%* ------------------------------------------- %* mathsPIC 2.1 %* Copyright (c) RWD Nickalls 1999-2000 %* Email: dicknickalls@compuserve.com %* Date (m/d/y) : 11-05-2000 21:12:02 %* Command Line: /b/s MPICM13.M %* Input Filename: MPICM13.M %* Output Filename: MPICM13.MT %* ------------------------------------------- %% mPICm13.m (figure 13) %% mathsPIC small spiral by recursion %% (requires file mPICm13.dat) %\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %\usepackage{pictexwd} %\begin{document} %%--------------- \beginpicture %% paper{units(mm),xrange(0,60),yrange(0,60)} % axes(LB), ticks(10,10)} \setcoordinatesystem units < 1mm, 1mm> \setplotarea x from 0 to 60, y from 0 to 60 %% point(C){30,30} ( 30 , 30 ) % circle center %% drawcircle(c,25) \circulararc 360 degrees from 55 30 center at 30 30 %% variable(a){315} ( 315 ) % angle %% variable(r){20} ( 20 ) % radius %% variable(s){5} ( 5 ) % square semi-diagonal %% point(t){c,polar(r,330deg)} ( 47.32051 , 20 ) %% inputfile(mpicm13.dat)[30] %% ... start of file loop(1) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 19.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 330 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 46.88749 , 20.25 ) %% ... Note: pointname (P) not used before--suggest using point() here %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 46.88749 20.25 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 47.32051 20 46.88749 20.25 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 46.88749 , 20.25 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 51.88749 , 20.25 ) %% ... Note: pointname (Q1) not used before--suggest using point() here %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 46.88749 , 25.25 ) %% ... Note: pointname (Q2) not used before--suggest using point() here %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 41.88749 , 20.25 ) %% ... Note: pointname (Q3) not used before--suggest using point() here %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 46.88749 , 15.25 ) %% ... Note: pointname (Q4) not used before--suggest using point() here %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 51.88749 20.25 46.88749 25.25 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 46.88749 25.25 41.88749 20.25 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 41.88749 20.25 46.88749 15.25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 46.88749 15.25 51.88749 20.25 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(1) %% ... start of file loop(2) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 19 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 345 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 48.35259 , 25.08243 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 48.35259 25.08243 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 46.88749 20.25 48.35259 25.08243 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 48.35259 , 25.08243 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 53.35259 , 25.08243 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 48.35259 , 30.08243 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 43.35259 , 25.08243 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 48.35259 , 20.08243 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 53.35259 25.08243 48.35259 30.08243 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 48.35259 30.08243 43.35259 25.08243 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 43.35259 25.08243 48.35259 20.08243 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 48.35259 20.08243 53.35259 25.08243 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(2) %% ... start of file loop(3) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 18.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 360 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 48.5 , 30 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 48.5 30 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 48.35259 25.08243 48.5 30 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 48.5 , 30 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 53.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 48.5 , 35 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 43.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 48.5 , 25 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 53.5 30 48.5 35 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 48.5 35 43.5 30 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 43.5 30 48.5 25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 48.5 25 53.5 30 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(3) %% ... start of file loop(4) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 18 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 375 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 47.38667 , 34.65874 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 47.38667 34.65874 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 48.5 30 47.38667 34.65874 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 47.38667 , 34.65874 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 52.38667 , 34.65874 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 47.38667 , 39.65874 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 42.38667 , 34.65874 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 47.38667 , 29.65874 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 52.38667 34.65874 47.38667 39.65874 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 47.38667 39.65874 42.38667 34.65874 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 42.38667 34.65874 47.38667 29.65874 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 47.38667 29.65874 52.38667 34.65874 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(4) %% ... start of file loop(5) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 17.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 390 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 45.15545 , 38.75 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 45.15545 38.75 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 47.38667 34.65874 45.15545 38.75 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 45.15545 , 38.75 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 50.15545 , 38.75 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 45.15545 , 43.75 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 40.15545 , 38.75 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 45.15545 , 33.75 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 50.15545 38.75 45.15545 43.75 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 45.15545 43.75 40.15545 38.75 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 40.15545 38.75 45.15545 33.75 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 45.15545 33.75 50.15545 38.75 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(5) %% ... start of file loop(6) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 17 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 405 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 42.02081 , 42.02082 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 42.02081 42.02082 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 45.15545 38.75 42.02081 42.02082 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 42.02081 , 42.02082 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 47.02081 , 42.02082 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 42.02081 , 47.02082 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 37.02081 , 42.02082 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 42.02081 , 37.02082 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 47.02081 42.02082 42.02081 47.02082 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 42.02081 47.02082 37.02081 42.02082 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 37.02081 42.02082 42.02081 37.02082 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 42.02081 37.02082 47.02081 42.02082 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(6) %% ... start of file loop(7) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 16.