%% ot1tt.etx %% Copyright 1993 Alan Jeffrey % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Engebretsen. % % This work consists of all files listed in MANIFEST. % %%%======================================================================== %%% @TeX-font-encoding-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey", %%% version = "1.30", %%% date = "29 December 1993", %%% time = "20:12:28 BST", %%% filename = "ot1tt.etx", %%% address = "School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences %%% University of Sussex %%% Brighton BN1 9QH %%% UK", %%% telephone = "+44 273 606755 x 3238", %%% FAX = "+44 273 678188", %%% checksum = "???", %%% email = "alanje@cogs.sussex.ac.uk", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "encoding, Cork, TeX, PostScript", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This is the Cork encoding as a TeX font %%% encoding file, for use with the fontinst %%% font installation package.", %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "fontinst.sty, ltugboat.sty, ot1.etx", %%% } %%%======================================================================== \relax \encoding % We define the parameters for ot1.etx to produce a typewriter font. \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \setcommand\tty{y} \setcommand\currency{dollar} % Then we call ot1.etx. \inputetx{OT1} \endencoding