%%% ==================================================================== %%% @TeX-font-encoding-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey and Ulrik Vieth", %%% version = "1.801", %%% date = "29 June 1998", %%% time = "23:51:49 CEST", %%% filename = "oml.etx", %%% email = "vieth@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de", %%% URL = "http://www.thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de/~vieth/", %%% checksum = "27493 601 1038 12135", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "encoding, math, TeX, PostScript", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This is the old math italic encoding as a TeX %%% font encoding file, for use with the fontinst %%% utility.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "fontinst.sty, fontdoc.sty", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % % 29 Dec 1993, v1.30: Created file. % % 03 Jan 1994, v1.301: Moved from ltugboat class to article. % % 09 Jan 1994, v1.305: Renamed some glyphs to use the same glyph names % as Lucida New Math. % % 10 Jun 1998, v1.800: Really use the same names as Lucida New Math. % Correct ordering of `flat', `natural', `sharp'. \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The \TeX\ math italic encoding vector} \author{Alan Jeffrey, Ulrik Vieth} \date{29 June 1998 \\ Version 1.801} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the \TeX\ math italic (OML) encoding. \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.800} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setstr{codingscheme}{TEX MATH ITALIC} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{0} % interword space \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \setint{fontdimen(7)}{0} % extra space after . \comment{\section{The encoding} There are 128 glyphs in this encoding.} \setslot{Gamma} \comment{The greek letter `$\Gamma$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Delta} \comment{The greek letter `$\Delta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Theta} \comment{The greek letter `$\Theta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Lambda} \comment{The greek letter `$\Lambda$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Xi} \comment{The greek letter `$\Xi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Pi} \comment{The greek letter `$\Pi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Sigma} \comment{The greek letter `$\Sigma$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Upsilon} \comment{The greek letter `$\Upsilon$' named `Upsilon1' by Adobe.} \endsetslot \setslot{Phi} \comment{The greek letter `$\Phi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Psi} \comment{The greek letter `$\Psi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Omega} \comment{The greek letter `$\Omega$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{alpha} \comment{The greek letter `$\alpha$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{beta} \comment{The greek letter `$\beta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{gamma} \comment{The greek letter `$\gamma$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{delta} \comment{The greek letter `$\delta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{epsilon1} \comment{The greek letter `$\epsilon$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{zeta} \comment{The greek letter `$\zeta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{eta} \comment{The greek letter `$\eta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{theta} \comment{The greek letter `$\theta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{iota} \comment{The greek letter `$\iota$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{kappa} \comment{The greek letter `$\kappa$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{lambda} \comment{The greek letter `$\lambda$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{mu} \comment{The greek letter `$\mu$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{nu} \comment{The greek letter `$\nu$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{xi} \comment{The greek letter `$\xi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pi} \comment{The greek letter `$\pi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{rho} \comment{The greek letter `$\rho$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sigma} \comment{The greek letter `$\sigma$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{tau} \comment{The greek letter `$\tau$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{upsilon} \comment{The greek letter `$\upsilon$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{phi} \comment{The greek letter `$\phi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{chi} \comment{The greek letter `$\chi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{psi} \comment{The greek letter `$\psi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{omega} \comment{The greek letter `$\omega$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{epsilon} \comment{The greek letter `$\varepsilon$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{theta1} \comment{The greek letter `$\vartheta$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pi1} \comment{The greek letter `$\varpi$', rather unfortunately named `omega1' by Adobe.} \endsetslot \setslot{rho1} \comment{The greek letter `$\varrho$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sigma1} \comment{The greek letter `$\varsigma$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{phi1} \comment{The greek letter `$\varphi$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{harpoonleftup} \comment{The harpoon symbol `$\leftharpoonup$', named `arrowlefttophalf' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{harpoonleftdown} \comment{The harpoon symbol `$\leftharpoondown$', named `arrowleftbothalf' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{harpoonrightup} \comment{The harpoon symbol `$\rightharpoonup$', named `arrowrighttophalf' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{harpoonrightdown} \comment{The harpoon symbol `$\rightharpoondown$', named `arrowrightbothalf' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{hookrightchar} \comment{The building block for `$\hookrightarrow$', named `arrowhookleft' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{hookleftchar} \comment{The building block for `$\hookleftarrow$', named `arrowhookright' in MathTime and Lucida New Math.} \endsetslot \setslot{triangleright} \comment{The triangle symbol `$\triangleright$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{triangleleft} \comment{The triangle symbol `$\triangleleft$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{zerooldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit zero `0'.} \endsetslot \setslot{oneoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit one `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{twooldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit two `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{threeoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit three `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fouroldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit four `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{fiveoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit five `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sixoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit six `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sevenoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit seven `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{eightoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit eight `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{nineoldstyle} \comment{The oldstyle digit nine `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The period `$.$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \comment{The comma `$,$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less} \comment{The less-than sign `$<$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forwards oblique `$/$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater} \comment{The greater-than sign `$>$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{star} \comment{The star symbol `$\star$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{partialdiff} \comment{The partial differentiation symbol `$\partial$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{A} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{A}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{B} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{B}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{C} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{C}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{D} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{D}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{E} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{E}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{F} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{F}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{G} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{G}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{H} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{H}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{I} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{I}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{J} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{J}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{K} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{K}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{L} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{L}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{M} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{M}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{N} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{N}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{O} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{O}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{P} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{P}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Q} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{Q}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{R} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{R}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{S} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{S}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{T} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{T}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{U} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{U}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{V} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{V}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{W} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{W}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{X} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{X}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Y} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{Y}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{Z} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{Z}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{flat} \comment{The flat musical symbol `$\flat$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{natural} \comment{The natural musical symbol `$\natural$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sharp} \comment{The sharp musical symbol `$\sharp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slurbelow} \comment{The slur symbol `$\smile$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slurabove} \comment{The slur symbol `$\frown$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{lscript} \comment{The script letter `$\ell$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{a} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{a}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{b} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{b}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{c} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{c}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{d} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{d}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{e} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{e}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{f} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{f}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{g} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{g}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{h} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{h}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{i} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{i}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{j} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{j}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{k} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{k}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{l} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{l}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{m} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{m}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{n} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{n}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{o} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{o}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{p} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{p}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{q} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{q}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{r} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{r}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{s} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{s}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{t} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{t}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{u} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{u}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{v} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{v}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{w} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{w}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{x} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{x}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{y} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{y}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{z} \comment{The letter `$\mathnormal{z}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessi} \comment{The dotless letter `$\imath$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessj} \comment{The dotless letter `$\jmath$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{weierstrass} \comment{The Weierstrass P symbol `$\wp$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{vector} \comment{The vector accent symbol `$\vec{x}$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{tie} \comment{The tie accent symbol `\t oo'.} \endsetslot \setslot{kappa1} \comment{another kappa} \endsetslot \setslot{rho2} \comment{another rho} \endsetslot \setslot{partialdiff1} \endsetslot \setslot{pi2} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document}