.PS # Optics.m4 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/623201/geometrical-optics gen_init scale = 2.54 textoffset = 4pt__ O: dot(at (0,0)) ; "\Large $O$" below rjust L: line thick 1 right_ 14 with .c at O S: dot(at (1.8,0)) ; "\Large $S$" below rjust r = 7 C: dot(at (S.x-r,0)) ; "\Large $C$" below F: dot(at (-1.8,0)) ; "\Large $F$" below I: dot(at (4,0)) ; "\Large $I$" below arrow dashed from I up_ 3.2 ; It: Here AS: C.x+sqrt(r^2-3.7^2),3.7 Arc: arc thick 1 cw from AS to (AS.x,-AS.y) rad r with .c at C for y=-AS.y to AS.y+0.001 by 0.1 do { line thick 0.4 right 0.5 up 0.1 \ from (C.x+sqrt(r^2-y^2),y) } M: move from C to It A1: arrow outlined "red" from C to LCintersect(M,C,r,R) chop -2 chop 0 arrow outlined "red" dashed to It chop 0 chop -3 N: move from It to F arrow <- outlined "red" dashed from It to LCintersect(N,C,r) chop -2 chop 0 P: move down_ 1 from A1.start arrow outlined "red" from last arrow.end to Intersect_(P,N) Q: move up 1 from O arrow from O to Intersect_(Q,M) arrow outlined "red" to (C.x+sqrt(r^2-Here.y^2),Here.y) .PE