.PS # `Resolver.m4' cct_init s_init(tst) sinclude(tst.dim) iflatex(`latexcommand({\scriptsize\sf)') [ linewid = linewid*1.25 define(`dotrad_',dotrad_/2) T1: transformer(down_ dimen_/2) line left from T1.P1; dot; move left 15bp__ "RH" line left from T1.P2; dot; "RL" rjust "Rotor ($r$)" at T1.TP rjust line right_ dimen_*3/4 from T1.S2 C: Here phi = 35 move right_ 0.1 from T1.S1; move from C to C+(Rect_(0.1,90+phi)) Q: Intersect_(last move,2nd last move) Lr: inductor(from Q to C) S1: line from T1.S1 to Q A: C+(Rect_(dimen_*0.9,90+phi)) thinlines_ line dashed from Q to A chop 2bp__ chop 0 "Rotor shaft" at last line.end rjust "angle" rjust "" rjust line dashed from C up_ dimen_*0.9 chop 2bp__ chop 0 arcd(C,dimen_*0.85,90,90+phi) -> thicklines_ f_box($\phi$) at C+(Rect_(dimen_*0.85,90+phi/2)) d = distance(T1.P1,T1.P2) Ls: inductor(up_ d from C+(d/2,0)) line right_ from Ls.end D2: dot; "S2" ljust line from Ls.start to (D2,Ls.start); dot; "S4" ljust "$Kr\cos(\phi)$" at 0.5 between last "" and 2nd last "" Lq: inductor(right_ d at (Lr,(C+(0,-d/3)))) line from Lq.end down_ d/4 K: Here; corner; line to (D2,K); dot; "S3" ljust line from Lq.start down_ d*5/4 L: Here; corner; line to (D2,L); dot; "S1" ljust "$Kr\sin(\phi)$" at 0.5 between last "" and 2nd last "" ] "Resolver essentials" at last [].s below iflatex(`latexcommand(})') .PE