\name{getTargetRow} \alias{getTargetRow} \title{Function that retrieves data from selected SAGE libraries for a given SAGE tag} \description{ Given a SAGE tag, this function queries an existing table in a database and retrieves data across all the selected SAGE libraies for that SAGE tag } \usage{ getTargetRow(dbArgs, conn, libs, tagColName, targetSAGE, what = "counts") } \arguments{ \item{dbArgs}{\code{dbArgs} a list containing arguments needed to make connection to a database and queries against a table. The elements include a DSN under Windows and database name, user name, password, and host under Unix plus the names for three tables that will be used by functions of SAGElyzer} \item{conn}{\code{conn} a connection to a database} \item{libs}{\code{libs} a vector of character strings for column names of database table where SAGE library data are stored} \item{tagColName}{\code{tagColName} a character string for the column name of a database table where SAGE tags are stored} \item{targetSAGE}{\code{targetSAGE} a character string for the SAGE tag whose counts across SAGE libraries will be retrieved} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string that is either "counts", "info", or "map" to indicating the what database table to use} } \details{ This function is called by \code{\link{SAGELyzer}} for the calculation of nearest neighbors for a given SAGE tag. It may not have much other practical use. } \value{ \code{\link{getTargetRow}} returns a vector containing the data retrieved } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ # No example is give as the function needs a database support } \keyword{manip}