\documentstyle[greek,twoside]{article} \title{Greek Fonts for Textual Use} \author{B Hamilton Kelly\thanks{Because I realize that ``double-barrelled'' names cause confusion in the U.S., and since mine is even more unusual in that it does {\bf not} contain a hyphen, I should point out that my {\bf surname} is `Hamilton Kelly', and not just `Kelly'! (First name is `Brian', by the way.)}\\ Royal Military College of Science\\Shrivenham, {\bf SWINDON}, SN6~8LA\\United Kingdom} \newfont{\logo}{logo10} \newcommand{\MF}{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}} \newcommand{\SLiTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \newcommand{\exmp}[1]{\grbf #1 &\tt #1} \newcommand{\bs}{\char"5C} \begin{document} \maketitle Needing to write some Greek examples for my Adult Education evening class, and being ignorant (at the time) of the existence of Silvio Levy's excellent work, I created a selection of \MF\ driver files which used the definitions of the maths font Greek characters (assembled into {\tt GRKTXT.MF}), together with some other useful bits. I used these to generate a Greek text font in normal and bold weights, and also in italic and typewriter styles. The characters are mapped to the intuitive Roman alphabet equivalents, as shown in Table~\ref{gr-trans}, with the use of some ligatures to handle Greek letters traditionally represented by two Roman letters. These mappings are {\bf not} everywhere the same as Silvio Levy's; in particular, note that he uses `{\tt H}' to represent `{\grbf Y}'\footnote{The {\tt\bs grbf} font has been used in all the in-text examples in this paper} (which is intuitive as a capital, but not in lower-case [`{\tt h}'$\not\simeq$`{\grbf y}']) --- I feel that my transliteration here makes the ``English'' Greek more readable, since most of it tends to be in lower-case. (Incidentally, I originally started with more ligatures, for example, `{\tt ks}' and `{\tt rh}' for `{\grbf x}' and `{\grbf r}' respectively; the latter caused a minor disaster with the Greek for `I start' ({\grbf arh\'izw}) which has to be input as `{\tt arh\bs'izw}'!) Since I was interested only in Modern (Demotic) Greek, which adopted the ``one-accent'' system in 1982, I made no special provision for accents: in particular, there is no simple way of generating breathing marks. I just use the normal \LaTeX\ {\tt\bs'} before the accented letter: of course, this puts the accent on capital letters in the wrong place ({\grbf \'Y} whereas it should be {\grbf\'{}Y}), but one doesn't always need to accent capitals, and \verb|\'{}| works when necessary. I recognize that using this form of accenting precludes any attempt by \TeX\ to hyphenate the Greek words, but I'm pretty clueless on {\em where\/} to hyphenate Greek in general! Some time, I ought to get around to making `{\tt;}' into a sentence-ending punctuation mark (since Greek uses it where English uses `{\tt?}'), and perhaps provide a raised dot for the Greek semi-colon; at present, all punctuation marks are in the conventional (Roman) positions, without transliteration, so you type a `{\tt;}' to get the Greek question mark. \begin{table}[tbp] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cc@{\hspace{1cm}}cc} Greek & Characters & Greek & Characters\\ Letter & Typed & Letter & Typed\\ \exmp A & \exmp a\\ \exmp B & \exmp b\\ \exmp G & \exmp g\\ \exmp D & \exmp d\\ \exmp E & \exmp e\\ \exmp Z & \exmp z\\ \exmp Y & \exmp y\\ \grbf TH & \tt TH \rm or \tt Th & \exmp{th}\\ \exmp I & \exmp i\\ \exmp K & \exmp k\\ \exmp L & \exmp l\\ \exmp M & \exmp m\\ \exmp N & \exmp n\\ \exmp X & \exmp x\\ \exmp O & \exmp o\\ \exmp P & \exmp p\\ \exmp R & \exmp r\\ \exmp S & \exmp s\\ & & \grbf \s & \tt\bs s\\ \exmp T & \exmp t\\ \exmp U & \exmp u\\ \grbf PH & \tt PH \rm or \tt Ph & \exmp{ph}\\ \exmp H & \exmp h\\ \grbf PS & \tt PS \rm or \tt Ps & \exmp{ps}\\ \exmp W & \exmp w \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Transliteration from Keyboard Input to Greek}\label{gr-trans} \end{table} To facilitate the use of these fonts, I have designed a \LaTeX\ style file option {\tt GREEK.STY}, which ought to be usable with any normal \LaTeX\ style; at present, it is {\bf not} suitable for \SLiTeX. The commands {\tt\bs gr, \bs grbf, \bs grit} and {\tt\bs grtt} are defined, and will automatically track any \LaTeX\ size changing command ({\it i.e.