% astro.tex: Load CMASTRO fonts and define the symbols % \ifx\astroloaded\relax \message{[not reloaded]}\endinput \fi \let\astroloaded=\endinput % Load the fonts % \font\twentyfiveastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstep5 \font\twentyastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstep4 \font\seventeenastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstep3 \font\fourteenastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstep2 \font\twelveastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstep1 \font\elevenastro=cmastro10 scaled \magstephalf \font\tenastro=cmastro10 \font\nineastro=cmastro9 \font\eightastro=cmastro8 \font\sevenastro=cmastro7 \font\sixastro=cmastro6 \font\fiveastro=cmastro5 % Define default sizes (as plain 10,7,5pt) % \newfam\astrofam % \textfont\astrofam=\tenastro \scriptfont\astrofam=\sevenastro \scriptscriptfont\astrofam=\fiveastro % \def\astro{\tenastro\fam\astrofam} % Define the special symbols % \def\Sun{{\astro S}} % Sun symbol, "S" \def\Mercury{{\astro 1}} % Mercury symbol, "1" \def\Venus{{\astro 2}} % Venus symbol, "2" \def\Earth{{\astro 3}} % Earth symbol, "3" \def\Mars{{\astro 4}} % Mars symbol, "4" \def\Jupiter{{\astro 5}} % Jupiter symbol, "5" \def\Saturn{{\astro 6}} % Saturn symbol, "6" \def\Uranus{{\astro 7}} % Uranus symbol, "7" \def\Neptune{{\astro 8}} % Neptune symbol, "8" \def\Pluto{{\astro 9}} % Pluo symbol, "9" \def\Moon{{\astro M}} % Moon symbol, "M" \def\ascnode{{\astro N}} % ascending node (dragon's head), \def\descnode{{\astro D}} % descending node (dragon's tail), \def\VE{{\astro V}} % vernal equinox (Aries), "V" \def\AE{{\astro L}} % autumnal equinox (Libra), "L" \def\circ{{\astro\char'16}} % circle, replacing the one in \sy \astroloaded