\name{querySAGE} \alias{querySAGE} \alias{getTableNames} \alias{getColumnNames} \title{Functions that provide an interface to allow users to query a SAGE library database table } \description{ These functions provides an interface for inputing query parameters for querying a table in a given database. Interface between R and the underlaying database management system is through Rdbi. } \usage{ querySAGE(args, dbObj = PgSQL()) getTableNames(args, dbObj) getColumnNames(tableName, args, dbObj) } \arguments{ \item{args}{\code{args} a list containing the arguments presented as name and value pairs. Valid element names include "dbname", "user", "password", "host", "hostaddr", and "port" } \item{dbObj}{\code{dbObj} a binding object for a given dbms (e. g. PgSQL() for postgreSQL)} \item{tableName}{\code{tableName} a character string for the name of a database table} } \details{ \code{\link{getTableNames}} and \code{\link{getColumnNames}} get the names of selected database columns. } \value{ \code{\link{getTableNames}} returns a vector of character strings for database table names. \code{\link{getColumnNames}} returns a vector of character strings for column names of a given database table. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{SAGE4Unix}}} \examples{ # No example is provided as support of a database is required } \keyword{interface}