}\ {\tt\bs Large} will invoke a 14pt {\tt\bs rm} font in a 10pt document style, and then selecting {\tt\bs grbf} will select the corresponding 14pt Greek bold font). Whenever a Greek font definition is in force, the macro {\tt\bs s} is used to generate the variant of lower-case {\tt\bs sigma} required at the ends of words. (Silvio Levy's font takes care of all this automatically, however, I'm pretty sure that my LN03 printer driver would fail if I needed more than 188 characters from his Greek fonts, because each \TeX\ font needs to be mapped to a single LN03 internal font, which has a maximum capacity of two 94-character ``chunks'' in the GL and GR terminology of ANSI X-3.64.) In the last few days I've been getting my hands dirtier with \MF, and have changed the programs for a number of the characters; this was necessary because they still exhibited that they were originally ``tuned'' for maths setting. The characters changed are as follows:\begin{itemize} \item The lower-case \verb|\alpha| was too wide and also extended right up to the right-hand edge of the bounding box; this has been shrunk by some judicious tweaking of points defining the pen stroke. \item The characters \verb|\iota| and \verb|\mu| also came right up to their right-hand sides; they have simply been redefined in a box one $u$ wider. \item The character \verb|\nu| had a vertical left stroke; this has been curved and the serif (if any) blended in. \item The character \verb|\lambda| was too wide: fine for denoting wavelength and the like, but not very pretty in text; its width has been shrunk by one $u$. \item The character \verb|\kappa| is fine for maths, but not the form ordinarily found in Greek text; what is wanted is something like the \verb|\varkappa| provided by $\cal AMS$\TeX. My first thought was to pirate that character from \verb|YSYMBOL.MF| (which we have) but of course that's for the old MF-in-SAIL; I have written something in \MF84 which approximates that character (please don't look too closely at the awful code!) \end{itemize} There is considerable scope for further work:\begin{itemize} \item As mentioned above, because the Greek character definitions were stolen from the maths fonts, spacing of some other characters is not yet perfect; furthermore, the actual form of some other characters (notably {\grbf z} and {\grbf x}) is not that normally expected in Greek text. Eventually, I shall have to tweek them myself, or steal the appropriate bits of Levy's fonts. (As mentioned above, I feel that use of his full 256-character font would cause problems at this site.) \item To make {\tt GREEK.STY} work with \SLiTeX\ as well, I shall have to re-write {\tt SFONTS.TEX} to use a font size changing strategy akin to that used by {\tt LFONTS.TEX}, this will also permit the use of {\tt CYRILLIC.STY} (which we have also modified to track automatically \LaTeX\ size changes) with \SLiTeX; quite frankly, I could never understand why {\tt SFONTS.TEX} preloads all those fonts, when load-on-demand would seem much more useful for the contexts in which \SLiTeX\ is used. \item I haven't made any ``guillemets'' style quotation marks. \end{itemize} Finally, an example; I don't know whether Silvio Levy asked the copyright holder's permission to reproduce his example from Kazantzakis' ``Symposium'', but I haven't! I have, however, followed modern usage of the one-accent system. (I have also corrected what I presume to be a ``typo''; it may be, of course, that Kazantzakis actually wrote what was printed in Levy's article, but I feel that {\grit m' \'ezwsan} [``encircled me''] makes more sense when referring to lightning than {\grit m' \'exwsan} [``evicted me''] --- my {\grit Meg\'alo ep\'itomo lexik\'on ty\s\ Ellynik\'y\s\ gl\'wssa\s\/} [{\it ca.