\documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifluatex} \ifluatex\else \errmessage{This file requires luaLaTeX to compile.^^J^^J} \fi \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{boxedminipage,xspace} \newfontfamily{\inria}{Inria Serif} \newfontfamily{\inriasf}{Inria Sans} \title{\inria Inria fonts (serif \& sans-serif)} \author{Nicolas Markey} \date{\today} \def\cmd#1{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \def\pack#1{\texttt{#1}\xspace} \def\lipsum{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut~purus elit, vestibulum~ut, placerat~ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam~arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer~id, vulputate~a, magna. Donec vehicula augue eu neque.} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} {\inria Inria} is a free font designed by \href{https://black-foundry.com/blog/inria-serif-and-inria/}{Black[Foundry]} for \href{http://www.inria.fr/}{Inria} research institute. The~font is available for free. It~comes Serif and Sans Serif, each with 3 weights and matching italics. Using these fonts with \hologo{XeLaTeX} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX} is easy, by using the \pack{fontspec} package; we~refer to the documentation of \pack{fontspec} for more information. % The present package provides a way of using them with \hologo{LaTeX} and \hologo{pdfLaTeX}: it~provides two style files, \texttt{InriaSerif.sty} and \texttt{InriaSans.sty}, together with the postscript version of the fonts and their associated files. These~were created using \texttt{autoinst}. \end{abstract} \section{Installation} To install on a TDS-compliant \TeX\ system, first download the \texttt{inriafonts.tds.zip} file from CTAN, and unzip it at the root of the texmf tree where you want to install the font. Then add maps \pack{InriaSerif.map} and \pack{InriaSans.map} to \texttt{updmap}, and update the font maps and list of files. \section{Usage with \LaTeX\slash \hologo{pdfLaTeX}} Simply use package \texttt{InriaSerif} (which sets the serif font as the \cmd{rmdefault} font and the sans-serif font as the \cmd{sfdefault} font) or \texttt{InriaSans} (which sets the sans-serif font as \cmd{rmdefault}). These packages admit the following (main) options (automatically provided by \texttt{autoinst}): \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{lining} (default) and \texttt{oldstyle}: use lining glyphs (\bgroup\inria 1234567890\egroup) vs. old-style glyphs (\bgroup\inria\addfontfeature{Numbers=OldStyle}1234567890\egroup) for figures. This applies only to figures in text mode by default, since these packages do not affect the fonts of the math mode; use package \texttt{mathastext} to have the same fonts in math mode as in text mode. \item \texttt{tabular} and \texttt{proportional} (default): (lining) figures may have fixed size (\bgroup\inria\addfontfeature{Numbers=Monospaced} 1234567890\egroup) or proportional size (\bgroup\inria 1234567890\egroup). \item \texttt{regular} (default) and \texttt{light} font series; \item \texttt{scale=$\mathtt{1.1}$} scales the font by the given factor. \end{itemize} Both packages provide superscript figures (in text mode) using \cmd{textsu} and \cmd{sufigures}: for instance, \cmd{textsu\string{abc1234567890\string}} produces {\inria\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Superior}abc1234567890} (notice how this only applies to figures, and not to letters). \section{Samples and list of glyphs} \enlargethispage{5mm} On the next page, we present short samples for the serif- and sans-serif versions of the font, for all three weights, and for their italics shapes. Tables with full lists of glyphs (for regular serif and sans-serif fonts) are displayed on the last two pages. \newgeometry{textwidth=160mm,textheight=240mm} \subsection{Inria Serif Light} \bgroup\inria \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Light}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Light Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \subsection{Inria Serif Regular} \bgroup\inria \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Regular}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \subsection{Inria Serif Bold} \bgroup\inria \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Bold}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Bold Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \subsection{Inria Sans Light} \bgroup\inriasf \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Light}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Light Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum\medskip \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \subsection{Inria Sans Regular} \bgroup\inriasf \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Regular}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum\medskip \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \subsection{Inria Sans Bold} \bgroup\inriasf \addfontfeature{UprightFont={* Bold}} \addfontfeature{ItalicFont={* Bold Italic}} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum \par\itshape\lipsum \end{multicols} \egroup \newgeometry{textwidth=175mm,textheight=269mm} \subsection{List of glyphs -- Inria Serif Regular} \newcount\charcount \newcount\nbcharcount \parindent=0pt \bgroup\inria \offinterlineskip \def\dochar{\iffontchar\font\charcount\advance\nbcharcount1 \makebox[15mm][l]{\strut\vrule\,{\tiny\number\charcount}\hfill\char\charcount}\hskip1mm plus 1mm \fi} \loop\dochar \ifnum\charcount<"10FFFF\relax \advance\charcount1 \repeat \global\advance\nbcharcount0 \egroup \vskip5mm (\the\nbcharcount\ chars displayed) \subsection{List of glyphs -- Inria Sans Regular} \newcount\charcount \newcount\nbcharcount \parindent=0pt \bgroup\inriasf \offinterlineskip \def\dochar{\iffontchar\font\charcount\advance\nbcharcount1 \makebox[15mm][l]{\strut\vrule\,{\tiny\number\charcount}\hfill\char\charcount}\hskip1mm plus 1mm \fi} \loop\dochar \ifnum\charcount<"10FFFF\relax \advance\charcount1 \repeat \global\advance\nbcharcount0 \egroup \vskip5mm (\the\nbcharcount\ chars displayed) \end{document}