.PS # Gray_code.m4 gen_init GrayCode: [ outer = 4 inner = 0.75 nbits = 10 C: circle diam outer circle diam inner at C sectors = 2^nbits lthk = (outer-inner)/2/nbits for bit = 1 to nbits do { for is = 2^(bit-1) to sectors by 2^(bit+1) do { startang = is/sectors*360 endang = min(startang+(2^bit)/sectors*360,360) arcd(C,outer/2-(bit-0.5)*lthk,startang,endang) thick lthk/(1bp__) } } ] Crossbar: [ #.PS # Crossbar switch #gen_init svg_font(sans-serif,11bp__) circlerad = 0.12 boxwid = 0.18 boxht = 0.18 rathick = 1.5 rawd = rathick*4 bp__ raht = rawd*2 boxdist = boxwid*1.8 `define bcoord {($2,-($1))*boxdist}' `define redarrow { arrow ht raht wid rawd thick rathick color "red" }' `define cbx {' thinlines_ n = $+ - 1 for i=0 to n do { line color "blue" from bcoord(i,0) to bcoord(i,n) line color "blue" from bcoord(0,i) to bcoord(n,i) C[i]: circle invis at bcoord(i,-1.5) } for i=0 to n do { exec sprintf("col = $%g",i+1) redarrow from C[i].e right 1.25*boxwid redarrow from C[i].w+(-boxwid,0) right raht for j=0 to n do { B: box color "blue" shaded "yellow" at bcoord(i,j) if j==col then { line color "blue" from B.s to B.e line thick rathick color "red" from C[i].e to B.w \ then to B.n then to (B.x,C[0].y+(2+j*2/3)*boxht) continue to (C[j].x-(2+j*2/3)*boxht,Here.y) continue to (Here,C[j]) then to C[j].w } \ else { line color "blue" from B.n to B.s line color "blue" from B.w to B.e } } } thicklines_ for i=0 to n do { circle thick 1.5 outlined "blue" shaded "yellow" at C[i] \ sprintf("ifpostscript(,ifsvg(,\large))%g",i) } } [ cbx(3,6,0,5,2,7,1,4) ] at 4,4 command "" # end font #.PE ] with .w at last [].e+(0.25,0) .PE