%\listfiles %% $Id: countriesofeurope.tex 1095 2019-10-03 06:05:39Z herbert $ \documentclass[11pt,english,BCOR=10mm,DIV=13,toc=bibliography,parskip=false, headings=small,headinclude=false,footinclude=false,oneside]{pst-doc} \usepackage[Scale=7.5]{countriesofeurope} \let\pstFV\fileversion \usepackage{ifluatex} \usepackage{dtk-logos} \ifluatex\else \pdfmapfile{+countriesofeurope.map} % only needed, if the map is not enabled with updmap \fi \usepackage{lmodern,array,longtable,graphicx,ifthen,ragged2e,libertinus} \makeatletter \newcommand\Country[2][]{{% \tabular{|>{\Centering}p{2.5cm}|}\hline \strut\footnotesize\texttt{\textbackslash#2}\\\hline \parbox[c][3.2cm]{2cm}{\EUCountry[#1]{#2}}\\\hline \endtabular}} \makeatother \newcounter{N} \renewcommand\bgImage{% \EUCountry[Scale=3,outline,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=black]{Germany}} \usepackage{biblatex} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{document} \title{Package \texttt{countriesofeurope}} \subtitle{Printing all european countries as a character of a font (v.\,0.23)} \author{Rolf Niepraschk\\Herbert Voß\\Ingo Zimmermann} \docauthor{Herbert Voß} \date{\today} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \begin{sloppypar} This package defines the two macros \Lcs{countriesofeuropefamily} (short version is \Lcs{CoEF}) and \Lcs{EUCountry}\verb|[options]{name}|, which allow to print one of the european countries as a single character with the given scaling or with an individual scaling. The first one switches to the font encoding \verb|U| (Type 1) or \verb|TU| (OpenType) and loads the font and the second one does the same but also with printing the character which the given name, e.\,g. for Finland: \verb|\EUCountry[Scale=0.2]{Germany}|$\rightarrow$% \EUCountry[Scale=0.2]{Germany}. \end{sloppypar} The font can be loaded with an optional argument for the scaling factor, which is preset to 1: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[Scale=10]{countriesofeurope}% scaled to 10 \end{verbatim} \section{Default use} The countris itself are available by a macro from the following list. The characters are at the position 128--166 in the Type~1 font \LFile{countriesofeurope.pfb} and also available with the \verb|\char| primitive. The following table shows the countries in their original size with a scaling of 7.5: \begin{longtable}{cccc} \Country{Albania} & \Country{Andorra} & \Country{Austria} & \Country{Belarus} \\ \Country{Belgium} & \Country{Bosnia} & \Country{Bulgaria} & \Country{Croatia} \\ \Country{Czechia} & \Country{Denmark} & \Country{Estonia} & \Country{Finland} \\ \Country{France} & \Country{Germany} & \Country{GreatBritain} & \Country{Greece} \\ \Country{Hungary} & \Country{Iceland} & \Country{Ireland} & \Country{Italy} \\ \Country{Latvia} & \Country{Liechtenstein} & \Country{Lithuania} & \Country{Luxembourg} \\ \Country{Macedonia} & \Country{Malta} & \Country{Moldova} & \Country{Montenegro} \\ \Country{Netherlands} & \Country{Norway} & \Country{Poland} & \Country{Portugal} \\ \Country{Romania} & \Country{Serbia} & \Country{Slovakia} & \Country{Slovenia} \\ \Country{Spain} & \Country{Sweden} & \Country{Switzerland} \end{longtable} \noindent\rule{\textwidth}{.5mm} The countries in the original size with the given bounding box and the text command \verb|\huge|: % \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{} \medskip \begingroup \fboxsep=0pt \noindent% \ifluatex \fontspec[Scale=1]{countriesofeurope.otf} \huge \setcounter{N}{63724}% \whiledo{\value{N} > 63686}{% \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}% \addtocounter{N}{-1}} \else \huge \setcounter{N}{128}% \whiledo{\value{N} < 167}{% \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}% \stepcounter{N}} \fi \endgroup \rmfamily \section{Outline font} All countries can be printed as outline, e.