.PS # AntiqueClock.m4 gen_init NeedDpicTools # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/236923/generate-analog-clock-with-numbered-face-add-seconds-roman-numerals # `hms2deg(hr,min,sec) hr:min:sec to degrees # blank arg1: degrees for minute hand # blank arg1 and arg2: degrees for second hand' define(`hms2deg',`ifelse(`$1',, `ifelse(`$2',, `(90-pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60*360)', `(90-(pmod(`$2',60)/60 + pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60/60)*360)')', `(90-(pmod(`$1',12) + pmod(ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2'),60)/60 + dnl pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/3600)/12*360)')') # `SecondHand(length,hr,min,sec)' define(`SecondHand',`[ shsf = (`$1')/3.2 C: Here { L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,,`$4')))) } line thick 8*shsf to rvec_(`$1',0) ]') # `AntiqueMinuteHand(length,hr,min,sec)' define(`AntiqueMinuteHand',`[ mhsf = (`$1')/2.84 L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,`$3',`$4')))) C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.47*mhsf at L.start move to C spline from rvec_(0,0.047*mhsf) \ to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,0.11*mhsf) \ then to rvec_(`$1',0.018*mhsf) \ then to rvec_(`$1',-0.018*mhsf) \ then to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,-0.11*mhsf) \ then to rvec_(0,-0.047*mhsf) \ shaded rgbstring(0,0,0) ]') # `AntiqueHourHand(length,hr,min,sec)' define(`AntiqueHourHand',`[ hhsf = (`$1')/2.2 L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(`$2',`$3',`$4')))) C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.6*hhsf at L.start move to C v = 0.25*hhsf { line to rvec_(1.1*hhsf,0) thick 0.15/(1bp__)*hhsf } { C1: circle rad v at rvec_(1.25*hhsf,0) fill_(0) } d = `$1'-1.25*hhsf q = 1bp__*hhsf r1 = (d^2 + q^2 - v^2)/(v-q)/2 h = r1+v shade(0, arc ccw from C1+vec_(d/h*v,(r1+q)/h*v) to \ C1+vec_(d,q) rad r1 with .c at C1+vec_(d,r1+q) arc ccw from C1+vec_(d,-q) to C1+vec_(d/h*v,-(r1+q)/h*v) rad r1 \ with .c at C1+vec_(d,-r1-q)) ]') define(`AntiqueClock',`[ # h,m,s,diam # Clock size parameters # outer radius hour = ifelse(`$1',,3,`$1') minute = ifelse(`$2',,41,`$2') second = ifelse(`$3',,51,`$3') ifelse(`$4',,`skale=0.5; r1=2',`r1=(`$4')/2; skale=r1/4') r2 = r1-0.5*skale r3 = r2-0.14*skale r4 = r3 - 0.35*skale r5 = r4 - 0.17*skale r6 = r5 - 0.63*skale r7 = r6 - 0.17*skale shadethick = 1.0 C: circle thick 0.2 rad r1 define shadeline { s = 1-($`'1)*2 v = r*s h = sqrt(r^2-v^2) t = 1-abs(s) line from (vrot_(-h,v,cost,sint)) to (vrot_(h,v,cost,sint)) \ thick shadethick outlined rgbstring(t,t,t) } r = r1 # Bezel outer nlines = int(2*r/(shadethick pt__)*1.1) cost = cosd(10); sint = sind(10); ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0, 0.5, 1,1,1, 1, 0,0,0 ) at C r = r2 # Bezel inner nlines = int(2*r/(shadethick pt__)*1.1) cost = cosd(-10); sint = sind(-10); ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0, 0.25, 0.8,0.8,0.8, 0.5, 1,1,1, 0.75, 0.8,0.8,0.8, 1, 0,0,0 ) at C # Clock face Face: circle thick 0 fill_(1) rad r3 at C circle rad r4 at C circle rad r5 at C circle rad r6 at C circle rad r7 at C define rotext { sprintf("`$'1 ifpstricks(\rput[C]{%g}(0,0){%g}, ifpgf(\rotatebox{%g}{%g}))",`$'2,`$'3) } # Outer numbers command sprintf("\font\outerfont=cmss12 at %4.2fin",r3-r4) for mn = -15 to 15 by 5 do { rotext(\outerfont,-mn/60*360,pmod(mn,60)) \ at C+(Rect_((r3+r4)/2,90-mn/60*360)) } for mn = 20 to 40 by 5 do { rotext(\outerfont,180-mn/60*360,mn) \ at