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 420 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 38.25 , 44.28942 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 38.25 44.28942 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 42.02081 42.02082 38.25 44.28942 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 38.25 , 44.28942 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 43.25 , 44.28942 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 38.25 , 49.28942 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 33.25 , 44.28942 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 38.25 , 39.28942 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 43.25 44.28942 38.25 49.28942 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 38.25 49.28942 33.25 44.28942 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 33.25 44.28942 38.25 39.28942 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 38.25 39.28942 43.25 44.28942 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(7) %% ... start of file loop(8) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 16 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 435 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 34.14111 , 45.45481 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 34.14111 45.45481 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 38.25 44.28942 34.14111 45.45481 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 34.14111 , 45.45481 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 39.14111 , 45.45481 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 34.14111 , 50.45481 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 29.14111 , 45.45481 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 34.14111 , 40.45481 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 39.14111 45.45481 34.14111 50.45481 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 34.14111 50.45481 29.14111 45.45481 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 29.14111 45.45481 34.14111 40.45481 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 34.14111 40.45481 39.14111 45.45481 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(8) %% ... start of file loop(9) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 15.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 450 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 30 , 45.5 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 30 45.5 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 34.14111 45.45481 30 45.5 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 30 , 45.5 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 35 , 45.5 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 30 , 50.5 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 25 , 45.5 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 30 , 40.5 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 35 45.5 30 50.5 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 30 50.5 25 45.5 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 25 45.5 30 40.5 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 30 40.5 35 45.5 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(9) %% ... start of file loop(10) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 15 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 465 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 26.11771 , 44.48889 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 26.11771 44.48889 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 30 45.5 26.11771 44.48889 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 26.11771 , 44.48889 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 31.11771 , 44.48889 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 26.11771 , 49.48889 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 21.11771 , 44.48889 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 26.11771 , 39.48889 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 31.11771 44.48889 26.11771 49.48889 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 26.11771 49.48889 21.11771 44.48889 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 21.11771 44.48889 26.11771 39.48889 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 26.11771 39.48889 31.11771 44.48889 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(10) %% ... start of file loop(11) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 14.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 480 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 22.75 , 42.55737 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 22.75 42.55737 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 26.11771 44.48889 22.75 42.55737 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 22.75 , 42.55737 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 27.75 , 42.55737 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 22.75 , 47.55737 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 17.75 , 42.55737 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 22.75 , 37.55737 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 27.75 42.55737 22.75 47.55737 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 22.75 47.55737 17.75 42.55737 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 17.75 42.55737 22.75 37.55737 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 22.75 37.55737 27.75 42.55737 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(11) %% ... start of file loop(12) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 14 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 495 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 20.10051 , 39.89949 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 20.10051 39.89949 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 22.75 42.55737 20.10051 39.89949 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 20.10051 , 39.89949 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 25.10051 , 39.89949 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 20.10051 , 44.89949 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 15.10051 , 39.89949 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 20.10051 , 34.89949 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 25.10051 39.89949 20.10051 44.89949 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 20.10051 44.89949 15.10051 39.89949 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 15.10051 39.89949 20.10051 34.89949 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 20.10051 34.89949 25.10051 39.89949 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(12) %% ... start of file loop(13) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 13.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 510 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 18.30866 , 36.75 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 18.30866 36.75 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 20.10051 39.89949 18.30866 36.75 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 18.30866 , 36.75 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 23.30866 , 36.75 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 18.30866 , 41.75 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 13.30866 , 36.75 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 18.30866 , 31.75 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 23.30866 36.75 18.30866 41.75 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 18.30866 41.75 13.30866 36.75 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 13.30866 36.75 18.30866 31.75 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 18.30866 31.75 23.30866 36.75 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(13) %% ... start of file loop(14) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 13 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 525 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 17.44296 , 33.36465 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 17.44296 33.36465 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 18.30866 36.75 17.44296 33.36465 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 17.44296 , 33.36465 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 22.44296 , 33.36465 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 17.44296 , 38.36465 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 12.44296 , 33.36465 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 17.44296 , 28.36465 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 22.44296 33.36465 17.44296 38.36465 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 17.44296 38.36465 12.44296 33.36465 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 12.44296 33.36465 17.44296 28.36465 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 17.44296 28.36465 22.44296 33.36465 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(14) %% ... start of file loop(15) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 12.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 540 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 17.5 , 30 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 17.5 30 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 17.44296 33.36465 17.5 30 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 17.5 , 30 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 22.