\name{con4Win} \alias{con4Win} \alias{con4Unix} \alias{makeConnection} \alias{executeQuery} \alias{query4Unix} \alias{closeConn} \alias{tableExists} \title{Functions for database connection and manipulation} \description{ These functions make connections to or query against a database. } \usage{ con4Win(args) con4Unix(args) makeConnection(args) executeQuery(sqlStat, conn, noReturn = FALSE) query4Unix(sqlStat, conn, noReturn = FALSE) closeConn(conn) tableExists(conn, tableName) } \arguments{ \item{args}{\code{args} a list of arguments that will be used for database connection and query} \item{sqlStat}{\code{sqlStat} a character string for the SQL statement to be sent to the database server} \item{conn}{\code{conn} a connection object} \item{noReturn}{\code{noReturn} a boolean to indicate whether a query sent to the database server will return any value} \item{tableName}{\code{tableName} a character string for the name of a database table} } \details{ \code{\link{con4Win}} makes a connection to a database for windows. \code{\link{con4Unix}} makes a connection to a database for unix. \code{\link{makeConnection}} direct the effort of making a database connection depending on the platform. \code{\link{executeQuery}} executes a SQL query statement against a database. \code{\link{query4Unix}} executes a SQL query statement against a database under unix. \code{\link{closeConn}} closes a connection to a database. \code{\link{tableExists}} checks to see if a given table exists in the database. } \value{ \code{\link{con4Win}} returns an ODBC connection object. \code{\link{con4Unix}} returns an Rdbi connection object. \code{\link{makeConnection}} returns a connection object. \code{\link{executeQuery}} returns the values for a query. \code{\link{query4Unix}} returns the results of a query for unix. \code{\link{tableExists}} returns TRUE if a given table exists and FALSE otherwise. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{SAGELyzer}}, \code{\link{mergeSAGE}}} \examples{ # No examples are given as database support will be required } \keyword{misc}