put=\!pictexput \let\input=\@@input % \@@input is LaTeX's saved version of TeX's primitive \!xleft=\maxdimen \!xright=-\maxdimen \!ybot=\maxdimen \!ytop=-\maxdimen} % Reestablish LaTeX's meaning of \frame. This makes % PiCTeX's meaning of \frame available only inside a PiCture. \let\frame=\!latexframe % Make PiCTeX's meaning of \frame available everywhere in the % guise of \pictexframe \let\pictexframe=\!pictexframe % Now do the same for \linethickness \let\linethickness=\!latexlinethickness \let\pictexlinethickness=\!pictexlinethickness % 2021-06-08 and same for \put and \multiput \let\put=\!latexput \let\pictexput=\!pictexput \let\multiput=\!latexmultiput \let\pictexmultiput=\!pictexmultiput % Reset LaTeX's default meaning of \\ \let\\=\@normalcr \catcode`@=12 \catcode`!=12