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exch}forall pop Maxget exch}for pop]Mreva}bind def /Mreva{[exch aload length -1 1{1 roll}for]}bind def /Mget{1 index length -1 add 1 index ge{ get}{pop pop 0}ifelse}bind def /Maxlen{[exch{length}forall Maxget}bind def /Maxget{counttomark -1 add 1 1 3 -1 roll{pop Mmax}for exch pop}bind def /Mwidthcal1{[exch{Strform stringwidth pop}forall]}bind def /Strform{ /tem(x)def tem 0 3 -1 roll put tem}bind def /Mshowa1{2 copy add 4 1 roll sub mul sub -2 div}bind def /MathScale{Mwidth Mheight Mlp translate scale /yscale exch def /ybias exch def /xscale exch def /xbias exch def /Momatrix xscale yscale matrix scale xbias ybias matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def /Mgmatrix matrix currentmatrix def}bind def /Mlp{3 copy Mlpfirst{Mnodistort{Mmin dup}if 4 index 2 index 2 index Mlprun 11 index 11 -1 roll 10 -4 roll Mlp1 8 index 9 -5 roll Mlp1 4 -1 roll and{exit}if 3 -1 roll pop pop}loop exch 3 1 roll 7 -3 roll pop pop pop}bind def /Mlpfirst{3 -1 roll dup length 2 copy -2 add get aload pop pop pop 4 -2 roll -1 add get aload pop pop pop 6 -1 roll 3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll sub div 4 1 roll exch sub div}bind def /Mlprun{2 copy 4 index 0 get dup 4 1 roll Mlprun1 3 copy 8 -2 roll 9 -1 roll{3 copy Mlprun1 3 copy 11 -3 roll /gt Mlpminmax 8 3 roll 11 -3 roll /lt Mlpminmax 8 3 roll}forall pop pop pop pop 3 1 roll pop pop aload pop 5 -1 roll aload pop exch 6 -1 roll Mlprun2 8 2 roll 4 -1 roll Mlprun2 6 2 roll 3 -1 roll Mlprun2 4 2 roll exch Mlprun2 6 2 roll}bind def /Mlprun1{aload pop exch 6 -1 roll 5 -1 roll mul add 4 -2 roll mul 3 -1 roll add}bind def /Mlprun2{2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll exch sub}bind def /Mlpminmax{cvx 2 index 6 index 2 index exec{7 -3 roll 4 -1 roll}if 1 index 5 index 3 -1 roll exec{4 1 roll pop 5 -1 roll aload pop pop 4 -1 roll aload pop[8 -2 roll pop 5 -2 roll pop 6 -2 roll pop 5 -1 roll]4 1 roll pop}{pop pop pop}ifelse}bind def /Mlp1{ 5 index 3 index sub 5 index 2 index mul 1 index le 1 index 0 le or dup not{1 index 3 index div .99999 mul 8 -1 roll pop 7 1 roll}if 8 -1 roll 2 div 7 -2 roll pop sub 5 index 6 -3 roll pop pop mul sub exch}bind def /intop 0 def /inrht 0 def /inflag 0 def /outflag 0 def /xadrht 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadtop 0 def /yadbot 0 def /Minner{outflag 1 eq{/outflag 0 def /intop 0 def /inrht 0 def}if 5 index gsave Mtmatrix setmatrix Mvboxa pop grestore 3 -1 roll pop dup intop gt{/intop exch def}{pop} ifelse dup inrht gt{/inrht exch def}{pop}ifelse pop /inflag 1 def}bind def /Mouter{/xadrht 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadtop 0 def /yadbot 0 def inflag 1 eq{dup 0 lt{dup intop mul neg /yadtop exch def}if dup 0 gt{dup intop mul /yadbot exch def}if pop dup 0 lt{dup inrht mul neg /xadrht exch def}if dup 0 gt{dup inrht mul /xadlft exch def}if pop /outflag 1 def}{pop pop}ifelse /inflag 0 def /inrht 0 def /intop 0 def}bind def /Mboxout{outflag 1 eq{4 -1 roll xadlft leadjust add sub 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll yadbot leadjust add sub 3 1 roll exch xadrht leadjust add add exch yadtop leadjust add add /outflag 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadbot 0 def /xadrht 0 def /yadtop 0 def}if}bind def /leadjust{(m)stringwidth pop .5 mul}bind def /Mrotcheck{dup 90 eq{yadbot /yadbot xadrht def /xadrht yadtop def /yadtop xadlft def /xadlft exch def}if dup cos 1 index sin Checkaux dup cos 1 index sin neg exch Checkaux 3 1 roll pop pop}bind def /Checkaux{4 index exch 4 index mul 3 1 roll mul add 4 1 roll}bind def /Mboxrot{Mrot 90 eq{brotaux 4 2 roll}if Mrot 180 eq{4 2 roll brotaux 4 2 roll brotaux}if Mrot 270 eq{4 2 roll brotaux}if}bind def /brotaux{neg exch neg}bind def /Mabsproc{0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bind def /Mabswid{Mabsproc setlinewidth}bind def /Mabsdash{exch[exch{Mabsproc}forall]exch setdash} bind def /MBeginOrig{Momatrix concat}bind def /MEndOrig{Mgmatrix setmatrix}bind def /sampledsound where{pop}{/sampledsound{exch pop exch 5 1 roll mul 4 idiv mul 2 idiv exch pop exch /Mtempproc exch def{ Mtempproc pop}repeat}bind def}ifelse /g{setgray}bind def /k{ setcmykcolor}bind def /m{moveto}bind def /p{gsave}bind def /r{ setrgbcolor}bind def /w{setlinewidth}bind def /C{curveto}bind def /F{ fill}bind def /L{lineto}bind def /P{grestore}bind