}~1500{\sl pp}.] doesn't suggest any other sensible meaning for this verb!) \def\bodytext{Ty stigm\'y to\'uty ni\'wthw p\'oso bar\'u 'nai to must\'yrio ty\s\ xomol\'ogysy\s. W\s\ t\'wra, kane\'i\s\ den x\'erei p\'w\s\ p\'erasa ta du\'o hr\'onia mou sto \'{}Agion \'{}Oro\s. Oi ph\'iloi mou tharro\'un pw\s\ p\'yga na dw buzantin\'a kon\'ismata \'y ap\'o mustikop\'atheia na z\'ysw mi\'a perasm\'eny epoh\'y. Kai t\'wra, na, ntr\'epomai na mil\'ysw. P\'w\s\ na to pw\@; Thumo\'umai \'ena anoixi\'atiko deilin\'o, pou kat\'ebaina ton Ta\'ugeto, mi\'a xaphnik\'y th\'uella me k\'uklwse kont\'a stou\s\ Pentaulo\'u\s. T\'oso phober\'o\s\ anemos\'iphouna\s, pou \'epesa katag\'y\s\ gi\'a na m\'yn gkremist\'w. Oi astrap\'e\s\ m'~\'ezwsan olo\'uthe ki \'ekleisa ta m\'atia m\'yn tuphlwth\'w, kai kat\'ahama, p\'istoma, per\'imena. \'{}Olo to pan\'upsylo boun\'o \'etreme, kai du\'o \'elata d\'ipla mou tsak\'istykan ap' ty m\'esy kai br\'ontyxan h\'amou. \'{}Eniwtha to thei\'aphi tou kerauno\'u ston a\'era, kai xaphnik\'a x\'espase y mp\'ora, \'epesen o \'anemo\s, kai hontr\'e\s, therm\'e\s\ st\'ale\s\ broh\'y ht\'upysan ta dentr\'a kai to h\'wma. To thum\'ari, y thro\'umpa, to phask\'omylo, to phlisko\'uni, htupym\'ena ap' to ner\'o, t\'inaxan ti\s\ murwdi\'e\s\ tou\s\ ki \'oly y gy\s\ m\'urise.} \begin{flushleft}\parskip 5pt plus 1pt {\gr \bodytext} \end{flushleft} And here is the text input to generate that:\begin{verbatim} \begin{flushleft}\parskip 5pt plus 1pt {\gr Ty stigm\'y to\'uty ni\'wthw p\'oso bar\'u 'nai to must\'yrio ty\s\ xomol\'ogysy\s. W\s\ t\'wra, kane\'i\s\ den x\'erei p\'w\s\ p\'erasa ta du\'o hr\'onia mou sto \'{}Agion \'{}Oro\s. Oi ph\'iloi mou tharro\'un pw\s\ p\'yga na dw buzantin\'a kon\'ismata \'y ap\'o mustikop\'atheia na z\'ysw mi\'a perasm\'eny epoh\'y. Kai t\'wra, na, ntr\'epomai na mil\'ysw. P\'w\s\ na to pw\@; Thumo\'umai \'ena anoixi\'atiko deilin\'o, pou kat\'ebaina ton Ta\'ugeto, mi\'a xaphnik\'y th\'uella me k\'uklwse kont\'a stou\s\ Pentaulo\'u\s. T\'oso phober\'o\s\ anemos\'iphouna\s, pou \'epesa katag\'y\s\ gi\'a na m\'yn gkremist\'w. Oi astrap\'e\s\ m'~\'ezwsan olo\'uthe ki \'ekleisa ta m\'atia m\'yn tuphlwth\'w, kai kat\'ahama, p\'istoma, per\'imena. \'{}Olo to pan\'upsylo boun\'o \'etreme, kai du\'o \'elata d\'ipla mou tsak\'istykan ap' ty m\'esy kai br\'ontyxan h\'amou. \'{}Eniwtha to thei\'aphi tou kerauno\'u ston a\'era, kai xaphnik\'a x\'espase y mp\'ora, \'epesen o \'anemo\s, kai hontr\'e\s, therm\'e\s\ st\'ale\s\ broh\'y ht\'upysan ta dentr\'a kai to h\'wma. To thum\'ari, y thro\'umpa, to phask\'omylo, to phlisko\'uni, htupym\'ena ap' to ner\'o, t\'inaxan ti\s\ murwdi\'e\s\ tou\s\ ki \'oly y gy\s\ m\'urise.} \end{flushleft}\end{verbatim} (Note particularly the `\verb|\@;|' to make the Greek question mark end the sentence; also the use of `\verb|\'{}|' to put the accents {\em before\/} the capital letters.) Here it is again, but this time in the italic face: \begin{flushleft}\parskip 5pt plus 1pt {\grit \bodytext} \end{flushleft} And again, but in the bold extended form: \begin{flushleft}\parskip 5pt plus 1pt {\grbf \bodytext} \end{flushleft} And one last time, in the Greek typewriter font: \begin{flushleft}\parskip 5pt plus 1pt {\grtt \bodytext} \end{flushleft} \end{document}