%* ------------------------------------------- %* mathsPIC 2.1 %* Copyright (c) RWD Nickalls 1999-2000 %* Email: dicknickalls@compuserve.com %* Date (m/d/y) : 11-05-2000 21:01:05 %* Command Line: /b/s MPICM07.M %* Input Filename: MPICM07.M %* Output Filename: MPICM07.MT %* ------------------------------------------- %% mPICm07.m (Figure 7) %% mathsPIC arrow in triangle %\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %\usepackage{pictexwd} %\begin{document} %%------------------- \beginpicture %% paper{units(mm),xrange(5,45),yrange(5,45)} \setcoordinatesystem units < 1mm, 1mm> \setplotarea x from 5 to 45, y from 5 to 45 %% point(A){30,30} ( 30 , 30 ) %% point(P){10,10} ( 10 , 10 ) %% point(B){30,10} ( 30 , 10 ) %% drawPoints(APB) \put {$\bullet$} at 30 30 %% A \put {$\bullet$} at 10 10 %% P \put {$\bullet$} at 30 10 %% B %% drawLine(APBA) \plot 30 30 10 10 / %% AP \putrule from 10 10 to 30 10 %% PB \putrule from 30 10 to 30 30 %% BA %% text($A$){A,shift(1,5)} \put {$A$} at 31 35 %% text($B$){B,shift(5,0)} \put {$B$} at 35 10 %% text($P$){P,shift(-5,0)} \put {$P$} at 5 10 %% drawAngleArrow{angle(BPA),radius(11),anticlockwise,internal} \circulararc 45.00001 degrees from 21 10 center at 10 10 \arrow <1.5mm> [0.5, 1] from 18.45241 17.03966 to 17.77818 17.77818 %% text($\psi$){P,polar(7,22.5deg)} \put {$\psi$} at 16.46716 12.67878 %% drawRightangle(ABP,2.5) \plot 27.5 10 27.5 12.5 / \plot 30 12.5 27.5 12.5 / \endpicture %%------------------ %\end{document}