\,g.: \verb|\EUCountry[Scale=37.5,outline]{Germany}| \EUCountry[Scale=5,outline]{Germany} \begingroup \ifluatex \CoEF \else \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{} \fi \begin{longtable}{cccc} \Country[outline]{Albania} & \Country[outline]{Andorra} & \Country[outline]{Austria} & \Country[outline]{Belarus} \\ \Country[outline]{Belgium} & \Country[outline]{Bosnia} & \Country[outline]{Bulgaria} & \Country[outline]{Croatia} \\ \Country[outline]{Czechia} & \Country[outline]{Denmark} & \Country[outline]{Estonia} & \Country[outline]{Finland} \\ \Country[outline]{France} & \Country[outline]{Germany} & \Country[outline]{GreatBritain} & \Country[outline]{Greece} \\ \Country[outline]{Hungary} & \Country[outline]{Iceland} & \Country[outline]{Ireland} & \Country[outline]{Italy} \\ \Country[outline]{Latvia} & \Country[outline]{Liechtenstein} & \Country[outline]{Lithuania} & \Country[outline]{Luxembourg} \\ \Country[outline]{Macedonia} & \Country[outline]{Malta} & \Country[outline]{Moldova} & \Country[outline]{Montenegro} \\ \Country[outline]{Netherlands} & \Country[outline]{Norway} & \Country[outline]{Poland} & \Country[outline]{Portugal} \\ \Country[outline]{Romania} & \Country[outline]{Serbia} & \Country[outline]{Slovakia} & \Country[outline]{Slovenia} \\ \Country[outline]{Spain} & \Country[outline]{Sweden} & \Country[outline]{Switzerland} \end{longtable} \endgroup \section{Ligatures} \rmfamily The countries are internally defined as a ligature so that abreviations of the countries can be used for printing. % %\begin{verbatim} %\CoEF ge au %\end{verbatim} % These Ligatures are enabled by default! %\begin{verbatim} %\defaultfontfeatures+[\countriesofeuropefamily]{Ligatures=Common} %\end{verbatim} %leads to \begingroup \ifluatex \CoEF % \defaultfontfeatures+[\countriesofeuropefamily]{Ligatures=Common} \else \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{} \fi \verb|{\CoEF ge GE}| $\rightarrow$ {\CoEF ge GE} \endgroup \def\TAB#1{\tabular[b]{@{}l@{}}#1\endtabular} \begin{longtable}{ll ll}\toprule \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output} & \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output}\\\midrule \endfirsthead \midrule \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output} & \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output}\\\midrule \endhead AL & \CoEF AL & AN & \CoEF AN \\\hline AU & \CoEF AU & BELA & \CoEF BELA \\\hline BELG & \CoEF BELG & BO & \CoEF BO\\\hline BU & \CoEF BU & CR & \CoEF CR\\\hline CZ & \CoEF CZ & \TAB{DAN\\DAE} & \CoEF DAN\\\hline EST & \CoEF EST & FI & \CoEF FI \\\hline FR & \CoEF FR & GE & \CoEF GE \\ \TAB{EN\\GREA\\BR} & \CoEF BR & GRI & \CoEF GRI \\\hline HU & \CoEF HU & IC & \CoEF IC \\\hline IR & \CoEF IR & IT & \CoEF IT \\\hline LA & \CoEF LA & LIE & \CoEF LIE\\\hline LIT & \CoEF LIT & LU & \CoEF LU \\\hline MAC & \CoEF MAC & MAL & \CoEF MAL\\\hline MOL & \CoEF MOL & MON & \CoEF MON \\\hline NE & \CoEF NE & NO & \CoEF NO\\\hline POL & \CoEF POL & POR & \CoEF POR \\\hline RO & \CoEF RO & SE & \CoEF SE \\\hline SLOVA& \CoEF SLOVA& SLOVE& \CoEF SLOVE \\\hline SP & \CoEF SP & \TAB{SWE\\SV} & \CoEF SWE\\\hline SWI & \CoEF SWI & & \\\bottomrule \end{longtable} %\defaultfontfeatures[\countriesofeuropefamily]{Ligatures=NoCommon} %The Ligatures can also be enabled by %\begin{verbatim} %\usepackage[Ligatures=Common]{countriesofeurope} %\end{verbatim} \rmfamily \section{Color options} With the optional arguments \Lkeyword{fillcolor} and \Lkeyword{linecolor} the countries can printed with different colors. The option \Lkeyword{fillcolor} is only valiD, if the option \Lkeyword{outline} is set, too. \verb|\EUCountry[Scale=37.5,outline,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=blue]{Germany}| \ifluatex \fontspec{countriesofeurope.otf} \else \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{} \fi \fbox{\EUCountry[Scale=5,outline,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=blue]{Germany}} \rmfamily \bgroup \raggedright \nocite{*} %\bibliographystyle{plain} \printbibliography \egroup \printindex \end{document}