.PS # Hexagon.m4 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/640000/how-to-draw-hexagonal-lattice-with-links-and-string-using-latex?noredirect=1&lq=1 gen_init scale = 4 circlerad = 1/4 s3 = sqrt(3) define cline { line $1 { if "$2"=="" then { circle thick 0.8 at last line fill_(1) } \ else { circle thick 0.8 at last line $2 } } } define topline { cline(from $1 up s3 right 1) cline(right 2) cline(down s3 right 1) } define botline { cline(from $1 down s3 right 1) cline(right 2) cline(up s3 right 1) cline(right 2) } define hexagon { line $2 from $1 \ for_(1,6,1,`to $1+(2,0)+(Rect_(2,180-m4x*60)) \') move to $1 + (2,0) for i=1 to 6 do {{circle $3 at Here+(Rect_(s3,210-i*60))}} if "$4"!="" then {$4 at $1+(2,0)} } nrows = 4 ncols = 3 for i=1 to nrows do { for j=1 to ncols do { topline((3+(j-1)*6,-s3*(2*i-1))) topline((0+(j-1)*6,-s3*2*i)) } cline(from (6*ncols,-2*i*s3) up s3 right 1) if i != nrows then { cline(from (0,-2*i*s3) down s3 right 1) } \ else { for j=1 to ncols do { botline(((j-1)*6,-2*nrows*s3)) } } } linethick = 2 cline(from (3,-s3) outlined "red" down_ s3 right_ 1,fill_(0)) { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.w rjust } { "\large $I$" above ljust } { cline(right_ 2 outlined "red",fill_(0)) { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.n above ljust } } cline(left_ 1 down_ s3 outlined "red",fill_(0)) { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.e ljust } hexagon((12,-4*s3),thick 2 outlined "blue",shaded "white",) for a=90 to 360 by 180 do {{ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.25,a)) }} for a=30 to 360 by 180 do {{ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.75,a)) }} for a=150 to 360 by 180 do {{ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.75,a)) }} hexagon(( 3,-7*s3),thick 2 outlined "red" shaded "gray",shaded "black", "\large $p$") for a=30 to 360 by 60 do {{ "\large $\sigma^z$" at (5,-7*s3)+(Rect_(2.5,a)) }} .PE