.PS # ControlLoop.m4 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/636839/how-to-draw-multi-blocks-block-diagram gen_init scale = 25.4 boxwid = 18 boxrad = 3 define summer { $1: circle diam 10 fill_(0.8) { line from $1.ne to $1.sw; line from $1.nw to $1.se } { "$+$" at $1.nw rjust } } TPG: box ht 22 shaded "Peach" "Transient" "Profile" "Generator" arrow <- left_ 8 from TPG.w "r" above arrow right_ 10 from TPG.e+(0,TPG.ht/4) "$r_1$" above summer(S1) line right_ 10 from TPG.e+(0,-TPG.ht/4) "$r_2$" above arrow right_ S1.diam summer(S2) arrow right_ 10 from S2.e "$e_2$" above arrow from S1.e to (Here,S1) "$e_1$" above NLSF: box ht 22 "Nonlinear" "State Error" "Feedback" shaded "lime" \ with .w at (Here,TPG) arrow right_ 10 "$u_o$" below summer(S3) {ESO: box ht 30 shaded "Goldenrod" "Extended" "State" "Observer" \ with .w at (Here.x+5,NLSF.s.y-15) } arrow right_ 40 P: box ht 15 shaded "blue!50!white!50" "Plant" arrow right_ 10 "$y$" above arrow <- right_ 10 from ESO.e+(0,-ESO.ht/4) "$y$" above line to (2nd last arrow,Here) then to 2nd last arrow arrow <- right_ 10 from ESO.e+(0,ESO.ht/4) "$u$" above; corner line to (Here,P) for_(1,3,1, `arrow from ESO.w+(0,ESO.ht*(m4x-2)/3) left_ ESO.w.x-S`'m4x.x then to S`'m4x.s "$z_`'m4x$" at last arrow.start-(5,0) above "$-$" at last arrow.end rjust below ') .PE