\vskip 2cm \centerline{\hebrew{dhkpieo~nkeo~hkpelebi~liyx`l}} \vskip 1cm \centerline{Let us test Hebrew \TeX ing} \vskip 2cm To begin with, I will just type in a few lines of meaningless English text, just to see what goes on. For example, here I type two Hebrew words so that I can {\bf see } them naturally, without reversing my display with the Zentec Zephyr hardware feature: well, {\ivrit aeh axr }! It will be nice to see this insert. Again, in this case I typed the {\ivrit a } first and the {\ivrit r } last. Now I will type the same insert again as \hebrew{rxa~hea}, but this time it was {\bf typed } in natural sequence, {\ivrit r } first and {\ivrit a } last, and the macro $\backslash$reflect described by D.~Knuth and P.~MacKay in TuGBoat Vol.~8, number~1, page~14, was used to correctly build this insert. The next step for this test is now to type in a longer Hebrew segment. For this purpose the segment must be delimited by a leading \ \ivrbar \ and a trailing \ \ivrbar \ as follows (note that it is not necessary to begin such segments at the start of a new line, but it is much easier to read them if they are typed alone in one line, while editing the \TeX\ input file): \ivrit | eako dbrzi ayrd head earfxze dpciad yl aex` drelm izaxj yne, lxbr diqhexi fd ae dppi keza getyiz alyeo dwecy a`xu dwecy a`nvrez nwlcz raxiz exe`d ltpi znlil raxi kzea kcxke ninio lyn`l. | \parindent=20pt \rm That will be enough for this test. I will print this out, and later add to this file a couple of English and Maths inserts inside the Hebrew segment. \vskip 1cm Well, strange enough, the preceding test worked smooth, so let me see what happens when I plug in something like $\sin(\theta+{\pi\over2}) =\cos\theta\ $ right in the middle of English test, followed by the formula: $$\int_0^{2\pi}\sin x\cdot dx = 0$$ Then I will repeat this exercise inside a new Hebrew segment. Will it work? \ivrit | dbir dfno ldkpiq peqg`ez aznlil draxi, lnyl {$\sin(\theta+{\pi\over2})= \cos\theta $}, zej kci dwtcd ldklil `z dwhr kwaevd rl npz lnper `z yaixze aio yzi yexez qnekez. erkyie `rziw `z dpeqgd dnaeccz: | $$\int_0^{2\pi}\sin x\cdot dx = 0$$ | iy lyim la ypeqgd naeccz kfe newtz afeb weeim, kci lv`z fnpiz nnva raxi.| \rm \vskip 0.5cm {\bf It's time to rush to the printer now!} \vskip 2cm \hbox to\hsize{\hfil \hebrew{irwa~ieqs~belcaxb}}