def /s{stroke}bind def /setcmykcolor where{pop}{/setcmykcolor{4 1 roll[4 1 roll]{1 index sub 1 sub neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if dup 1 gt{pop 1}if exch}forall pop setrgbcolor} bind def}ifelse /Mcharproc{currentfile(x)readhexstring pop 0 get exch div}bind def /Mshadeproc{dup 3 1 roll{dup Mcharproc 3 1 roll}repeat 1 eq {setgray}{3 eq{setrgbcolor}{setcmykcolor}ifelse}ifelse}bind def /Mrectproc{3 index 2 index moveto 2 index 3 -1 roll lineto dup 3 1 roll lineto lineto fill}bind def /Mcolorimage{7 1 roll pop pop matrix invertmatrix concat 2 exch exp 1 sub 3 1 roll 1 1 2 index{1 1 4 index{ dup 1 sub exch 2 index dup 1 sub exch 7 index 9 index Mshadeproc Mrectproc}for pop}for pop pop pop pop}bind def /Mimage{pop matrix invertmatrix concat 2 exch exp 1 sub 3 1 roll 1 1 2 index{1 1 4 index{ dup 1 sub exch 2 index dup 1 sub exch 7 index Mcharproc setgray Mrectproc}for pop}for pop pop pop}bind def 0ptError: not enough memory! (need %u bytes) Error: not enough memory! (need %u - %u bytes) mma2ltx v1.23 - Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Giuseppe Ghibo` bpUsage: mma2ltx [] [] Where is one or more of: -? Show these messages -d Don't keep the aspect ratio -n Deactivate automatic $...$ enclosing -b Enclose every string into a white box (default = transpar. box) -p[] Include the Mathematica PostScript prologue in the .EPS file -h[] Set picture height to (default = 100bp) -w[] Set picture width to (default = 161bp) -f[] Add an \fbox to the picture (\fboxsep=) -u Set all dimensions in the unit -s Set the font size with the TeX command -o Output filename -e Change only MMA labels which begin with -c(sx,sy)=(newsx,newsy)(,) (change alignment) -a[::] Draw arrows on x and y axes = a number followed by one of TeX's unit (e.g. 10.3cm) = a number (e.g. 0.0125) = a TeX's unit (e.g. cm) = a TeX command without the backslash '\' = a text string Example: mma2ltx -sfootnotesize -w5in pic1.ps pic2.ps processes the files `pic1.ps' and `pic2.ps'. The width of the pictures will be 5 inch and \footnotesize will be used as LaTeX command to set the font size. %2s(%f,%f)=(%f,%f)(%f%2s,%f%2s)Warning: option '-c %s': bad argument! %f%2s%f%2s%f:%f:%fWarning: option '-a %s': bad argument! Error: Can't process more than %d files! Error: You must specify at least one filename to process! Error: You can't specify the output name in multiple files mode! rWarning: Can't open file '%s' (r)Processing picture '%s' .epswError: Can't open file '%s' (w)AspectRatio%fScaling calc%f %f %f %f [] MathSca[ %f %f %f %f ].texwError: Can't open file '%s' (w)%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %.0f %.0f %%%%Title: %s %%%%Creator: mma2ltx v1.23 %%%%CreationDate: %s%%%%EndComments %%Mma2ltxCommandLine: %s %%Mma2ltxComment: For use with Mathematica prologue '%s' texmma22.proMathdict begin /Mwidth %.2f def /Mheight %.2f def /Mnodistort %s def truefalser Warning: prologue file `%s' not found. Use default prologue `%s' texmma22.pro%%%%BeginProcSet: %s Mathdict begin/Mwidth %.2f def /Mheight %.2f def /Mnodistort %s def truefalse%%%%BeginProcSet: %s %% Mathematica v2.2 prologue /Mathdict 150 dict def Mathdict begin /Mwidth %.2f def /Mheight %.2f def /Mnodistort %s def texmma22.protruefalse%%%%EndProcSet: %s texmma22.pro%%Mma2ltxComment: Here follow the original Mathematica file stripped of the text labels %% Picture: %s %% Created by mma2ltx v1.23 - Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Giuseppe Ghib\`o %% Command line : %s %% Creation date: %s\mmaheaderprofalse \mmaheaderprotrue {%% \%s%% \fboxsep=%s%% \fbox{%% \mmasetpic(%.4f,%.4f)[%2s]{%s} Mshowa%f %f %f %f \mmatextfits(%.3f,%.3f)(%g,%g)(%g,%g){%s%s%s} $$\mmatextfits(%.3f,%.3f)(%g,%g){%s%s%s} $$MsboxaMshowaEnd of Graphicsp 0 w 0 g %1.5f %1.5f m %1.5f %1.5f L %1.5f %1.5f L %1.5f %1.5f L F P p 0 w 0 g %1.5f %1.5f m %1.5f %1.5f L %1.5f %1.5f L %1.5f %1.5f L F P end \begin{mmapicture} Mshowa%f %f %f %f \mmaputtext%s(%.3f,%.3f)(%g,%g)(%g,%g){%s%s%s} *$$\mmaputtext%s(%.3f,%.3f)(%g,%g){%s%s%s} *$$\end{mmapicture}%s%% }%% }...done (width=%g%s height=%g%s). %f%2sC<kEHtD`QxkZT`CST@(@,@0@4@8@<@@@D@H@L@P@T@X@\@`@d@h@l@p"@t@@@@@@AAA(A8AJAdAxAAAAAAABBB"B@BpBBBBBBBBC ((((( H = ?? N?NR@ RR/auto/close/waitcon:10/10/320/80/   B@h@T@,@@>4>0>,>(>$> >>>>> >>>================================|=x=t=p=l=h=d=`=\=<=8=4=0=(=$= @D@??h?`rjbZRJB:2*