.PS # `Corners.m4' cct_init s_init(Corners) sinclude(Circuit_macros.dim) linethick = 4 [ [ [ line up 0.2 line from Here+(0.2,0) left 0.2 ] s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{line up 0.2\\ line right 0.2}') \ with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] [ [ line up 0.2 then right 0.2 ] s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{line up 0.2 \bsl\\ \enskip then right 0.2}') \ with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.25,0) [ [ line up 0.2 line right 0.2 chop -hlth chop 0 ] s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{% line up 0.2\\ line right 0.2 \bsl\\ \enskip chop `-hlth' chop 0}') \ with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.25,0) [ [ line up 0.2 round line right 0.2 ] s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{% line up 0.2\\`\smash{round}\vphantom{r}'\\ line right 0.2}') \ with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.25,0) ] [ [ [ line up 0.15 left 0.15 corner line up 0.1 right 0.1 ] s_box(`\tt\shortstack[l]{% line up 0.15 left 0.15\\`corner'\\ line up 0.1 right 0.1}') \ with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] [ [ A: Here corner(,at A) s_box(`\sl A') at A below ] s_box(`\tt c`'orner(,at A)') with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.2,0) [ [ L: line right 0.2 down 0.3 outlined "lightgray" M: line up 0.2 right 0.1 outlined "lightgray" s_box(\sl L) at L.c+(-0.1,-0.05) s_box(\sl M) at M.c+( 0.13,0) Mitre_(L,M,5 bp__) ] s_box(`\tt Mitre\_(L,M,5 bp\_\_)') with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.2,0) [ [ A: (0,0) B: (0.3,0.2) C: (0.5,0.1) line outlined "lightgray" from A to B line outlined "lightgray" from C to B s_box(\sl A) at A rjust s_box(\sl B) at B+(0,2pt__) above s_box(\sl C) at C ljust mitre_(A,B,C) ] s_box(\tt mitre\_(A,B,C)) with .n at last [].s +(0,-0.1) ] with .nw at last [].ne+(0.2,0) ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.1) .PE