\name{getNormFactor} \alias{getNormFactor} \alias{queryInfoDB} \title{Functions that get normalization factors for SAGE libraries} \description{ SAGE libraries vary in the total number of tags so that counts need to be normalized across libraries. These functions get the normalization factors that are stored in a database table. } \usage{ getNormFactor(normalize = c("min", "max", "none"), libs) queryInfoDB(libCol = "libname", infoCol = c("filename", "minfactor", "maxfactor")) } \arguments{ \item{normalize}{\code{normalize} a character string for the means of normalization. Have to be either "min", "max", or "none"} \item{libs}{\code{libs} a vector of character strings for the names of SAGE libraries to be normalized} \item{libCol}{\code{libCol} a character string for the name of the column in a database table where names of SAGE libraries are stored} \item{infoCol}{\code{infoCol} a vector of character strings for the names of database columns where SAGE library information is kept} } \details{ The normalization factor is calculated by dividing the total number of tags for a given library by the maximum or minimum value across the library. \code{\link{getNormFactor}} returns the normalization factors for a given set of SAGE libraries. \code{\link{queryInfoDB}} queries a database table containing information about SAGE libries to get the normalization factor for SAGE libraries. } \value{ Both \code{\link{getNormFactor}} and \code{\link{queryInfoDB}} return a data frame containing normalization factors for a set of SAGE libraries. } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SAGE/} } \author{Jianhua Zhang } \seealso{\code{\link{SAGELyzer}}} \examples{ # No example is given as database support is required } \keyword{misc}