\name{norm1b} \alias{norm1b} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Function for normalizing the mean and variance (or just the variance) of single replicate log ratios} \description{ This performs a robust loess normalization of the variance of the log ratios in a single replicate experiment by regressing the absolute (mean normalized) log ratios on the log intensities and using the fitted values to scale the (mean normalized) log ratio for each gene.} \usage{ norm1b(logratio, logintensity, span1 = 0.6, span2 = 0.2, mean.norm=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{logratio}{A vector or single-column matrix of log (base 2) ratios of gene expressions in two samples, if mean.norm is FALSE the log ratios should be already mean normalized.} \item{logintensity}{A vector or single-column matrix of log (base 2) total intensities (defined as the product) of gene expressions in the two samples.} \item{span1}{Proportion of data used to fit the loess regression of the log ratios on the log intensities for the mean normalization.} \item{span2}{Proportion of data used to fit the loess regression of the absolute (mean normalized) log ratios on the log intensities for the variance normalization.} \item{mean.norm}{A logical value indicating whether or not a mean normalization should be performed prior to the variance normalization.} } \value{A vector or single-column matrix of mean and variance normalized log (base 2) ratios of gene expressions in two samples. } \references{N. Dean and A. E. Raftery (2005). Normal uniform mixture differential gene expression detection for cDNA microarrays. BMC Bioinformatics. 6, 173-186. \url{http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/173} } \author{N. Dean and A. E. Raftery} \seealso{\code{\link{norm1a}},\code{\link{norm1c}},\code{\link{norm1d}},\code{\link{norm2c}},\code{\link{norm2d}}} \examples{ data(like) lR<-log(like[,1],2)-log(like[,2],2) lI<-log(like[,1],2)+log(like[,2],2) lRnorm<-norm1b(lR,lI,mean.norm=TRUE) } \keyword{loess}