C+(Rect_((r3+r4)/2,90-mn/60*360)) } # Outer tics for mn = 1 to 60 do { t = 90-mn/60*360 line from C+(Rect_(r5,t)) to C+(Rect_(r4,t)) } # Inner numbers command sprintf("\font\innerfont=cmss12 at %4.2fin",r5-r6) Loopover_(`mx',`t = (m4Lx-4)/12*360; sprintf("\innerfont`'ifpstricks(`\rput[C]{%g}(0,0)', `\rotatebox{%g}'){\scalebox{0.7}[1.0]{mx}}",-t) \ at C+(Rect_((r5+r6)/2,90-t))', IX,X,XI,XII,I,II,III) Loopover_(`mx',`t = (m4Lx+3)/12*360; sprintf("\innerfont`'ifpstricks(`\rput[C]{%g}(0,0)', `\rotatebox{%g}'){\scalebox{.7}[1.0]{mx}}",-t+180) \ at C+(Rect_((r5+r6)/2,90-t))', IV,V,VI,VII,VIII) # Inner tics for mn = 5 to 60 by 5 do { t = 90-mn/60*360 line from C+(Rect_(r7,t)) to C+(Rect_(r6,t)) } # Hands AntiqueHourHand(r6,hour,minute,second) with .C at C AntiqueMinuteHand(r5,hour,minute,second) with .C at C SecondHand((r3+r4)/2,hour,minute,second) with .C at C # Center dot(at C,0.1/4*r1,1) ]') Clock1: AntiqueClock # Clock2: AntiqueClock(4,50,07,2) at Clock1.e+(1.5,0) Clock2: AntiqueClock(4,50,07,2) with .nw at Clock1.ne+(0.5,0) Clock3: [ linethick = 1.5 arrowwid = 5 pt__ rgbfill(255/255,250/255,205/255, Clock: circle rad 0.75 at (0,0) ) command "\newcounter{hour}" for time=1 to 12 do { sprintf("\setcounter{hour}{%g}\Roman{hour}",time) \ at Rect_(Clock.rad*0.85,90-time*30) } line <-> from Rect_(Clock.rad*0.95,90-8.5*30) to Clock \ then to Rect_(Clock.rad*0.7,90-3.5*30) line thick 1 outline "red" from Clock to Rect_(Clock.rad*0.95,90-0.75*30) ] with .s at (Clock2,Clock1.s) define(`htod',`(90-(`$1')/12*360)') # clock1(h:m[:s],diam,color) define(`ClockA',`[ clockdiam = ifelse(`$2',,`40 mm__',`$2') clockrad = clockdiam/2 stacksplit_(`HMS',ifelse(`$1',,10:10,`$1'),:) s = HMS; popdef(`HMS') m = HMS; popdef(`HMS') ifdef(`HMS',`h = HMS',`h = m; m = s') C: circle rad clockrad thick 2 shaded ifelse(`$3',,"cyan",`$3') at (0,0) for t = 1 to 12 do { if pmod(t,3)==0 then { ticlen = clockrad/5; ticthk = 2 } \ else { ticlen = clockrad/10; ticthk = 1 } line thick ticthk from Rect_(clockrad,htod(t)) \ to Rect_(clockrad-ticlen,htod(t)) sprintf("\large\sf %g",t) at Rect_(clockrad*3.5/5,htod(t)) } line thick 3 from C to Rect_(clockrad*2/5,htod(h+m/60)) line thick 3 from C to Rect_(clockrad*3/5,htod(m/60*12)) round(at C, 3) ifdef(`HMS',`line thick 0.7 outlined "red" from C \ to Rect_(clockrad*3.5/5,htod(s/60*12)) chop -5bp__ chop 0') popdef(`HMS') ]') [ CA: ClockA(11:10:35,,"blue!20") ClockA(10:10,,"blue!20!black!30") ClockA(10:10:23,,"blue!20!black!30!green!40") ClockA(10:10,,rgbstring(0.2,0.2,0.7)) # calls DrawRoutineName(frac,r,g,b) # clock2(h:m[:s],diam,color,rim thickness) define(`ClockB',`[ clockdiam = ifelse(`$2',,`60 mm__',`$2') clockrad = clockdiam/2 stacksplit_(`HMS',ifelse(`$1',,10:10,`$1'),:) s = HMS; popdef(`HMS') m = HMS; popdef(`HMS') ifdef(`HMS',`h = HMS',`h = m; m = s') rimwd = ifelse(`$4',,9 pt__,`$4') rimwid = rimwd/(1 pt__) n = 4 C: (0,0) ClockA(`$1',clockdiam-rimwd*2,"green!20") at C Q:circle diam clockdiam-rimwd thick rimwid \ outlined rgbstring(0.7,0.7,0.7) at C Nx: Q.n+(0,Q.thick pt__/2) define rimcirc { #print sprintf("%g: %g,%g,%g",$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4) circle diam clockdiam-rimwd thick rimwid/(n+1) \ outlined rgbstring($`'2,$`'3,$`'4) with .n at Nx-(0,rimwd/(n+1)/2) Nx : last circle.n+(0,last circle.thick pt__/2) } v = 0.1 ShadeObject(rimcirc, n, 0,v,v,v, 1/(n-1),v,v,v, 1,1,1,1) at C popdef(`HMS') ]') # ClockA(10:10:35,,"green!20") w = last [].wid ClockB(10:10:35,w,) with .nw at CA.sw+(10bp__,-0.2) ] with .nw at 1st [].sw+(0,-0.2) .PE