% This file is public domain. \nopagenumbers \font\logo=logo10 \font\rm=ccr10 \font\j=jablantile \parindent=0pt \null\vskip1.5in \leftline{Slavik V. Jablan} \leftline{Matemati\v{c}ki Institut SANU} \leftline{Kneza Mihaila 36} \leftline{11001 Beograd, p.p. 367} \line{SERBIA\hfil 31 August 2009} \bigskip Dear Dr. Jablan, \bigskip \def\\#1{{\j#1\kern.5em}} Yesterday I amused myself by using {\logo METAFONT} to make a font based on one of your modular tiles. The font has your four characters, `\\0', `\\1', `\\2', and `\\3'; I also added two experimental ones with a neutral center, `\\4' and `\\5'. With this font \TeX\ can, for example, easily produce $$\vcenter{\j\hsize=14em\offinterlineskip\obeylines .. .523030323232545454545454545 .523032121212545454545454545 .523012121212303032323032545 .523012123010321232121032545 .543230303232321212121032545 .545230321212121212103032545 .545230121212123030323230325 .545230121230103212321210325 .545434343434343212121210325 .545454545454545212121030325 .545454545454545434343434345 %. }\qquad\vcenter{\halign{\hfil#\hfil\cr as well as\cr your original\cr}}\qquad \vcenter{\j\hsize=14em\offinterlineskip\obeylines 23030323232............... 23032121212............... 23012121212303032323032... 23012123010321232121032... .3230303232321212121032... ..230321212121212103032... ..23012121212303032323032. ..23012123010321232121032. ... ..............21212103032. ............... }$$ \bigskip Would you object if I make the source code for this font freely available on my website and on the CTAN archive for \TeX\ users? Of course I would credit you for the idea. \bigskip \rightline{\vbox{\halign{#\hfil\cr Sincerely,\cr \noalign{\vskip30pt} Donald E. Knuth\cr Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming\cr}}} \leftline{dek:tex} \vfill\bye