.PS # Zcos.m4 gen_init NeedDpicTools # define f1 { ee = expe(8*x*`$1'*(x^2 - (`$1')^2)); # $2 = ee + 1/ee + 2*cos(2*x^4 + 2*(`$1')^4 - 12*x^2*(`$1')^2) - 4; # } # alternative: |cos(z^4)| = 1 define f1 { Z: (x,$1) Z4: Zprod(Zprod(Z,Z),Zprod(Z,Z)) $2 = zabs(Zcos(Z4)) - 1 } ni = 200 for i=10 to ni do { x = i/ni*3 findroot( f1, 0, 0.2, 1e-8, y ) P[i-10]: x,y } np = ni-10 for deg=0 to 359 by 45 do { for i=0 to np do { Z[i]: rot_(P[i].x,P[i].y,deg*dtor_) } fitcurve(Z,np,thick 2 outlined "blue") for i=0 to np do { Z[i]: rot_(P[i].x,-P[i].y,deg*dtor_) } fitcurve(Z,np,thick 2 outlined "blue") } .PE