% format: plain % fontplcme.tex 1999-09-07 v2.0a for PSNFSS v8.1 (WaS) % Copyright (c) 1999,2000 Walter Schmidt % % This file is part of the PSNFSS v8.1 sources % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.1 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/06/01 or later. % This fontinst script creates virtual math fonts to go with Palatino; % they require the Euler fonts to be available in Type1 format! \input fontinst.sty % I like math to be less tight: % \setint{letterspacing}{25} \needsfontinstversion{1.801} \installfonts \transformfont{pplr8r} {\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{pplr8a}}} \transformfont{pplb8r} {\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{pplb8a}}} \transformfont{pplri8r}{\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{pplri8a}}} \transformfont{pplbi8r}{\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{pplbi8a}}} \transformfont{eurmo10} {\slantfont{167}{\frompl{eurm10}}} \transformfont{eurbo10} {\slantfont{167}{\frompl{eurb10}}} \fromafm{psyr} \frompl{euex10} \installfamily{OT1}{zpple}{} \installfamily{OML}{zpple}{\skewchar\font=127} \installfamily{OMS}{zpple}{\skewchar\font=48} \installfamily{OMX}{zpple}{} % The `operators' font: % latin from Palatino Roman % greek from Euler Roman % + = () [] from CM Roman, scaled 1042 % \installfont{zppler7t} {pplr8r,gceurm10,latin,unsetppl,kernoff,cmr10 scaled 1042} {OT1}{OT1}{zpple}{m}{n}{} % The `letters' font: % latin from Palatino Italic % greek from Euler Roman, slanted % \partial from Adobe Symbol, % comma and period from Palatino Roman, % everything else from CM Math Italic, scaled 1042 % \installfont{zppler7m} {geurmo10,mpsyr,kernoff,cmmi10 scaled 1042,kernon, unsetal2,pplri8r,unsetpun,pplr8r,plcemix} {OML}{OML}{zpple}{m}{it}{} % The `symbols' font: % \Re, \Im from Euler Script, % \infty from euex10 % everything else from CM Symbol, scaled 1042 % \installfont{zppler7y} {cmsy10 scaled 1042, kernoff, unsetsy, eusm10, euex10} {OMS}{OMS}{zpple}{m}{n}{} % The `large symbols': % delimiters and roots from cmex10 % \sum, \prod, from Adobe Symbol, \coprod is missing % integrals and large operators from cmex10, scaled 900 % \installfont{zppler7v} {cmex10,psyr,zrvhax,cmex10 scaled 900} {OMX}{OMX}{zpple}{m}{n}{} % ditto, bold: \installfont{zppleb7t} {pplb8r,gceurb10,latin,unsetppl,kernoff,cmbx10 scaled 1042} {OT1}{OT1}{zpple}{b}{n}{} \installfont{zppleb7m} {geurbo10,mpsyr,kernoff,cmmib10 scaled 1042,kernon, unsetal2,pplbi8r,unsetpun,pplb8r,plcembx} {OML}{OML}{zpple}{b}{it}{} \installfont{zppleb7y} {cmbsy10 scaled 1042, kernoff, unsetsy, eusb10, euex10} {OMS}{OMS}{zpple}{b}{n}{} % bold `large symbols' are missing \endinstallfonts \bye