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 17.5 , 35 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 12.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 17.5 , 25 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 22.5 30 17.5 35 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 17.5 35 12.5 30 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 12.5 30 17.5 25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 17.5 25 22.5 30 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(15) %% ... start of file loop(16) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 12 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 555 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 18.40889 , 26.89417 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 18.40889 26.89417 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 17.5 30 18.40889 26.89417 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 18.40889 , 26.89417 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 23.40889 , 26.89417 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 18.40889 , 31.89417 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 13.40889 , 26.89417 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 18.40889 , 21.89417 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 23.40889 26.89417 18.40889 31.89417 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 18.40889 31.89417 13.40889 26.89417 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 13.40889 26.89417 18.40889 21.89417 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 18.40889 21.89417 23.40889 26.89417 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(16) %% ... start of file loop(17) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 11.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 570 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 20.04071 , 24.25 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 20.04071 24.25 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 18.40889 26.89417 20.04071 24.25 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 20.04071 , 24.25 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 25.04071 , 24.25 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 20.04071 , 29.25 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 15.04071 , 24.25 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 20.04071 , 19.25 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 25.04071 24.25 20.04071 29.25 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 20.04071 29.25 15.04071 24.25 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 15.04071 24.25 20.04071 19.25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 20.04071 19.25 25.04071 24.25 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(17) %% ... start of file loop(18) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 11 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 585 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 22.22182 , 22.22183 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 22.22182 22.22183 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 20.04071 24.25 22.22182 22.22183 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 22.22182 , 22.22183 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 27.22182 , 22.22183 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 22.22182 , 27.22183 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 17.22182 , 22.22183 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 22.22182 , 17.22183 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 27.22182 22.22183 22.22182 27.22183 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 22.22182 27.22183 17.22182 22.22183 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 17.22182 22.22183 22.22182 17.22183 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 22.22182 17.22183 27.22182 22.22183 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(18) %% ... start of file loop(19) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 10.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 600 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 24.75 , 20.90673 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 24.75 20.90673 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 22.22182 22.22183 24.75 20.90673 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 24.75 , 20.90673 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 29.75 , 20.90673 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 24.75 , 25.90673 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 19.75 , 20.90673 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 24.75 , 15.90673 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 29.75 20.90673 24.75 25.90673 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 24.75 25.90673 19.75 20.90673 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 19.75 20.90673 24.75 15.90673 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 24.75 15.90673 29.75 20.90673 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(19) %% ... start of file loop(20) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 10 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 615 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 27.41181 , 20.34074 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 27.41181 20.34074 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 24.75 20.90673 27.41181 20.34074 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 27.41181 , 20.34074 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 32.41181 , 20.34074 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 27.41181 , 25.34074 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 22.41181 , 20.34074 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 27.41181 , 15.34074 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 32.41181 20.34074 27.41181 25.34074 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 27.41181 25.34074 22.41181 20.34074 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 22.41181 20.34074 27.41181 15.34074 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 27.41181 15.34074 32.41181 20.34074 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(20) %% ... start of file loop(21) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 9.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 630 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 30 , 20.5 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 30 20.5 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 27.41181 20.34074 30 20.5 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 30 , 20.5 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 35 , 20.5 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 30 , 25.5 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 25 , 20.5 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 30 , 15.5 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 35 20.5 30 25.5 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 30 25.5 25 20.5 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 25 20.5 30 15.5 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 30 15.5 35 20.5 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(21) %% ... start of file loop(22) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 9 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 645 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 32.32937 , 21.30667 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 32.32937 21.30667 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 30 20.5 32.32937 21.30667 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 32.32937 , 21.30667 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 37.32937 , 21.30667 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 32.32937 , 26.30667 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 27.32937 , 21.30667 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 32.32937 , 16.30667 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 37.32937 21.30667 32.32937 26.30667 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 32.32937 26.30667 27.32937 21.30667 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 27.32937 21.30667 32.32937 16.30667 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 32.32937 16.30667 37.32937 21.30667 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(22) %% ... start of file loop(23) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 8.