% cmastro.tex: Using the cmastro fonts. % % Run this through tex (plain TeX) to get summary of the astro option for % using the cmastro fonts. \input astro % \def\t#1{\hbox{\tt #1}} \def\cs#1{\t{\char'134 #1}} \def\_{\t{\char'137}} \def\${\t{\char'44}} \def\{{\t{\char'173}} \def\}{\t{\char'175}} \def\AMS{{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em$\cal S$}} \def\LaTeX{L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sevenrm A}\kern-.15em\TeX} % \bigskip \centerline{\bf Using the cmastro fonts} \bigskip The \t{cmastro} fonts contain the special symbols $$ \vcenter{\tabskip=1emplus1fil \halign to\hsize{&\hfil#\hfil\tabskip=1em&#\hfil\tabskip=1emplus1fil\cr \omit\span\bf Planets &\omit\span\bf Other \cr \Mercury & \cs{Mercury} &\Sun & \cs{Sun} \cr \Venus & \cs{Venus} &\Moon & \cs{Moon} \cr \Earth & \cs{Earth} \cr \Mars & \cs{Mars} &\ascnode & \cs{ascnode} \cr \Jupiter & \cs{Jupiter} &\descnode & \cs{descnode} \cr \Saturn & \cs{Saturn} \cr \Uranus & \cs{Uranus} &\VE & \cs{VE} \cr \Neptune & \cs{Neptune} &\AE & \cs{AE} \cr \Pluto & \cs{Pluto} &\circ & \cs{circ} \cr }} $$ to \TeX's repertoire of characters. They also work in sub- and superscripts, {\it e.g.}, \$\t{M}\_\cs{Jupiter}\$ will give $M_\Jupiter$. In order to use the fonts you must create and install \t{tfm} and bitmap files as well as the two \TeX\ sources \t{astro.tex} and \t{astro.sty} in a place where \TeX\ will find them. Then \item{$\bullet$} In \LaTeX\ you should use the ``\t{[astro]}'' document style option, {\it e.g.}, $$ \cs{documentstyle[astro,12pt]\{article\}} $$ \item{$\bullet$} With plain \TeX\ and \AMS-\TeX\ you should add the line $$ \cs{input astro} $$ in the preamble of your document. \bye