%* ------------------------------------------- %* mathsPIC 2.1 %* Copyright (c) RWD Nickalls 1999-2000 %* Email: dicknickalls@compuserve.com %* Date (m/d/y) : 11-05-2000 21:04:01 %* Command Line: /b/s MPICM08B.M %* Input Filename: MPICM08B.M %* Output Filename: MPICM08B.MT %* ------------------------------------------- %% mPICm08b.m (figure 8b) %\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %\usepackage{pictexwd} %\begin{document} %%------------------- \beginpicture %% paper{units(mm),xrange(0,45),yrange(0,45)} %, axes(LB), ticks(10,10)} \setcoordinatesystem units < 1mm, 1mm> \setplotarea x from 0 to 45, y from 0 to 45 %% point(P){5,10}[$P$,5] ( 5 , 10 ) %% point(Q){P,polar(30,90deg)}[$Q$,5] ( 5 , 40 ) %% point(R){Q,polar(40,0deg)}[$R$,5] ( 45 , 40 ) %% point(T){P,polar(30,0deg)}[$T$,5] ( 35 , 10 ) %% drawPoints(PQRT) \put {$P$} at 5 10 %% P \put {$Q$} at 5 40 %% Q \put {$R$} at 45 40 %% R \put {$T$} at 35 10 %% T %% drawArrows(PQ,QR,PT,TR,PR) \arrow < 2mm> [ .2679492, .7279404] from 5 15 to 5 35 \arrow < 2mm> [ .2679492, .7279404] from 10 40 to 40 40 \arrow < 2mm> [ .2679492, .7279404] from 10 10 to 30 10 \arrow < 2mm> [ .2679492, .7279404] from 36.58114 14.74342 to 43.41886 35.25658 \arrow < 2mm> [ .2679492, .7279404] from 9 13 to 41 37 %% point(P1){midpoint(PQ)} ( 5 , 25 ) %% text($p_1$){P1,shift(3,0)} \put {$p_1$} at 8 25 %% point(P2){midpoint(PT)} ( 20 , 10 ) %% text($p_2$){P2,shift(0,-3)} \put {$p_2$} at 20 7 %% point(P3){midpoint(PR)} ( 25 , 25 ) %% text($p_3$){P3,shift(2,-2)} \put {$p_3$} at 27 23 %% point(T1){midpoint(TR)} ( 40 , 25 ) %% text($t$){T1,shift(3,0)} \put {$t$} at 43 25 %% point(Q1){midpoint(QR)} ( 25 , 40 ) %% use a macro for the label \newcommand{\q}{$q \star q \star q \star q \star q$} %% text(\q){Q1,shift(-1,3)} \put {\q} at 24 43 \endpicture %%------------------ %\end{document}