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 660 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 34.25 , 22.63878 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 34.25 22.63878 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 32.32937 21.30667 34.25 22.63878 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 34.25 , 22.63878 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 39.25 , 22.63878 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 34.25 , 27.63878 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 29.25 , 22.63878 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 34.25 , 17.63878 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 39.25 22.63878 34.25 27.63878 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 34.25 27.63878 29.25 22.63878 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 29.25 22.63878 34.25 17.63878 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 34.25 17.63878 39.25 22.63878 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(23) %% ... start of file loop(24) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 8 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 675 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 35.65685 , 24.34315 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 35.65685 24.34315 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 34.25 22.63878 35.65685 24.34315 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 35.65685 , 24.34315 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 40.65685 , 24.34315 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 35.65685 , 29.34315 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 30.65685 , 24.34315 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 35.65685 , 19.34315 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 40.65685 24.34315 35.65685 29.34315 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 35.65685 29.34315 30.65685 24.34315 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 30.65685 24.34315 35.65685 19.34315 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 35.65685 19.34315 40.65685 24.34315 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(24) %% ... start of file loop(25) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 7.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 690 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 36.49519 , 26.25 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 36.49519 26.25 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 35.65685 24.34315 36.49519 26.25 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 36.49519 , 26.25 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 41.49519 , 26.25 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 36.49519 , 31.25 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 31.49519 , 26.25 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 36.49519 , 21.25 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 41.49519 26.25 36.49519 31.25 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 36.49519 31.25 31.49519 26.25 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 31.49519 26.25 36.49519 21.25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 36.49519 21.25 41.49519 26.25 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(25) %% ... start of file loop(26) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 7 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 705 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 36.76148 , 28.18826 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 36.76148 28.18826 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 36.49519 26.25 36.76148 28.18826 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 36.76148 , 28.18826 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 41.76148 , 28.18826 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 36.76148 , 33.18826 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 31.76148 , 28.18826 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 36.76148 , 23.18826 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 41.76148 28.18826 36.76148 33.18826 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 36.76148 33.18826 31.76148 28.18826 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 31.76148 28.18826 36.76148 23.18826 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 36.76148 23.18826 41.76148 28.18826 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(26) %% ... start of file loop(27) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 6.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 720 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 36.5 , 30 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 36.5 30 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 36.76148 28.18826 36.5 30 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 36.5 , 30 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 41.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 36.5 , 35 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 31.5 , 30 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 36.5 , 25 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 41.5 30 36.5 35 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 36.5 35 31.5 30 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 31.5 30 36.5 25 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 36.5 25 41.5 30 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(27) %% ... start of file loop(28) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 6 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 735 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 35.79556 , 31.55291 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 35.79556 31.55291 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 36.5 30 35.79556 31.55291 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 35.79556 , 31.55291 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 40.79556 , 31.55291 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 35.79556 , 36.55291 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 30.79556 , 31.55291 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 35.79556 , 26.55291 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 40.79556 31.55291 35.79556 36.55291 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 35.79556 36.55291 30.79556 31.55291 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 30.79556 31.55291 35.79556 26.55291 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 35.79556 26.55291 40.79556 31.55291 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(28) %% ... start of file loop(29) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 5.5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 750 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 34.76314 , 32.75 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 34.76314 32.75 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 35.79556 31.55291 34.76314 32.75 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 34.76314 , 32.75 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 39.76314 , 32.75 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 34.76314 , 37.75 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 29.76314 , 32.75 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 34.76314 , 27.75 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 39.76314 32.75 34.76314 37.75 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 34.76314 37.75 29.76314 32.75 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 29.76314 32.75 34.76314 27.75 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 34.76314 27.75 39.76314 32.75 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(29) %% ... start of file loop(30) %% mPICm13.dat %% mathsPIC (spiral data) input by file mPICm13.m \typeout{...}% %% variable*(r){r,advance(-0.5)} ( 5 ) %% r=r-0.5 %% variable*(a){a,advance(15)} ( 765 ) %% a=a+15 %% point*(P){C,polar(r,adeg)} ( 33.53553 , 33.53553 ) %% drawpoint(P) \put {$\bullet$} at 33.53553 33.53553 %% P %% drawline(TP) \plot 34.76314 32.75 33.53553 33.53553 / %% TP %% point*(T){P} ( 33.53553 , 33.53553 ) %% t=p %% ... points T & t are the same %% make a square on P (s is defined in mPICm-12.m) %% point*(Q1){P,polar(s,0)} ( 38.53553 , 33.53553 ) %% point*(Q2){P,polar(s,90)} ( 33.53553 , 38.53553 ) %% point*(Q3){P,polar(s,180)} ( 28.53553 , 33.53553 ) %% point*(Q4){P,polar(s,270)} ( 33.53553 , 28.53553 ) %% drawline(Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1) \plot 38.53553 33.53553 33.53553 38.53553 / %% Q1Q2 \plot 33.53553 38.53553 28.53553 33.53553 / %% Q2Q3 \plot 28.53553 33.53553 33.53553 28.53553 / %% Q3Q4 \plot 33.53553 28.53553 38.53553 33.53553 / %% Q4Q1 %% ... end of file loop(30) \endpicture %%---------------- %\end{document}