%* ------------------------------------------- %* mathsPIC 2.1 %* Copyright (c) RWD Nickalls 1999-2000 %* Email: dicknickalls@compuserve.com %* Date (m/d/y) : 11-05-2000 21:06:54 %* Command Line: /b/s MPICM10.M %* Input Filename: MPICM10.M %* Output Filename: MPICM10.MT %* ------------------------------------------- %% mPICm10.m (figure 10) %% mathsPIC circle with arrows %%------------------- %\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %\usepackage{pictexwd} %\begin{document} %%--------------------- \beginpicture %% paper{units(mm),xrange(5,55),yrange(5,55)} \setcoordinatesystem units < 1mm, 1mm> \setplotarea x from 5 to 55, y from 5 to 55 %% point(C){30,30}[$\odot$,1.2] ( 30 , 30 ) %% center %% variable(r){20} ( 20 ) %% radius %% drawcircle(C,r) \circulararc 360 degrees from 50 30 center at 30 30 %% point(P){C,polar(r,250deg)} ( 23.1596 , 11.20615 ) %% point(Q){C,polar(r,120deg)} ( 20 , 47.32051 ) %% point(S){C,polar(r,-30deg)} ( 47.32051 , 20 ) %% drawpoints(CPQS) \put {$\odot$} at 30 30 %% C \put {$\bullet$} at 23.1596 11.20615 %% P \put {$\bullet$} at 20 47.32051 %% Q \put {$\bullet$} at 47.32051 20 %% S %% drawlines(PCSQP) \plot 23.1596 11.20615 29.58958 28.87237 / %% PC \plot 31.03923 29.4 47.32051 20 / %% CS \plot 47.32051 20 20 47.32051 / %% SQ \plot 20 47.32051 23.1596 11.20615 / %% QP %% text($P$){P,polar(5,250deg)} \put {$P$} at 21.4495 6.507683 %% text($Q$){Q,polar(5,120deg)} \put {$Q$} at 17.5 51.65063 %% text($S$){S,polar(5,-30deg)} \put {$S$} at 51.65063 17.5 %% drawAngleArrow{angle(PCS),radius(8)anticlockwiseinternal} \circulararc 79.99999 degrees from 27.26384 22.48246 center at 30 30 \arrow <1.5mm> [0.5, 1] from 36.37505 25.16692 to 36.9282 26 %% text($\beta$){C,polar(5,285deg)} \put {$\beta$} at 31.29409 25.17037 %% drawAngleArrow{angle(PQS),radius(12)anticlockwiseinternal} \circulararc 40 degrees from 21.04587 35.36617 center at 20 47.32051 \arrow <1.5mm> [0.5, 1] from 27.74932 38.1582 to 28.48528 38.83522 %% text($\alpha$){Q,polar(8,-65deg)} \put {$\alpha$} at 23.38095 40.07005 %% showangle(PQS) % alpha 40 degrees / radians .6981316 %% showangle(PCS) % beta 79.99999 degrees / radians 1.396263 \endpicture %%------------------- %\end{document}