.PS # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/661461/flowchart-with-overlapping-of-the-rows sinclude(FlowchartDefs.m4def) sinclude(../FlowchartDefs.m4def) down_ smallsep = boxht/3 testw = flowboxwid*7/4 testh = flowboxht*9/4 Start: Fbox("Start",,rad boxht/8 shaded "red!30") arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust Input: Fdata(`"Input: $f(), a, b, \epsilon$"',wid boxwid*5/4,, shaded "blue!30") arrow down_ smallsep Formula1: Fbox(`"$c=(a+b)/2$"',,shaded "orange!30") arrow down_ smallsep Test1: Ftest("if:" `"$f(a)*f(b) > 0$" "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"', wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30") A2: arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust Test2: Ftest("while:" `"$f(c)\neq 0 \;\&$" "$|f(b)-f(a)| > \delta$" \ "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"',wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30") arrow down_ smallsep "True" ljust Formula2: Fbox(`"$c=(a+b)/2$"',,shaded "orange!30") arrow down_ smallsep Test3: Ftest("if:" `"$f(a)*f(c) < 0$" "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"', wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30") { arrow from Test3.W left_ boxht*2/3 "True" below Formula3: Fbox(`"$b=c$"',,shaded "orange!30") arrow from Formula3.N to (Formula3.N,A2) } arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust then left Test3.x-Formula3.E.x Formula4: Fbox(`"$a=c$"',,shaded "orange!30") with .E at Here { arrow from Formula4.W left_ Formula4.W.x-Formula3.W.x + smallsep \ then up_ A2.y-Formula4.y then to A2 } down_ Output: Fdata(`"Output: $H, v, t$"',wid boxwid*5/4,,shaded "blue!30") \ with .N at (Test1.E+(3*smallsep,0),Formula4.N) { arrow from Test1.E right_ Output.N.x-Test1.E.x "True" above \ then to Output.N arrow from Test2.E right_ Output.N.x-Test1.E.x "False" above } arrow down_ smallsep Plot: Fbox(,wid boxwid*5/4,shaded "orange!30") { ["Plot:" ljust "H on T and V on T" ljust] with .w at Plot.W+(3bp__,0) } arrow down_ smallsep Stop: Fbox("Stop",,rad boxht/8 shaded "red!30") .PE